

Attached: F162FB86-6318-409E-97D6-15BB1C2995B2.jpg (1242x428, 129K)

go back there

and stay there forever

But all is well :-)
A racism has been avoided!

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Where's part 3 where he murders everyone and steals loots the house?

He's probably just gonna knock her up and leave


The medium isn’t relevant you extremely online retards. You’re just as conformist and NPC and predictable as redditors, just on the Jow Forums side. Know that. Know that you’re soulless and as basic as it gets.

I think her parents approve since she didn't say anything about them. Sad parenting going on today.

This, but unironically, also this: but he might give her a black eye as well before he is done

Oh for sure, they’re boomers. They probably encouraged it and reference it to prove that they’re Not Racist.

grand parent

"Look at this random thread on Reddit" is off-topic. If you want to see what's on Reddit, go there.

>"Look at this random thread on Reddit" is off-topic.
.............. Yeah maybe if it were about cats, dumbass. It’s neither random nor offtopic just by virtue of being on reddit. Total brick of a brain.

dude fuck off it's fun to laugh at leftist echo chambers again fuck off

pic related LMFAO

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>black ww2 enthusiast

yeah fuckin right

>"my wifes ex husband"
who knew such an innocuous sentence could set me off so much.

Attached: my wifes ex husband.png (1034x134, 15K)

Saying “perhaps” instead of just “maybe” in casual context is what sets me off.

>I'm from Reddit
>no I won't go back
>you're the npc
yeah we're all npcs ivet here you should really go back to big brained reddit thanks.

Right? Because the "perhaps" is used sarcastically in a naval gazing manner that suggests he has animosity towards his wife's ex husband

he sounds like he's l i t e r a l l y jealous of his wife's ex husband

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well, she probably doubled her n count in between the two husbands.

there was probably still some friction for the ex, and now its like a wizard sleeve

okay and now YOU can fuck off.

>You’re just as conformist and NPC and predictable as redditors
We have antifa general threads. We have anarcho capitalist threads, we even have the occasional "take the sharia-pill" threads.

What's really fucked up is that Jow Forums actually represents diversity whereas Reddit represents fascism. So crazy.

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Sam is short for Sambo

Frequently beta males justify 100% undesirable qualities in women because they're spineless faggots.

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She marries the nigger, her grandparents disown her, she shits out a niglet, the nigger leaves her, she goes crying to grandparents, grandfather spits on her, grandmother colludes with granddaughter because all women are filthy nigger fucking whores in thought if not in deed.

I hope you're all alpha enough in the future to kill your daughter's black boyfriend, and then your daughter right after. And then yourself for being a faggot.

God is love

Have to chose between a life of getting slapped around or getting some $$$ from your gp's inheritance.

They ended up being into it

low effort