This is inevitable

This is inevitable.

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More El Paso’s then. Good choice.

I think Texas is already a state, user.

google is moving 10,000 liberals over to austin in the next year

Communists should be openly killed.

Yep. And once it happens, it will be nothing but Democrats in the White House until the country burns down. Demographics have won. It's too late.

RIP Texas
Who wants to bleach Alaska with me?

>sign it back over to mexico and offset the loss of electoral votes by aborting CA from the states

Only faggots that have never stepped foot here say that. These are the same faggots that thought abortion barbie, and beta o'dork, could win.

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Beto was close. That wouldn’t have happened a few decades ago

Yep, same all across the south. If Trump gets re-elected, he will probably be the last republican president.
Get ready for European style high tax living. Americans have no idea how good they have it. In the UK, the lowest tax band equates to 25% on all income. There is a 20% sales tax on all "non-luxury" items. Petrol costs 3-4 times more than in the US, cigarettes cost 5-6 times as much.
Democrats with total control on government will turn the US into a high tax country gradually.

>inb4 Texans denying the state has gone from 70% white to 35% white and that with every white boomer that dies the state gets 1 vote closer to eternal cuckitude

All the republicans have to do is drop the anti gay/ anti Mexican rhetoric and they’re back on top. Play up the Christian party stuff instead
Watch rgis, it's only ten minutes. Texas is gone.

GOP is dog shit

Muh BASED Tejanos vote Republican at almost 23% user, red wave anytime soon because boomer talk radio told me they HATE illegals too!

>he thinks mexicans arent conservative

Republicans just have to become Democrats to not lose to Democrats.

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Technically not wrong. Eventually the divide will be neolibs and socialists.

>>all we have to do is accept becoming an another brown shithole

Would you rather have just Mexicans, or Mexicans and blacks.

about 70% vote for democrats


>Texas turns blue because of Hispanic migration.
>In order to win, Texan republicans appeal to religious extremism instead of hating them.
Spic sharia soon boys.

>(((pew research))) isnt a psyop

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Democracy has failed the white race.

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Not in 2020. Texas will remain red next year, but after that, in 2024? Yeah, the demographics are insurmountable.

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Not entirely all the successful hard working beaners I know vote republican. This is a meme

You faggots have been saying that since 2014. Community Organization doesn't work in Texas.

Valdez got 43% of the vote, dipshit. VALDEZ. The lesbian cop goblin who's own department wouldn't endorse her. The literal worst candidate the democrats could invent still got over 40% against a popular incumbent. How are you so fucking blind to what's about to happen?

Attached: 201610_theinterview_lupevaldez[1].jpg (2048x2048, 421K)

Sorry, i forgot 90% of Jow Forums people are mentally ill.
Enjoy being a retard.

>mutt mutting it up with eskimos

Conservative with regards to religion and family. Liberal for gibs and reconquest

>all the successful hard working beaners I know
Which are about 1 out of 4 of them. What next, do you know a BASED BLACK MAN too?

Exactly, that's why I'm an Independent (who always only votes Republican)

Thats a very small part of a very large state. Dallas doesn't represent Texas.

Texas goes so does the country

The average Texan is far too stubborn to admit failure

>Thats a very small part of a very large state
>43% of Texas is "very small"
You need to take your brain pills, retard-user. Better yet, what's a "large" amount of Texas? The barely 55% Abbot got?

Texans are legit the biggest copers I've ever seen on this issue. I hope they kill themselves when it happens.

Might as well. Dallas, Fort Worthless, Houston, and Austin hold the population. The rest is just nothing but spread out mexican laborers and boomers on too much property.

You 'ave a loicence for that post. Worry more about blunting that knife m8.

So is this

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It will take a lot longer than a few years, I can guarantee that.

Texans like me knew this shit was coming for decades, but yes, you're average Texicuck has no fucking clue the state is about to become Ultra-California.

Your average texicuck probably came from California in 1995.

Perry literally invited millions of Californians to move here because Texas GOP is all about money for the Jewish donor class.

Brazil 2.0 is inevitable user, prepare accordingly.

But ONLY Beto was close
Valdez, who ran against Abbott and was law enforcement and Latina got btfo by nearly Wendy Davis levels
Pretending that the reason some Texans wouldnt vote for cruz, who's fucked up a lot, over some rando is because they're going blue is silly


>Texas GOP is all about money for the Jewish donor class.
It's disgusting. But at this point, those Californians are probably more conservative than the Texicuck "muh tejanos" natives.

How witty and original you are. Did you come up with that all on your own? You really are very, very clever aren't you? Your parents must be so proud.

12% is a fucking landslide

it's about time.
we need common sense gun control and free healthcare now.


>got btfo
>ugly lesbian cop goblin
>got over 40%
>got btfo

soon you will be replaced, user.
your defeat is inevitable.

Yeah, California still gets like 30-40% republican. Spics are unironically getting redder.

>i'm going to personally pay for everyone's healthcare through taxes
you know it's going to happen, user.
everyone chips in what they can afford and everyone gets their health needs fulfilled.
it's so easy that even a republican can figure it out.

Take your meds.

Look, if you don't follow Texas politics, you're confusion makes sense
But 12% is a heavy loss. Only a few elections in my lifetime have been worse, with Wendy Davis being one.

Stupid auto correct


the cheap labor was worth it

Biden is seriously beating Trump in Texas, unbelievable. I hope it's fat fucking wake-up call to delusional boomers.

i, for one, welcome our neighbors from the south.
they have great food!

Why does Jow Forums turn into r/thedonald everytime pic related is brought up?

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It might happen but taxes will have to increased massively. Americans have no idea how good they have it. Everything here in Europe is heavily taxed.

>12% is a fucking landslide
No, brainlet, when Bush ran for re-election in Texas (like Abbot) in 1998, he got 50% of the histpanic vote, a historic high. He won with 68.2% of the electorate. That was a "landslide." Abbot ran with roughly the same popularity among republican voters and barely broke 55%.

I've been following Texas politics since before you were born, back when the state was still run by democrats like Ma Richards.

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>This is inevitable

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Yeah I sure am glad some fatass boomers got some gigantic pickups and mcmansions, I can't wait to live in Brazil :)

People fucking love Trump here
Houston loved his handling of the hurricane
And his gun rights stance
The polls keep using Beto as a voter turnout model, so they keep oversampling Dems.

Thats just Texans ignoring reality. The spic problem has long been known.


>voter ID gets implemented
Not so fast, wetback.

T. a texan.

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Not along those borders. Also Aztlan will be independent with close ties to spicland.

So is this

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user, that just means that we're not taxing enough.
clearly you aren't starving to death, and you can afford a computer too.

>the wetbacks large migration happened in the 80's and it's actually their now-fully-grown US citizen goblin spawn that are turning the state blue
Plenty of fast, coper.

Definitely not before I was born then.
And you shifted to talking about a different demo, and projections, as defense for why 12% isn't a landslide?
Stop pulling this bullshit. If you're going to claim I'm wrong, you have to show multiple governor races in recent times getting well over 12%

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this is some extreme cope, Texas is fucked retard, perma blue state like CA past 2024, anyone with an IQ over the double digits can see that. Whites are a fucking minority in Texas

pretty much this.
It will be the finall Red Pill, after that every white will listen to the birth rates

Plus, like half of those spics are not citizens. 74% of the people who voted are white in 2016. We need to get rid of all illegals. Get rid of all legal residents on welfare(mostly brown). Get the raise act passed to. This would get rid of about 16 million of them. Placate the minorities with a good economy.

>come to pol
>thinks people here like spics.
you have to go back

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Texas was never super white though
We used to be called Tejas for a reason

>take away the goyim's means to resist
>anything that kills texans is a good thing
this is one hell of a dilemma

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I was in San Antonio the day of the El Paso shooting. I understand the problem. TX is well over 60% goblino.

sarah palin is getting divorced

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Can't wait for the day America get's a spic president that doesn't even speak English.
Y'all need to accelerate into a civil war or your ancestry will overwritten by tacos.

even 60% seems rather low for sangan tonio

Mexicans are too lazy to run for president.

Just wait, 4-8 more years of spics and you're done for, which makes everything over.

Get in here, fellas: It's happening

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>It's fine that Texas is 35% white and will be eternally democratic, it only used to be 70% white and solidly republican!

I posted this earlier and here you are!

>12% isn't a landslide?
Abbott got 55%. A popular incumbent that was widely supported by his party got 55%. Go ahead, dance in the street that this is some huge victory, while I can show "recent times" Bush winning re-election with 68%, a 37% "landslide." Perry's re-election numbers aren't as useful because for his second term he was running against multiple candidates. For his third term, he ran against Bill White and got the same results as Abbott/Valdez. This should be worrying, if you had some intelligence. Bill White was the successful Mayor of Houston, Valdez is a filthy goblonoid. For Abbott to get the same numbers as Perry did in his 3rd race is a major step down.

america will be ripe for gentrification

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Julian Castro is running this year though. Not going to win the primary but to say they are too lazy is silly. This is just whites putting their head in the sand once again.