Is this a sick perverted joke?
Is this a sick perverted joke?
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what am i looking at here
That's a big Burger King for me.
What did OP find in this image to cause his butt-hurt? Sure, it's big and Burger King kinda sucks, but as long as they can justify the rent, who cares?
It's the generator building for the Nuremberg rallies stadium
No, a sick perverted joke is like this:
How many perverts does it take to screw in a light bulb ?
But it take the entire emergency department to get it out.
>be a major european city
>host rallies and trials of a political movement that becomes universally villified after they lose a war
>host the victor's shitty manufactured ""food"" ""establishments"" and thus tumors of their ""culture"" nigh 80 years later
Its not just a joke, its the satire known as life
fucking lol
>Shitty fascist kitsch converted into shitty American kitsch
lol nice.
I want to start an American-style restaurant chain in the Nordic: like a classy version of Applebee's, just because I want to watch Finns eat burgers with a fork and knife and Norwegians come in for our Taco Friday specials.
the real joke would be if it had wooden doors
America won
Nurenburger King
Looks like a nice burger joint to me dog.
Sounds comfy. I'd be there every Friday.
Cultural victory
Nurinburger King
Killed me
>What did OP find in this image to cause his butt-hurt? Sure, it's big and Burger King kinda sucks, but as long as they can justify the rent, who cares?
Ahh, you don't know what the building looked like before.
why would a restraunt devoted to the wholesale slaughter of cows need a childrens play area?
Welcome to America
>The reichsadler's outline has remained
So Burgerking could have choosen to cover it up, paint over it, ect. but left it up?
Based move BK.
While we would also carry Norwegian domestics, I'd have a large variety of Exotic American microbrews where you could get a flight of 7 of different choices to try (I hate IPAs, so there would be only a few on the menu) for only 5 Krone when you order the Taco Party build your own platter for the table.
Based. I can imagine Hitler's autistic freak out if he could see that
Which one do you think
>has the most interesting personality
>looks better naked
Nürnburger König
Now with swastika patties
It suprises me that they removed the eagle
most just had their swastika removed
Way ahead of you
Try their oven cooked tendies. You get 6 million for 10 Euro.
Because in AmeriKa young Suburban mother's who can afford to stay home with the kids take their children to Fast Food restaurants during weekday Lunch Time between 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. This is also the precise reason why so many American kids are overweight or obese. .
"major" City.
I laughed
>has the most interesting personality
the shorter one. short Latinas are always more feisty and crazy.
>looks better naked
the taller one. her ass probably looks better on a taller frame.
They need to know burgers are their kings, I guess
he would just get the gestapo to freak out for him and you would have your nose face down in the pavement.
all they need to do now is flood them with spics -- not turks, not Syrians, not Afghans -- but spics.
that is how you Americanize them FULLY
the holohoax is a sick joke that never happened. millions of Germans died for nothing. i find the continued existence of jews to be a sick perverted joke
No, but this is. Burger King marketing the Kalergi plan
>most interesting personality
The guy looking at the camera directly between the two girls where we can just see his head. Reason being because his personality seems observant and focused, a man on a mission to this nightclub perhaps. I get Vincent from collateral vibes from him. He is wondering if the person taking the picture and the two thots are possibly feds or cartel recon. I would love to talk to that guy about his life and conversate with him.
>who looks better naked
Probably the guy in the suit
(you) I'm still laughing.
Only cost them half their country for 50 years and 500,000 Dresdenites.
Good deal.
based and redpilled
Oh and don't forget the American Football field.
Burger King has a UK origin. Hence the "King"
Everyone lost. Even the jews. Just watch. It'll be hilarious, in a sad way. Then there will be a purge.
That poor guy.
>just finished work
>is on a short leash with controlling wife, has about 10 mins of excusable alibi
>knows he's going home to kale and kinoa
>fucking hounds 2-3 meals during his available timeframe
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, MUTTED. Get fucked Krautcucks, you'll always be a subservient race to your Anglo masters, ALWAYS!
do they flame broil burgers in there now?
audible kek
first leaf post ive seen in probably 2 years that wasnt total degnerate trash
+1 upvoted
Actually he just got out of prison and hadn't had a burger or fast food in several years. He was indulging.
nice one, boomer.
I'm sad it's not American Embassy (McDonald's)
There was an American in Austria who got mugged and lost her passport and went to a McDonald's and they did help her get to the embassy.
Burger King is far superior to McDonald's.
If I force-fed you an Impossible Whopper, would you die?
>cringe memes from 2004
Fucking delete your hard drive. NOW.
really don't know why you blame America, you allowed this shit to happen
THATS NOT A BURGER KING! Guys, I'm a jew, my grandpa told me about these back in the 1930s.....they lured my people in there with ads for "free burgers" and then once inside they were flamebroiled. All 6 billion of them :(
Wrong you fake american
An old shitty building of which a part is used for a burger king instead of demolishing it? Sssssick!
Going with the red top
damn he should take his time
He seems to just be standing in that direction.
A Whopper is superior to any McDonald's burger, but their chicken is shit
you sure? he's white......thats the only explanation that wouldnt make this sad :(
It would be extremely disgusting.
the quality control at burger king is so shitty.....
Over 6 million served
>better naked
if not for tattoos the one on the right
that cigarette butt in the gutter next to the one one the right
It would have been better if it had actually been a rallys
I was about to say, I eat the fuck out of some Checker's.
The Whopper has a sauce that is supposed to give it a grilled flavour. No sorry... Burger King bread is always dry and I don't care about those huge pieces of tomato.
Shouldn't be eating at either of these places desu.
>The Whopper has a sauce that is supposed to give it a grilled flavour
The whopper doesn't have a sauce. That's the Big Mac. Trust me. I'm American. I know these things.
I'd nosh some Naughty BRGR right about now, but there isn't one nearby.
He's thinking of Liquid Smoke, I believe. The Whopper does have some of that in the meat.
You're saying there's no sauce on a Whopper? Anyway, the problem is the bread and the big pieces of tomato.
There's mayonnaise on a whopper. The Big Mac has a "special sauce," which is basically thousand island dressing.
What's wrong with this?
there's also ketchup
Finally someone on Jow Forums that i agree with.
And apparently the liquid smoke. Together it forms the sauce I described.
Disgusting Sergey Nazarov should learn how to eat.
The Liquid Smoke is added to the meat when it's shaped into a patty with other seasonings/filler. It's not a sauce.
>flame broil
No. They're oven roasted in that particular one.
It comes out with all the other 'juices' of that fine prime meat patty and mixes with the mayonnaise and ketchup.
The Burger King logo is a planet Saturn symbol. Look closely.