Why are young people killing themselves?

Don't do it brother, we need you here. Maybe to just keep shills at bay, or maybe to help shovel dead jews into mass graves. There are many things that can change in the world and we are overdue for something big. The current zeitgeist is not sustainable. It's collapse is inevitable and we need every last man possible to ensure that the society that rises from the ashes is in our favor.

Attached: WeAreCountingOnYou.png (903x471, 62K)


no waifu

Attached: 19702219_1405136946240170_8140123886887555556_n.jpg (1200x850, 406K)

True. But by happenstance, it's also the "cross of nero" used by Satanists to mock Christianity.

Attached: crossofnero.jpg (600x629, 164K)