Racism doesn't exi-

>racism doesn't exi-

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racism exist and that's a good thing

Now do workers vs. bosses

they're making what they're capable of earning with their cognitive abilities

Weak b8

>Now do workers vs. bosses
Unironically this. Compare trash to ubermensche and of course there will be a difference.

>move to japan
>become english teacher
>make 5% as rich business executive
>cry racism till gibs

asians and jews earn the most.

also keyword "earn"

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Why do they still spread the wage gap myth, do they not know that it's illegal to pay women less for the same work a man does?

>compared to this horse, those turtles can't run as fast!

Illegal maybe, but too often ignored. Rape is illegal, but it is still rife.

Racism must exist! It's a self-preservation instinct. See a snake or a spider or a gorilla and you think of how they could hurt you and what you can do to protect yourself. Simple.

Prove it then

Is my english that shitty or what he says doesn't make sense? Why he says "compared wirh white men" just to compare with white women in the next line?
Im surprised niggresses make more money than female spics though
Even though this chart is very shitty since it doesn't account for job hours or function

>source: trust me dude

News flash: petroleum engineers earn more than grade school teachers.

These cunts have such big egos, they think they should make the same money as George Washington.

Equality means equal opportunity, not equal results.

Go suck a dick.

Women are paid more than men for less work.

Attached: women paid less then men.jpg (499x570, 114K)

Notice how they intentionally omitted Jews, Indians, and East Asians, who earn more than white men on average in the US.

>this infographic is accurat-

Neither does your source.

>racism doesn't matter.

Fixed it for you.

The Bell curve has shown us that when adjusted for economic status, colored people make more than the same IQ white person. IOW, Affirmative Action has promoted them beyond merit.

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Gender gap doesn't exist fren
If anything women are more privileged by a thousand miles since modern liberal societies are gynocentric

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Name one world wonder or building in general women constructed.

So, what are the stats for Jews?

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>Name one world wonder or building in general women constructed.

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I think theres an important racial group missing. Can't quite put my finger on it. I wonder why they left that one out.

Now show Asians. I think they are paid higher than white men.

Fuck it, put unity on an Asian male you racist cunt. Do it.

Well according to leftists if illegal immigrants can take your job you are replaceable and deserve it. So by leftist theory of just free market action these people should just work harder.

they are lazy asses

thats why, you fuckfaggot

I really like how they never mention how they arrive at their statistical conclusions. The casual observer might think it's talking about how if all 4 were working the same job this would be the differences in their pay. In reality it's taking an average across the board.

Might as well ask "gee why doesn't the high school janitor make as much as the Microsoft CEO?"

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You want women making more money? Put a gun to their head when they're applying for college and tell them if they don't take a STEM field then you'll blow their brains out. Do that every time they want to change majors, or take a non-arduous job, or work part time after having a kid. Then they can see what it's like to live life as a man

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why are women so lazy?

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shhhhh. dont blow our cover. we don't want them to come after us next.

Where do they find those meme statistics. They never say in which jobs.

Racism is normal and justified
Checkmate nigger lover

>education levels dont exi.....

Yes because a mechanical engineer and a housemaid should make the same

Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

Most of the wage gap between men and women has nothing to do with the fact that they are men or women. It's a misrepresented statistic that ignores much of the data that goes into explaining it. In this case, people only compare one factor, gender. You're not taking into account the jobs worked, the hours worked, nor the differing personality traits between men and women. It's one of the most abused and misunderstood statistics out there, and it is all on purpose... To pit men against women for political points.

So did they calculate this the same way they calculated the male/female wage gap?
We all know that the coloreds work less as a whole.

Yet another KIKE or libtard post that has so many factual flights of fancy that it makes the awake cringe with power over 9000

Fuck the beaners and niggers. They don't belong here in the first place!

sage motherfuckin' commie!

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that's the advantage of having a 3 digit IQ

The wage gap isn’t real

It exists and is beatiful

if that were the true case, niggers and other shit skin and women would be hired more.

no this is taking the entirely of everyone and conducting an average, which most women and niggers rely on the government which are not included.

Now do Jews vs Humans

I'm pretty sure those 'oppressed' groups are being overpaid for the amount of work provided. These days companies don't do pay-productivity audits because that tends to be the case.