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>$1,500 drone attack cripples a multibillion dollar facility defended by the latest missile defense networks available
Still think we can't beat the government because they have tanks?

Attached: guns-tanks-drones.png (872x886, 190K)

Did the drones have bombs? Or did they just fly into some area like the exhaust port on the Death Star?

Fixed wing with a few pounds of explosive, and a camera stream for target acquisition....


lol thats hopefull. All of that is custom design. I mean its possible they have some back ups or can use some stop gap method but itll take over a year or more for it to back to 100%

if it was the houthis then why are the impact point pointing towards iraq?

the tanks are driven by us or our friends and family. was always a shitty meme

Amazing how billions of dollars in antiaircraft systems didn't stop those isareli drones from false flagging MBS.

What kinda drones can carry the sort of ordnance required to do this? Why didnt saudi radar pick them up? Thus far saudi antimissile defenses have been at least decent but this time they dont even launch anything?

Saudis are shit at everything and probably didn't defend this properly

The strikes look too small for cruise missiles

Iran are either:

1.really smart
2. don't give a shit
3. or don't realise how bad it's going to get

Either way, they've totally gone off script. No other nation has had the balls to 'bring it' in the offensive.
I respect that a lot, regardless of whether their an 'enemy' to Western allies.

They've got balls.

>Why didnt saudi radar pick them up?
DJI drones have the radar signature of birds

I mean, the facility was already filled with fuel, you just need to ignite it.

It wasn't an iran job they just took the heat for it. USA is being weaned off foreign oil.

Because it wasn't the Houthis. It was probably the Iranians shooting from the Shia area of southern Iraq or the very southwestern corner of Iran.

Houthis took responsibility (according to MSM propaganda)

fuck the Saudis

Saudis getting their just dues.

Attached: end-fear-on-91111-wwwendfearorg-30-728.jpg (728x546, 157K)

Shits volatile. I live in LA and there is a huge Iranian Community. Possible Hezbollah cells and everything. They have a ton of influence out here.

Shits scary man.

ISIS drone bomb makers now working for the highest bidder?

Attached: drone_bombs.jpg (1367x796, 179K)

I look forward to the inevitable normies REEEEEEING at the gas price hikes.

The kikes are making us think its Iran. Either way we are going to war.

This is going to be fucking huge, we were supposed to go down again. But now we are going to go fucking up more. 3 dollar hikes will go too 4 dollars.

This is what I don't get , where was the formal investigation into everything surrounding 9/11, why is America allies with Saudi Arabia still, why the 800 bases , why the sjw experiment military , why are we allies with Israel , with all their leaders have said of america and all the shit they have done , all the local conflicts they have incited , only to bitch and whine to america, why arwnt there mass deportations of all illegals , why haven't crony capitalists been locked up yet , no Hillary investigation, no ghislane maxwell/Epstein investigation , no obama's /biden's/Clinton's/bush's investigations , no pishing for nuclear energy or other viable alternatives , no consequences for lying MSM , no term limits , the list is fucking endless

Basically, the US are blaming Iran because they don't want the jihadis that $500 gets you a 2-3 meter fixed wing drone with a large payload capacity.

Kinda forgot that a 50c box cutter cost the US economy 8 trillion and still counting???

This surprises no one
Fuck your panic threads, Im smoking a bowl and spamming shills

Fuck yaudi arabia

They want to destroy this country and enslave is all.

Attached: Jews.png (540x300, 260K)

one word answer to your every question, 4 letters, plural

Low profile, high IQ post

This has always been a retarded argument. As if now is the first time in all of human history that rich people have had access to superior weapons than normies. Peasants of the late middle ages didn't have full plate armor and war horses and halberds...

How are we fucked? The US is energy self sufficient

but the firearm changes a lot of the dynamics. Weapons back then either required a lot of training to be good at or cost a lot.
Now, a peasant with some range time and a $400 rifle can effectively squatter a squad of cops.

Trump will most likely assist , america should leave israel , Saudis, and Iran to their own shit and pull out completely from the middle east , let the place burn for all I care, hopefully something good will come out of the ashes.


High gas prices and a tanking economy.

Thanks, Obama!

Look at all the room temp tards falling for globalist lies.

Same as it ever was, nothing changes.

Hahaha. Nope.

implying I am jewish.

Oh if only we had foreseen a shortage in the international market and reserved immense quantities of oil for our personal use-- oh wait we did lol.

nothing burger part 180841415143123

It was not Iran

Actually that was his point. Even though knights had all those things, better armor, better battlefield mobility, better weapons, enough peasants could always kill a small number of warriors.

Modern day it is just far too easy for the dumb underequipped peasant.

i wonder if this will spark more curiosity in people, regarding how vulnerable our own infrastructure is. i doubt most people know theres at least one gas/diesel/jet fuel pipeline in all major cities. most arent buried more than three feet, and are between 0.5-2 feet in diameter. just look up the pipeline mapper (us govt) and find out where yours are. then imagine if terrorists wanted to cut off gas supply in your city, because gas truckers really cannot supply an entire city without dedicating 100% of the roads to them.

Why wasn't it guarded? Like just put up a net.

T. Jew

msm and deep state now love President Trump and are laying off of him because they believe he is taking us to war,
let's see how this all actually plays out...

based Houthis

Lol no half of the us military is nonwhite

i hope they Strike again.
if they cripple SA completely, the US will have no other choice than buy oil from Iran topkek.

Or we'll just stop selling our own oil and use it for ourselves since we're a net exporter.

Impossible, the missiles hit from NNW, somewhere from Iraq or Iran.

Whats really gonna flip peoples minds, is if a real true cut throat tier civil war hits in any western nation. You can expect chemical weapons, automated turrets, self driving vbied's(an semi truck tier shit too), smart mines, dozens of different drone types and even invisible high energy lazers capable of being held like an shotgun that can blind dozens of soldiers in one half second sweep even if they are not looking at it directly. This is all shit that can into inside an garage right now.

With that, it leaves them heavy armored vehicles and super high flying drones as their only government forces that are reliable. That wont last long will it. Its absolutely nuts the yids are pushing every western nation in the world into open civil war. If they think some bubba ar's are all they have to worry about, holy hell in a handbasket. Everyone better have several hundred punds of food stored per year on that conflict, and expect a decade of that shit before it settles.

Based, the world will be a better place once the victorious Houthi army marches into Riyadh. I don't even like them much but fuck Saudi Arabia.

Its all money. Presidents and congressmen dont make millions from book deals, yet they're all millionaires.
Pay for play

>kill thousands, waste even more lives, and money fighting for oil.
>oh no they now need a year or two to repair and oil refinery

Totally EQUAL

Regular 2.19 in Florida today. The horror.

Already at a 12% increase

Attached: crude.jpg (3240x1453, 338K)

Could be anyone then. If the Israelis can operate in Iraq with impunity then anyone can.

the whole world need oil.
Iran could pull up a nice 4D chess on you mutts.
they're not as unprepared as Iraq.

Then buy Iranian oil. I personally don't give two shits. We, however, don't need it.

>They've got balls.
for a few more days at least...

Attached: Tsar_Bumpa.jpg (736x551, 61K)

fuck off kike.
are you off marrying a shiksha?

Pretty based if true,

Fuck Saudi Arabia

Checked for final truth

It takes almost nothing to fuck up an oil refinery. It is already full of explosive and highly flammable substances. All you need to do is poke a few holes and provide a spark of some kind.

>Like just put up a net.

kek say goodbye to your empire and sole superpower status in that case

>Impossible, the missiles hit from NNW, somewhere from Iraq or Iran.
plot twist: it came from israel

How the fuck did they calculate the duration and costs of the fix?

you seems to have no clue what are the implications of this lmao.
why did the price rise up to 20% then?

oy vey here comes the 5 dollar gas prices

Sweet, maybe the jews will go bother someone else

>tis but a scratch
1 day
>thing's totally fucked
1 month

Good thing I don't drive

oh boy that california gas tax sure looks good now

you fucking retards,
the united states has been a net exporter of oil since 1970s

They're fucked, for what a month of high oil prices? Dumb dumb dumb iran

it's weird to me that SA wouldn't have quality ECM setup around national assets like those refineries etc...especially since they've been targeted a lot the last few months/year.
And if it's such a devastating attack, how can they meet their commitment to be back near normal output within a week or two.
I'm all for the Saudis and GCC to BTFO the Iranian theocratic regime and their proxies like Hezbollah and Houthis, but there is a lot to question here. Just 1 man's opinion .

I understand just fine. Also, it's currently at +11%. It's gone down since I posted this graph

bada bing, bada boom

Attached: sat2ar.jpg (834x628, 104K)

Oh well...guess we have no choice but to lift those sanctions on Iran now or risk global economic turmoil...

>$5 gas
I drive a honda that has been paid off for over a decade and gets 40 mpg. Come at me bro.

yeah they talk like the military isn't made up of it's on citizens

That's why low range AA systems like Panzir exist . Actually Patriot complex have to have something like that.

US facilities are probably as vulnerable as Saudis, lets be honest nobody expects a drone attack

So you will shoot missiles every time a bird flues over?!

good luck shooting down the trillions of birds in the sky

Thanks for the free money, whoever blew up that saudi shit.

Which thing? There were no official reports yet. All the damage may be only on the pipelines and external columns.

If only we had invested in solar panels, electric cars, and nuclear energy! How did we not see this coming???

Iran has no reason to do this

Well they figure it's more than likely safe, they wouldn't want to spend all that extra money on security if they didn't need to, they were right for a while...

I remember reading about how many refineries are in range of a rifle from highways. Some terrorists speeding by shooting tracer rounds could cause absolute mayhem. Most infrastructure is shockingly vulnerable.

They are making it as Biblical as possible.

>I'm all for the Saudis and GCC to BTFO the Iranian theocratic regime and their proxies like Hezbollah and Houthis


Its Israel

All those require oil to function and be manufactured.

I am smelling kike came out of this post.

I think you mean