feels bad man
Feels bad man
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Women in bikinis on a beach... Degeneracy.
It was after WWII and the U.S. had a very bright future. I think that kind of prosperity is very rare and can't last. It was the result of a long series of events that we just happened to come out on top of. Also, people didn't have problem with beating their wives which I find disturbing. It would be a nightmare to see my mom be hurt, especially if it was my Dad that did it. It also seemed like the soulless commercialism was already there. People hadn't yet succumbed to the darkness though. I wish women still had modesty.
life sucekd bakc then if you homosexual like myself. or black like my boyfriend
people used to lynch blacks just for looking at white women and homosexual and trans people were forcfully locked away in institutions.
fuck those "good times' they fucking sucked
Wrong, retard. Blacks were not commonly lynched in 1950s America (I would be amazed if you could even find 10 cases in the years from 1950 to 1960).
Fuck bros, why did we let more shitskins in and treat them as equals?
>life sucekd bakc then if you homosexual like myself. or black like my boyfriend
>10 cases in the years from 1950 to 1960
google emmit till
supid ass
I'm okay with this. If only it didn't stop you might not be here and the world would be better off.
>or black like my boyfriend
Have fun with AIDS
Fun fact: this photo is from Rio de Janeiro
Now look how the city is currently.
Wow. Only one case. Hardly an epidemic.
That fucking shithole has always been a no-go zone.
They lynched him 10 times?
>supid ass
black IQ
Lmao. Thousands of whites are being lynched.
I wonder what people in their 90s think of the modern world, if they can even pay attention anymore. Imagine living through the Great Depression, WW2, the Cold War and then watching everything you worked for be replaced with drag queen story time. Your great-grandson is now a she.
If I was in my 90s/100s and not afflicted by Alzheimers, I'd be depressed as all fuck with the world around me.
Face it, you done goofed.
I hate all you boomer fat shits who grew up in the 60s and 70s. You sniveling fuckshits and your stupid fucking greaser mobiles. I hate everything about that dumb era. The 1950s-2000 is literally the pinnacle of coopted masonic lifestyles and cultures. You can't have 2019 without 1969.
stable families and keeping the kikery to a minimum. if the price of that is a nigger who probably deserved it getting lynched every decade or so, well, bring it.
you are correct. the murder of emmit till was sickening and as a southern i'm embarassed of my fellow white farmers. White poeple need to realize we are the problem and we have evil running through our blood and are heritage is evil
good to see people fighting hate with facts
Reminder to everyone boomers got to experience this and they threw it away because they fell for degenerate hippy culture and thought The Beetles were cool and wanted sexual revolution and immigration.
Now we get to live in dystopia while they complain that we are selfish losers that don’t have any children and do not know hard work like the strong Mexican people that work the farm. They even outright say that the shitskins deserve to takeover because how pathetic we are. God I hate boomers
>ID: 7d5cDuMy
You know people can see when you're responding to yourself, right?
He's too stupid. Probably a Boomer as well.
But hard work is what makes a man.
Yeah, that sounds about right to me. I mean I'm not gonna get mad at someone for struggling with homosexual attractions. It's just part of the sinful nature we all deal with. However, if the homo insists that homosexuality is part of his identity as a human being, then he or she has to be dealt with. And interracial marriage is gross. Just plain disgusting.
>good to see people fighting facts with hate
There. Fixed it for you.
>the 50s
An awful materialistic decade that is responsible for all of our problems today. This was the rise of the suburb and when zoning laws began to care more about cars than humans, and it's why America today is amongst the least livable countries in the world infrastructure-wise, with the most antisocial alienated population.
You do the diversion tactic like a JIDF kike.
Boomers didn't own the federal reserve, kikes did and do to this day.
hahahaha faggot
he's new with the JIDF.
He still doesn't know about IDs.
The kikeass did this in another thread, and tried to lie his way out of it.
Less than 5,000 people total were lynched in 80 years, over 1,000 of them were white. Blacks kill more blacks today in one year in this country than the number of people were lynched over almost a century.
>According to the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 people were lynched between 1882 and 1968 in the United States, including 3,446 African Americans and 1,297 whites. More than 73 percent of lynchings in the post-Civil War period occurred in the Southern states.[9] According to the Equal Justice Initiative, 4,084 African-Americans were lynched between 1877 and 1950 in the South.[10]
You still haven't proven me wrong, Dummy.
It was ok all the way to the 90s.
Then 2000s.
2008/2010 was the degenerate turning point
you do know the police lie about statistics right?
watch the wire
You mean how the police write up hispanic perps as white? I know that
I also know that it's actually worse than it looks here: almost 30% of murders go unsolved and it can be surmised that this obfuscates the black on black crime phenomenon even further; the media has sensationalized the sparse anecdotes in which police abuse their station (often in an admittedly sensational way) to the point that most blacks in black-majority communities won't confide in their local PD no matter what and this lets murderers roam free.
São Paulo in the 50's.
imagine the smell jesus christ
Be of good cheer, soon cometh the cleansing by fire.
>watch the wire
>Getting information from TV series.
Come on you can't possibly be that brain dead.
I rented a room from an old man who served in ww2, he was stationed in China and later india
He died about a year ago at 93, he lived through the 50s and none of the shit going on today phased him in the slightest, he was as bluepilled as they come, I tried multiple times to redpoll him but he just didn’t seem to care
People just follow whatever is popular in society
Everyone should watch the wire. it's a good tv show. most people arn't goingto take your suggestion they are morans
The bank Merrill-Lynch was literally founded on the concept.
>washing cloths in a mudhole with 20 neighbors
no thanks
Responding to yourself again?
I don't think you're an idiot at this point, I think you should genuinely seek help.
>life sucekd bakc then if you homosexual like myself. or black like my boyfriend
2019 Conservatives agree with you kek
Indeed life sucked because it didn't happen
are you of a protestant denomination?
>my fellow whites
Maybe it's Jeff Schoep trying to impress his new pals at the SPLC
>He thinks stills of high class spots scattered across 3000 miles represents his country's identity.
Cities are shit no matter who inhabits them and people who live in them are shit whether they be whyte or black. It I had the chance I'd level every fucking major city on Earth.
No one has ever really cared much about homosexuality.
The reason why homosexuals are treated this way is because like all sexual degenerates you can't just keep it to yourself. You have to spread your sick degeneracy to everyone else around you. You just can't help it. You want everyone else to think that your behavior is not just normal but somehow better.
Degeneracy has always existed and it has always been tolerated but it must always be kept in check or else you get what it is happening today in the West.
What responsible person would want to rate their child in such a place?
Maybe if you're Irish
>cars on the beach
yeah no i'm good
why are you so obessed with skin color? do you a small dick or something
incel virgin
Rio is nice. What are you talking about?
>If only you knew how bad things really are
You need to repent of your homosexuality and fear God.
Im 92 and yes, you are correct. My great grandkids showed me this place btw
This. 100% this.
i don't beleive in sky fairies
>the murder of emmit till was sickening and as a southern i'm embarassed of my fellow white farmers. White poeple need to realize we are the problem and we have evil running through our blood and are heritage is evil
based silent generation grandpa
What fucking retard parks that close to thr goddamn ocean
Gay genes don't exist. I'm sorry you couldn't get over your pornography fetish or if you got touched by a male child predator when you were young. Obviously the dopamine from dangerous sodomy has rewired your brain into being unable to think properly.
This country is more doomed than you know. This shit is unreal. Buy guns and make sure you have at least 3 months worth of food in the house.
you are a sick person
It was also the beginning of the (((suburbs))). Literally invented by a kike
But sending faggots and niggers to hell was the best part of the good times
If there is no gay gene. It has to be the environment. Only places pushing this are pornographic or predatory. You can call me sick all you want, but in the end at least I stand a chance of reproducing and having statically the healthiest and best performing kids.
100% true user. And (((leftwing ideology ))) is clearly the cause
Your mom shouldn't have anything to worry about so long as she isn't a lazy slut.
Because you're a degenerate leftist
Put me in the screencap of Mosche's first day on the job.
Nice numbers
why do you care wat i do with my boyfriend? we love each other
i showed you post to my dad and he laughed. he hinks you are stupid
>why do you care wat i do with my boyfriend?
Because homexuals are unironically a public health edemic for disease.
in my experience, this guy is right. 9 times out of 10 its abuse related.
Could you please post a photo of your hand including a time stamp?
i'm homosexual and i don't have any diseases.
likei said my daddy is a docotr and he laughed at your stupid racist babble
why don't you psot a picture of you face and your name and wear you work. so i can get you fired. then you wont be a tuff guy no more
i'm a docotr and i htink you are stupid and wrong
You don’t do it in front of the kids until they are older. But, if your doing it correctly the problem should be solved by the.
Of course not. You also do not believe in proper spelling (it's "believe" not "beleive"). You only believe in evidence-based things. Which is why you believe in a lynching epidemic in the 1950s (without any proof for this). Sarcasm off.
I don't care about you, you're just some shitposter. Fags are bringers of disease and all statics support that claim. Especially faggot niggers.
>why don't you psot a picture of you face and your name and wear you work. so i can get you fired. then you wont be a tuff guy no more
I picture a literal monkey hunting and pecking to create this post. Get your shit together, user.
maybe if america had free healthcare we would have less diseases
but you are a republican and want to let peopel die.
but heay keep voting republican asshole''
btw im a southern white man an im voting democrat. we need to break gthe racist sterotype
In 50 years this conversation wont matter as I wed off my sons and daughters and you rot in the ground due to having a compromised immune system. You're a walking genetic dead end. Then again, your outgroup preference and insecurity means you'd have made a terrible father anyways. I'm actually glad you removed yourself from spreading your defects, but I also feel bad that you are living this fucked up existence that means nothing beyond hedonism as you obviously have this antiwestern antiracist mindset, so its not like you can even contribute to society as you despise society and want it gone and replaced with something else.
Nah, at this point I'm going to disengage with you because you're dumb and weird. Get a hobby user, have sex.