What has donald trump accomplished during his 3 years in office?

what has donald trump accomplished during his 3 years in office?

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Being a good zionist puppet.

Made Israel great again

I wonder how many NPCs are going to cry about people calling a zionist a zionist.

W w w dot magapill dot com....





He triggered libs.

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He's dond good things:
1. Appointed a shit ton of conservative judges
2. Basically made Planned Parenthood defund itself
3. Removed the fangs from Obamacare
That's all I can think of. Honestly even as much as he cucks out, the first point by itself more than makes up for it. If he somehow wins the election, we'll at least have a judicial advantage going forward for a couple of decades.


Signed the anti bds law
Recognized golan heights as Israeli clay
Moved embassy to Jerusalem

these three things have unironically made Israel much stronger

He's exposed the dishonesty of the media

pretty much this.
The entire focus has been on Israel and their conquest in the middle east.
Literally nothing has changed in the US. Nothing.
If anything, things have gotten worse due to inflation and social tensions.

its really a testament to the state of his presidency that I'd have to go to a website to see what he's done versus seeing an actual improvement in the country in day to day life.

Got more funding for the border than any other president. Got more judges. Banned asylum. Shills btfo.

>its really a testament to the state of his presidency that I'd have to go to a website to see what he's done versus seeing an actual improvement in the country in day to day life
Is that what your handlers suggested you say whenever anyone post links with actual proof of his many accomplishments?

2 Supreme Court Judges appointed
Over 150 federal judges appointed
Cut Regulations
Passed New tax plan
Ended DACA
Signed Executive Order severely limiting asylum claims
Walked into North Korean
I’m sure there is more, but that’s just off the top of my head.

He's completely changed the trajectory of the entire world in two years.

How young are you people? Do you not remember what things were like just four years ago? The establishment, the political/business/entertainment/social elite, had nearly cemented permanent power. Fucking Epstein is dead. He would have been ambassador to Thailand if Hillary won.

Iran is about to wipe out Israel while we watch from home. Wake up and get excited. It really is happening.

Based reply fuck D&C shills

He cut taxes for corporations and passed some nigger loving prison bill

Look at all the kikes and democants trying to divide and conquer and lie. :)

Must be scared :)

>what MIGAtards actually believe

Iran is not going to wipe out Isreal what are you smoking? Isreale can decimate the entire middles east. God bless Israel the state and its' people.. death to Russia and China and white trash the world over.



Muslim ban


>many accomplishments
that I have to go to a website to see since I'm not seeing it in my state. Still have crumbling infrastructure, cities being flooded with foreigners who don't even speak english & ghost towns due to economic blight.
Day to day, year to year, nothings changed whatsoever from when bush left office after the economy went to shit & yet all of a sudden I'm supposed to be thankful for my country being raped because a new face is in office with an R next to his name.

Truthfully? Next to nothing. Still getting shitskin bombed to hell, however, the one thing I think he did do was free a mumble nigger from evil Sweden for beating up muslims. So there's that.

quads of truth

millions of jobs created
fastest wage growth in decades
record low unemployment
two supreme court justices seated
total 150 justices
cleaned the fbi
cut taxes for all americans
ended obamacare mandate, rest of ACA would be gone if it werent for McShithead


You fucking kikepedo shills are scared these days.

A few miles of repaired wall, lots of pork, passing more gun control than obama.

triggered ten milliong lefties

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He accelerated the collapse of America by at least 75 years. He did exactly what Russia wanted him for.







Caused OP the original faggot to create this thread.

This. I just ignore the "huurrr drumpf" idiots these days. It'll be fun on election night when he landslides. Not one of the Dems has a snowball's chance in hell of beating him, and they all know it.

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>Put a real big fucking target on the white race.
>Internet censorship.
>Gave the 1% tax cuts
>Making farmers go bankrupt
>Tariff taxes
>Gave McCain a multimillion dollar funeral
>Canceled the Military parade.

Shit I had more money under obozo than under trump.


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Lots of laughs. Totally worth it. 2020 is going to be a riot.

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>millions of jobs created
Woohoo lots of new part time Uber jobs and minimum wage factory jobs!
>Fastest wage growth
Woohoo now people are making 10$ an hour instead of 9.75$! Rent is only getting more expensive!
>Record low unemployment
Trump was quoted in 2016 saying never to believe unemployment numbers, that the real unemployment number is 20%+, but of course now that he's President he tells you to believe them...
>Two supreme court justices seated
Kavanaugh hasn't done anything based.
>Total 150 justices
>Cleaned the FBI
Replacing FBI jews with different FBI jews doesn't change anything
>Cut taxes for all Americans
No he cut taxes for the top 1% and the lower classes, as a side effect, got a minor reduction. The main focus was cutting taxes for the elite and corporations.
>ended obamacare mandate
That's good but healthcare is still a joke in the US. Currently it's not any better or worse than Obamacare.
>Kike pedoshills
KIKE? IS THAT ANTI-SEMITISM? Good thing Trump established an anti-Semitism Czar, Elan Carr, and ordered him to create a datebase of anti-Semites by spying on Americans internet activity. You just got a red flag, moshe.

Nothing at all really but watch the debates for the alternative

He woke up half of America thanks to Q. We are now ready to actually fix shit. I don't know about you, but when I read the comments section of YT or twitter or any site, it's full of redpills. Unlike two or even three years ago.

Also he's unironically pissed Israel off so many times. MIGA trolls are blind as fuck. Really everything he does seems to have good reasoning. Geopolitics is not simple, unlike what mouthbreathers and commies seem to think.

He crashed the democratic party with no survivors

He ran on the platform of bullying mexicans, and he currently has mexican children in internment camps so I can say he's the only politican in my life time who stuck to his word

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A lot actually. If you don't have the time to find out what, then don't expect us to do it for you. Cunt.

So nothing then.
No wall
Hillary free
Swamp more powerful than ever



Made the ‘Intel agencies’ look like a bunch of overpaid incompetent retards.

continues his dick wagging and they can’t make him stop

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>this is a zionist board
get out anti semite

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LOL no he didn't. He just whined about it more pitifully than anyone in history.

S C A R E D K I K E!

>t. Rachel Maddow

His caused the libshits to expose their inner madness to the world.

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This doesn’t make sense?

Only thing he accomplishede was making you have to scroll through tinder for 2 hours to find a hooker rather than just going to backpage.


> deported the muslims
> built the wall
> made mexico pay for it
> pulled troops from afghanistan and iraq
> solved the opium crisis
> made anime great again
>stopped sending money to israel
What more do you want?

Change takes time, just like it took time for your city to go from good to bad.

> locked her up

world record shitposting

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are you implying that he is getting impeached this year

He smitted epstien,

You dont honestly believe epstein would be behind barrs in a Hilary Presidency do you?

Deporting the muslims doesn't take time. Locking her up doesn't take time.
Not sending money somewhere doesn't take time. So many things he could have just done.

Things would've definitely been better had Hillary been elected. :(

Fucking his base over on gun control, apparently.

He makes the libtards angry which at this point is the best thing people can accomplish in politics, everything else is following a script and it doenst matter who you vote for. If the world as we love is going down anyway atl east we should go down while triggering the libtards.

> because that was the only alternative

Well said.

how would 1 identify a hooker on tinder?
Asking for a friend