What the hell happened? Black people back then we're so much more wholesome. And old black people now are wayyyy nicer then black people in their 30s - 20s
Black people back then
Other urls found in this thread:
Crack cocaine and the CIA happened.
The sexual revolution
Something like 80 percent of them grow up in single parent homes
Don't fall for TV niggers, user. It's not real life. Nigger have always been niggers.
rap culture along with some other things
govt backed feminism
Black wallstreet, the KKK, the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcom X, we lost our leaders and then CIA through Ronald Reagan infiltrated the black communities by introducing crack cocaine and which freaking destroyed us. Like what opioids are doing to the white community now.
Martin Luther King Jr. was pushing HARD for black people to adopt modern white American culture. He wanted them to integrate as much as possible, so that racism against them would be illogical. Therefore, you had a lot more black people acting civilized for the sake of civil rights push.
My name's Thor fag
Back then you could shoot a nigger for drinking out of a water fountain. The laws made sure that the nigs knew their place. However, as the years went by and the globohomo spread, their ape genes were allowed to show their true colors, which is why niggers act like they do today.
Don't fall for the noble nigger meme, Thor.
That was how (((Media))) chose to depict them.
They were moving them into northern cities at the time.
wouldn't want to frighten the locals
The downfall was beginning before that. Lyndon fucked up the welfare system by making it so a single mother with child would get more gibs than a married couple with a child. So if you were poor, and suddenly had a kid, divorce looked really attractive. Or just not getting married to begin with. Lack of a father effects black men just as much as any other race.
hahahahahahaha this guy is a nigger! Everyone laugh at him and thank God that you are White
Another problem is chronic lazyness. Your people are content to sit on their fat ass and get welfare all their life so they can watch daytime game shows and Maury. Leeches
>black people then
oy vey , it was white privilege
1./ 1950s Jewish sponsored civil rights movement which instilled an eternal victim narrative into the collective black psyche
2./ 1960s Jewish sponsored black activist movement that instilled marxist,socialist,trotskyist and eternal oppositional concpets into black culture
3./ Lyndon B Johnston's implementation of a welfare system that destroyed the nuclear family by disincentivising 2 parent families and incentivising single parent/mother households
4./ Desegregation and affirmative action which removed money from the black business community through blacks spending in white businesses,disrupting otherwise relatively successful black schools and forcing blacks into white schools with different approaches and standards,and placing relatively high iq blacks in higher iq institutions leading to higher drop out rates
5./ The jewish media and music business pushing hedonism,drugs,alcohol and casual sex - and later overt gangsterism through hip hop by jewish music labels.
6./ The importation of vast quantities of crack cocaine into the black community in the 1980s by corrupt CIA networks.
7./ The leftist academia and media pushing a victim and racist narrative which discourages any sense of personal responsibility and instead places collective blame onto the majority white culture
tldr - blacks were relatively well behaved and making some progree prior to the 60s - this was radically disrupted by jewish subversives and other forces. the blacks are more temperamental and lower iq and have therefore been much more subject to the ill effects of the cultural subversion of the last 70 years. This state of affairs can only be corrected by atleast 2 generations of harsh authoritarian law,order and welfare policies.
This album was pretty good. Cocaine trafficking was an awesome song.
Niggers were nigging back then too, but were kept in control with harsher justice systems. Lift that and they will chimp out.
They just regressed back to their default state.
This. It worked so well on the blacks that they are using the same tactics on whites now.
This anons done his homework. Good post.
Black people were always trash, you're falling for the same bait the Jews used to con your boomer ancestors into giving them rights.
>Now, standing idly in front of my own house, I see him approaching from the project accompanied by his little brother who is carrying a baseball bat and wearing a grin of malicious anticipation. As in a nightmare, I am trapped. The surroundings are secure and familiar, but terror is suddenly present and there is no one around to help. I am locked to the spot. I will not cry out or run away like a sissy, and I stand there, my heart wild, my throat clogged. He walks up, hurls the familiar epithet (“Hey, mo’f—r”), and to my surprise only pushes me. It is a violent push, but not a punch. A push is not as serious as a punch. Maybe I can still back out without entirely losing my dignity. Maybe I can still say, “Hey, c’mon Quentin, whaddya wanna do that for. I dint do nothin’ to you,” and walk away, not too rapidly. Instead, before I can stop myself, I push him back—a token gesture—and I say, “Cut that out, I don’t wanna fight, I ain’t got nothin’ to fight about.” As I turn to walk back into the building, the corner of my eye catches the motion of the bat his little brother has handed him. I try to duck, but the bat crashes colored lights into my head.
The Black family unit actually used to be stronger than the White one in the late 60s early 70s but then the Jews introduced the Crack epidemic and it destroyed black society.
nothing happened but off topic trash tier threads from other chan. trolls that don't have a home, go away.
Theyve been using it on whites for decades but it has taken longer to corrupt us as we had a stronger culture,higher iq etc to begin with. But yes the same tactics are being used - see mid west opiate crises as an example.
This anons name is Thor off yourself fag
hating niggers is never off topic on Jow Forums newfag. maybe you should go away
>What the hell happened?
The average Black IQ was reported in studies as increasing until the 1960s and then suddenly stops improving.
Really makes you think
Seriously read this Jew's essay from 1963, it's important.
>I share this hope, but I cannot see how it will ever be realized unless color does in fact disappear: and that means not integration, it means assimilation, it means—let the brutal word come out—miscegenation. The Black Muslims, like their racist counterparts in the white world, accuse the “so-called Negro leaders” of secretly pursuing miscegenation as a goal. The racists are wrong, but I wish they were right, for I believe that the wholesale merging of the two races is the most desirable alternative for everyone concerned. I am not claiming that this alternative can be pursued programmatically or that it is immediately feasible as a solution; obviously there are even greater barriers to its achievement than to the achievement of integration. What I am saying, however, is that in my opinion the Negro problem can be solved in this country in no other way.
So much this. The poor things are so impressionable, we raised them well and things were looking up for the black community before the civil rights movement fucked it all up... Seems like a trend, looking at SA and Rhodesia.
Kikes really pulled a number on the blacks. And of course jews were the main drivers/beneficiaries of the transatlantic and islamic slave trades. Blacks should hate jews more than any other people.
whether theyre too far gone now or not is up for debate. there are good people like Thomas Sowell etc though small in number. If you could kick the kikes and leftists out you could probably turn the situation around with firm law&order,family focused welfare reform and eugenic policies - for 2 generations at least.
Basically we instituted a system of benevolent white supremacy which was ultimately beneficial for all parties concerned,blacks included. The kikes wrecked all that and now we can all see the consequences.
A jew wrote this? imagine my shock
He's right, tho. Y'know, except for the "can be solved in no other way" part. I can think of a few of various extremes off the top of my head.
Segregation and benevolent white supremacy works perfectly well eg. the Rhodesian system.
How you don't understand the concept of acting baffles me. Black people's representation on tv in those times were a racist exaggerated depiction entirely created by the white man. You fell for the illusion...are you sure you, yourself, aren't a nigger?
In 1964, LBJ gave free shit to single nigger moms, creating the modern day slave and driving out fathers and God.
It's been all down hill from there.
And it was all by design to gain and keep the black vote .. it has worked brilliantly.
Its propaganda. They were niggers back then too
LBJ, the War Against Poverty, and the welfare state
>What the hell happened?
desegregation, civil rights, and welfare.
another good one i heard recently:
>they stopped emulating white people and started acting like themselves
>still believes MLK fairytales
everyone was segregated back then, segregation = happiness.
>He wanted them to integrate as much as possible, so that racism against them would be illogical.
this is the dumbest shit imaginable. he wanted whites and blacks in the same classroom so that the white students could experience the full standard deviation difference in black-white IQ? he wanted whites to experience blacks MAOA genetics which turns them into violent retard animals? MLK was just another uppity dumbass nigger
Opioids are primarily hitting the poor white community. Was the crack epidemic as localized and stratified as the opioid epidemic?
MLK was a dumb cunt chasing coon that said whatever his Jewish communist (lolredundancy) handlers told him to.
They at least had intact families
>They at least had intact families
because of segregation and the lack of welfare
Its easier to be an eternal victim.
Yep, but without intact families it is hard to build a functioning social sphere
Because they knew their place, and they were treated decently and made alright livings for themselves. Jews made them get uppity, then they forgot their place and now everything is fucked and they chimp out all the time.
sounds like a nigger problem to me. i don't care outside of the fact that money is forcefully extracted from white men and siphoned to niggers and single moms.
i unironically believe that blacks were better off under slavery, and for certain under segregation and jim crow, than they are today with all their "freedoms"
Post-1960s they built an identity upon how different they could be to Whites. The idea that there would be some standard that people of all races in America should aspire to died.
the jews started promoting rap and anti establishment music, I love rap and all but just look at all the mainstream shit they pushed it basically agreed with acting uncivilized
Nothing their IQ never changed, all you are seeing is jew cherry picked examples not feral niggers.
>all you are seeing is jew cherry picked examples
in the 1950s blacks had 80% intact families. today that's about 20%. similar trends for employment, education, crime, etc. try doing your research befor--
>commie memeflaggot
gargle buckshot, faggot
Sure, they behaived better, but how much of that was them being better and how much of it was them knowing they could be killed instantly?
Also, a lot of our image comes from media, so what were the black communities really like away from the polished and sanitized view?
Though the cia certainly fucked shit up, no doubt about that.
You know, I had never considered 4 at all, but that's a good catch. Rather than forcing blacks in together and potentially improving, by opening the gates the smartest fled, the moderately successful collapsed, and the bottom end flew everywhere, while the worst were left to fester and rot.
Fuck off kike the nigger race has always had unstable single parent families and ridiculous crime.
Namefag go.
Min. wage and welfare. Also a strange celebration of violent culture that they seek to emulate.
this. the "magic negro" is about as real as user flag
back to r/the_donald nigger loving boomer.
race is everything in American politics
If blacks are so civilized than how do you explain Africa?
Even before white colonialists arrived in Africa blacks were nothing but savages.
Blacks are an uplifted race of people that are too uncivilized and unintelligent to live in civilized White societies.
All we've ever see in the media is the exceptions.
>#4 - desegregation
This actually had the same effects on the white ethnic communities. The onslaught of government "assisted" integration drove them into loose, mixed white suburbs where their identities became Jewish-Television (and particularly Television Commercial) based Americanism, rather than their close knit ethnic community identity. In addition to mixing neighborhoods they also moved corporate owned stores in to the old ethnic neighborhoods as they moved blacks in. The blacks didn't have any loyalty to the local ethnically owned stores, so they shopped at the corporate stores. As the ethnic whites moved into their "white" suburbs (where more corporate stores were already waiting for them in planned communities) those local stores in the old ethnic neighborhoods lost loyal customers and eventually most of them had to shut down.
In both black and white communities, the corporate oligarchy basically siphoned the money and wealth out of the community.
Few, if any, in those communities realized what was happening at the time.
Thank you! Saved.
Ethnic disintegration
>How do you explain Africa?
Africa didn't get uplifted. How do you explain the full standard deviation difference between blacks in America and Africans?
It's amazing to me that these Darwinists believe in evolutionary differences between the races, but not in evolution itself.
>How do you explain the full standard deviation difference between blacks in America and Africans?
How do you explain the deviation between American blacks and American whites?
My pleasure burgerbro
>Answered a question with a question, dodging the original question
I thought it was obvious.
They bred with European whites. That's why Arican Americans are smarter than AFricans.
Kangz are 30% white dumbfuck.
back then they were living in a white country and judged by white standards.
today they are living in a jewish country with jew standards.
There are literally no more Black Leaders and the only ones who’ve come up recently (for example, Unironically XXXtentacion) have been (((killed))) and everyone just declared it as “niggers killing niggers”. Strange how a trend of black leaders who “want to unite the races” and “end degeneracy, drugs, and crime amongst blacks” end up (((dying randomly))) (see Malcolm X and his ideals at the end of his life)
That's a common myth but also bullshit and begs the question of what's wrong with racemixing.
Typical Jewish craft.
How about a more likely example:
>For 50,000 years Africans had no evolutionary pressures to evolve
>Groups of them get taken from Africa and are placed into a hostile foreign environment
>For three hundred years, they are selectively bred for slave labor, which requires a marginal education so they can understand and follow instructions.
They endured more evolutionary pressure in 300 years than their ancestors did in 50,000 years.
It doesn't take thousands of years of artificial selection to change a breed, just a few generations.
That guy in Russia who did the experiment where he domesticated silver foxes saw physical changes, including in the brain, in just six generations.
facts, statistics, data, and evidence?
CIA gave them a shit ton of drugs, (just like they did the white people, but crack instead of LSD). Gangster culture started rising. welfare checks given to single mothers, increased rate of single motherhood. Jews started promoting gangster rap and even more lines were drawn rivalry wise. it has all been a mess for them honestly. Also back then the only way to 'make it' was in a white mans world, so you couldn't coast by on 7 babies and suck on the governments titty you had to get hired by a white man thus act like one.
They plan to use the same tactics against us. Yang is perfect example
>They endured more evolutionary pressure in 300 years than their ancestors did in 50,000 years.
Pure nonsense a very strong pure black ethnic group has existed for thousands of years the Akan people of Ghana.
>What the hell happened?
What happened is that the "liberal progressive" crypto-racists started throwing money at black people to be as degenerate as possible, via all sorts of various venues.
Over time they became much more degenerate. It's really not brain surgery to figure it out.
So which is it, Africans are retarded, or they aren't?
Slaves came from the Gabon and Gambia regions, which are a thousand miles on either side of Ghana. And as far removed from each other as Chimpanzee territories are from Bonobo territories.
So African American's aren't intelligent because they were mixed with European whites but instead they evolved to become more intelligent in the America but not in Africa?
Even if I could swallow all of that bullshit it doesn't matter.
Modern African American's are still less intelligent than White Americans. Their failure to properly integrate and succeed within white society is mainly because of their own incompetence as a race.
Whitey jerks his dick to gore, why am I not surprised
>What the hell happened
Niggers went off to vietnam. They came back with military training and started fucking shit up. (((glowies))) were in Vietnam too. They perfected their drug running schemes there and started flooding USA with drugs. Crack grew into a huge crisis that decimated the black community. Many niggers went to prison so the (((glowies))) did 9/11 to get into Afghanistan to get that heroin. Now poor white communities are getting decimated by heroin and once they're all in prison a war will come up to get drugs that Mexicans like. The scheme is cyclical.
>Still hasn't answered the original question.
You're the one who brought Africa into the mix.
Again, it's amazing to me that these racial superiority Darwinists believe in evolutionary differences between the races, but not in evolution itself.
Lyndon and the Jews.
Vietnam was just a distraction.
>Africa didn't get uplifted. How do you explain the full standard deviation difference between blacks in America and Africans?
>Africa didn't get uplifted. How do you explain the full standard deviation difference between blacks in America and Africans?
The correct answer is because they bred with White Europeans.
Your answer is because they evolved. Your answer is bullshit that has hard to swallow.
But regardless of who is right it doesn't matter. Blacks today are still less intelligent than whites and that's the reason why they are failures.
So you believe in evolutionary superiority, but not evolution, got it.
Black people are fucked because they keep voting in corrupt democrap government and their IQ is low as fuck.
Taxation is theft. Taxation is the initation of force upon the citizenry by the invalid government which only exists as a concept, and it is a violent and aggressive concept because the property and death toll from the existence of all governments and their actions is higher than anything that has ever threatened humanity prior. We must abolish the state. The government violates the Non-aggression principle all the time and the citizens are not allowed to interfere with that process directly otherwise they will be imprisoned or killed by the guns of the state. The justice system, which is a system of true injustice, makes people guilty until proven innocent. The whole governmental system is corrupt. Your tax dollars are spent both on bombing 3rd world countries, while simultaneously bringing the people from those countries in and giving them massive welfare and education and housing, allowing them to displace the previous demographic makeup. Fuck the government. We need anarcho capitalism. Watch Stefan Molyneux.
Black people were always savages, it was just harder for them to chimp out back then because whites would shoot them the moment they pulled anything.
>So you believe in evolutionary superiority, but not evolution, got it.
Evolution already happened. Whites evolved to be more intelligent because they started in harsher conditions.
African's evolved in Africa which is literally paradise on earth. They didn't have to worry about harsh winters. Every other tree or bush grows food. African's didn't need to be smart to survive. That's why they never evolved to become more intelligent.
African's would evolve if they had eugenics programs that was selective for intelligence.
Martin Luther King was an anti-white degenerate and a rapist. He’s no way a hero whatsoever, if anything he taught blacks to be more promiscuous.
Jow Forums is literally the founding father of modern internet trolling, you dumb boomer faggot