Prove him wrong Jow Forums
Prove him wrong Jow Forums
Niggers are entitled, they don't deserve anything. If anything, it would make more sense if we, Slavic people were demanding it, since the word slave, literally came from the designation for our ethnicity. But you don't see us crying about it, now do you faggot?
Niggers are wrong by default
anthro donkey makes me hard
We all came started Africa so they are just as responsible for slavery so when are my reparations coming?
What nigger fought for nigger freedom? Which nigger went to war with his brothers to free the niggers from bondage? Which nigger fought multiple wars against nations all around the world to keep freedom and human rights a key point of modern thought? Which nigger took man to the heights of modern science, medicine and technology? Which nigger continues to stand for rights that no one else has earned, fought, and bled for?
That nigger deserves money. Not the layabout nigger decedents of pathetic retarded slaves that have never accomplished anything of significant merit.
>Have a referendum about it and vote in people screaming for reparations
>But money isn't magically appearing in your pocket so clearly they don't care
The united states set up a whole nation is Africa for freed slaves, you may have heard of it. It's called Liberia and it's a shit hole.
Yes me too when are my reparations
It's not the governement's place to pay people for what rich people did to their ancestors hundreds of years ago. Track down the descendants and sue them.
It does make you think...
We need to shill this,
Push the idea that Dems don't care about blacks and they should all vote 3rd party.
His comics are all pretty stupid, but this one blows the rest out of the water
Now keep paying up for rap music, cigarettes, cheap booze, interest on pay day loans, urban rent and all of the material trappings we program you to desire.
I bet the artist nutted after drawing this
>lavic people were demanding it, since the word slave, literally came from the designation for our ethnicity
thats myth that was debunked decades ago
Every slave who came from Africa was purchased from a Muslim slave trader. Louis Farrakhan and the king of Saudi Arabia should pay reparations first.
If you factor in the dis proportionate contribution of tax dollars to blacks to date, reparations have been paid in orders of magnitude
I don't owe you shit. KYS
already paid reparations, not our fault your ancestors wasted it.
Niggers already get reparations in the form of welfare
came here to post this
Surely you mean in terms of stupidity?
We already paid in blood, but if they want a refund whites can happily oblige
"Descended from slavery" doesn't make any sense.
How doesn't it make sense?
I identify as a bigger. A transnigger. Gibs reprashuns, bigots.
I see some merit in that. Or the fact that Republicans want them to have jobs so they have real money and not debt. Welfare doesn't give raised or respect. And the dems want them all to stay on welfare and in the ghetto away from them. Welfareter plantations. They are being used.
fucking priceless, thanks for the laugh user
Fug. Many typos but you know what I mean.
I'm the nigger now.
Mr. Walltext just needed to close with, "you wuz kangz."
Not to mention the white lives lost fighting for them in the civil war. What if the south had won? Theyre free at the cost of white men's souls.
This White Man Should of Been a FUCKING JEW!!!
Who is the nigger who keeps making these? He knows how ridiculous and stupid these are, right?
Maybe stop being a ridiculous and stupid nigger.
If you think I'm giving his shit clicks you've got another thing coming
How is he ridiculous? You really think the white donors that back up these Democrats are gonna give reperations to black people? It's all just smoke and mirrors. Democrats use non whites all the time.
I would support them voting for a third party.
>ADOS party
More like ADIOS, niggers.
Will the descendants of black slave owners pay reparations?
Will the descendants of Irish slaves be paid reparations?
Instead of doing either of these, will large amounts of money be taken from all white Americans and then given to all the black Americans without doing any kind of ancestral investigation whatsoever?
I assume he's being called ridiculous for demanding reparations
There's retarded, nigger retarded, and then whatever the fuck this shit is
The D should be a jew star.
>whatever the fuck this shit is
Boomer civnat propaganda
90% of blacks vote Democratic every election, no matter the year (red or blue wave), the candidates, the region/state, whatever. It's about 90% every time. They're the most sheep-like voting bloc in this country and Democrats should take them for granted, because they absolutely will keep voting for them no matter what.
Checked and keked.
Pretty sure all the welfare, scholarships, and laws forcing whites to hire you count as your reparations. Be thankful you get to stay here.
You can tell that was actually written by a nigger because of how he wrote the Jackass. Can't talk in anyody else's voice but their own.
>Can only ever point to Ancient Egypt
>autist detected
kys sperg, you are genetic waste
sounds like someone fucking a car
Funny to see swedish faggot even posting on Jow Forums knowing the fact his country under occupation for the last 30 years and he’s afraid to leave basement
>anthro donkey makes me hard
there was an estimate of 400k slaves in north america during its peak
yet niggers act like they own the place
Don't touch my mom's butt!
>flag checks out
I yearn for technology that allows full holographic glimpses into the past so I can shove the truth of history in the faces of motherfuckers and all of this bs will finally go away.