I'm gonna somehow genetically engineer a race of humans where the men are aryan blonds and the women are qt asians

I'm gonna somehow genetically engineer a race of humans where the men are aryan blonds and the women are qt asians.

They will subjegate all inferior races and rule the world do to being the most aesthetically pleasing in a fascist suit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You’re mentally ill.

This Asian meme is more forced than that other Asian meme yang

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All asian women are ugly insectoid gooks.
They need plastic surgery to become half way fuckable.
White guys with yellow fever are always losers who can't get decent white women. ALWAYS.
These loser white guys are just as bad as coal burning nigger lovers.
Both should be killed.

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on'tday orgetfay otay agesay

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It's futile user. You must let them go

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I would be in full support if you can pull it off

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If you actually manage to create something that makes a white man have white babies with whatever non-white woman you can imagine, no matter how week the man's genes are, you'll become the ultimate Jow Forums's /our guy/

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That already exists, it's called surrogacy. Still a dumb idea though, better to just get the real thing

He is indeed

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>They will subjegate all inferior races and rule the world
>wonder why you're always failing
>when you act like a fucking villian from batman

Good luck virgin sperg.

Sounds like what Jordan Peterson predicted.

Fuck white women

Yes, that's a way to go. However, I thought the idea of having a purely white baby with a black/Latina/Asian/helicopter women thanks to some pill or medication (well, not only white but the race you'd like your baby to be). Too futuristic but considering how fast science moves, it's not utopic neither.

Anyway, I this idea is meant for you guys, not me :P (I'm not purely white, so I don't give a crap where I put my dick in lol)

The only QT Asians are in Japan. Western Asians are just as degenerate and filthy as every other normie. If you disagree you've never dated one.

there are QT azns all over E and SE asia

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Is this the same girl? If so, good for them.

You've got to go with Jessica and screw her till she can't sit in an office comfortably and send her pictures of cute babies or animals to awaken the uterial chasm.

yeah and just who the fuck are the hapa offspring supposed to mate with

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Here she is, ready to settle for you, user.

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I mean I guess that's true in your country at least.

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>can't get
Don't want. Stop projecting your cuck nature onto real men.

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Okay, but your child will still come out a Standard Slope

If you're going to genetically engineer a race you need to make elves and catgirls you faggot. WTF is wrong with you?

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it's funny because the only way for them to learn is for tragedy to come

She's ugly. I'm sure you're in her league OP.

>asian women cuter than whites
Even asian men know this is false. Yellow Fever is a mental illness.

girl is ugly af and looks like a guy

i guess i'd fuck a decent looking asian but i would never have kids. the idea of having a half chink as my son disgusts me

Until they get cancer from all the micro plastic they consume. Get cancer and need a transplant. Now that is when race becomes a problem. Because finding a match for a blonde Caucasian mix of 3rd world thot race, with the right blood type. Now that is more difficult than finding Nemo.

can someone seriously explain to me?
who the actual fuck are hapas supposed to procreate with if you're going to condone race mixing between whites and asians???

Imagine changing pic related for OP's pic

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basado y rojo pastillado

she's so cute

Why would a chad impregnate a literal insect


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Only the top left applies to me, desu

Though I am also partial to Apollo and Ares

Don't think about it too hard

this doesn't answer the question


My world is like this in the sims. Except there are black women too who are just there to rape and breed. All black males are killed

I can already picture the look of a seething bug women staring at this pic


>Creating more Elliots in the world
>Not the more based ultragigamegachad AMWF Eurasian offspring masterrace

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chinlet low value men who cope with asian women are worse than mentally ill hapas

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What is this supposed to prove exactly?

You're a homosexual with a cuckold fetish.

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Sorry to disappoint you my man, but I'm not. I'm sure you can find what you're looking for on /soc/ though

i only fuck other whites. NOT INSECTS!!!

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Blond men are effiminate and Asian women are low estrogen. 0/10

the old guy would look better in white, the young guy too. He doesn't look bad but not as if he was capable of growing a beard.
Asian traits are always a massive flaw in males and unnecessary in females. Hapa females often don't look bad but nothing a pure white couldn't do better.

>Choosing a pic with a sub-par effeminate gamma male and a sub-par mediocre looking asian


American threads be like: hmmmm what mutt race i want my children?

>B...but bugmen are cute too


That is your stomping ground, cuck. Where you go to pick up those prime white womyn who have fucked black men and are ready to settle for yourself.

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lol this bit of projection made me realize what white dudes here feel when they see aesthetic black guys.


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it doesn't work like that

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y-you are not trying to give me foot fetish are you...

>being pagan

I too didn't think being an atheist was edgy enough

Not sure what I said to deserve this verbal assault, but alright

Is that you Kishimoto-sensei?

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Imagine how many men they will sleep with before they marry.

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Genuine question, why do you feel the need to come onto an internet forum and convince people to racemix? What's in it for you?

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Why do you have a need to say races are all the same if they're not white? Why are you mad when white men have a happy family with a high IQ, attractive wife that cooks, cleans, doesn't work outside the house, and does all of the womanly roles expected of her?

Are you threatened by it?

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>t. toasty roastie

He likes keeping his children within his household.

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>expecting to get a genuine reply instead of nothing but deflection and changing the subject from them

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>mad post
Sasuga roastie

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You answer my question first, then I'll answer yours

I much prefer the asian, especially since yellow girls are much, thinner, smarter, more feminine, etc.

Aryan blonde women > qt asians

Your question is a strawman.

>He thinks asian women are any different
>He thinks women are not all the same around the globe

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Mentally ill or the only one mentally sane in a world of madness?

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Nope, it's not

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Let the race traitor chinks marry white beta males... when their spell of fantasy disappears in an odd number of years, they’ll learn they had made grave mistakes. In the meanwhile, for the rest of you, STOP RACE MIXING, FIND A LOVING PARTNER OF YOUR RACE AND CULTURE AND MAKE BABIES

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>he hasn't been around the world
>posts some blonde whore
Having been around the world, blondes are most likely to be in a relationship with a nigger.

Asian women are most likely to have saved their virginity until marriage, and are married before 25.

Your cunt stinks. Close your legs.

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Genuine question, why do you feel the need to come onto an internet forum and convince people to racemix? What's in it for you?

That’s bc you don’t meet women ever. Kissless virgin

Why do you have a need to say races are all the same if they're not white? Why are you mad when white men have a happy family with a high IQ, attractive wife that cooks, cleans, doesn't work outside the house, and does all of the womanly roles expected of her?

Are you threatened by it?

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You answer my question first, then I'll answer yours

why the fuck is this board inundated with this insect shit all the time?