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>Mar 7, 2012

Hi Californian. Hope you, all of your family, and everyone in your state dies immediately.

Price jumped anywhere from 10-18 cents overnight in the Lancaster / Philadelphia area(s) last evening.

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YFW you own a plugin hybrid.

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I'm paying 2.08 in SC right now...feels gud mane

$1.96 a gallon here in Texas

Cheap as fuck

$2.34 here in MO.

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I own two Teslas.

You know those things are coal-fired, right?


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>concern trolling
How many gallons is your tank that the overall price increase affects you by any significant amount?

You know they have nuke plants, right?

buy of the century right here, it's going $100 by the end of the week

Define significant, Moshe.

300 gallons

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>per day

>gas prices lowered all across the country
>California decides to keep the prices by raising the gas tax
>nobody in california even notices.

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>how does a price increase effect you?
Are you retarded?

It is, basically, pic attached. Sometimes with longer cables. Plugin makes logical sense, teslas don't unless you only use it for commute.

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>raise gas tax
>spend the revenue on buying real estate for Jews

Who /texas/ here?

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fuck farmers though

2.30 in jew jersey, just filled up before work today.

Very nice. When we save your region from spics, it would be very kino to fill up my tank with your prices.

yo, although I'm a spi fag.

$2.09 north of Dallas

What the fuck are you going on about? Complaining about the brand now? Plugin makes sense, tesla doesn't... nigger you plug teslas in and they aren't all on portable generators.

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Uh oh fatty is going to have to learn to bike, walk or take the transit now. ;^)

You know that there are no new nuclear reactors because of the government right?

God bless Texas.

Lubbock area here.

You know that I don't give a fuck about what new is being made because we still have old that works?

You know that new nuclear reactors would be way better right? Too bad that the government is in the way

Dallas/Addison here.
Paid $2.07/gal yesterday at Costco in Plano.
Use to live in CA and gas prices were wack even before I graduated from high school in 2010.

You TTU senpai?

Start removing jews if you want the problem resolved.

and while we're in imagination land, lets repeal the 14th and 19th amendments

worse than houston

Cost me 28 dollars to fill my tank in white occupied territory

No. I live pretty far from Lubbock. It's just the closest thing than anyone would know

>bitch about fuel prices
>get subsidized diesel from the government.

>t. Juan Garcia from El Paso

We can take it back to the tenth once you get rid of the jews.

Where can I apply for that?

Bay Area and LA goblins have to suffer. Not me.

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Got it

>nobody in california even notices.
The ten white guys left do.

Neck yourself.

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Yep, I paid 2.08 today in Norrh Texas

>Use to live in CA
>Moved to Tejas
You must be Mexican.

>mfw just filled up my tank this morning before people panicked about oil

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San Antonio here, The spics have breeched the gates! Cant hold out much longer....send Davey Crockett!

They did this to fuck trump.

That's expensive bro. I live in Austin and it's 2.35.

trump hates farmers

IIs that $2 a gallon? Fuck. It is £1.30 a litre here, that's like $7.50ish a gallon

Stop being poor.

Yup that's by the gallon. Though its American gallons not imperial

Two word:


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(you) (you) (you)

just had to.

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Shit like that crashed the econ last time.

Based Houthis!
Death to Saudi Arabia!


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Post the at-the-pump prices and there will be an end to the horror

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How the fuck is diesel more expensive than regular?