Why do drug dealers get the hottest girls?
They’re the scum of the earth yet they get prime pickings for pussy. Even low level dealers get high school and college sluts around their locale. What’s the deal?
Why do drug dealers get the hottest girls?
They’re the scum of the earth yet they get prime pickings for pussy. Even low level dealers get high school and college sluts around their locale. What’s the deal?
because drug dealers are real men and don't take shit. I used to deal ... and I got harder with all the scams i faced and more pissed.. I noticed women totally wanted me when I was hardened and a bad ass dealer. They begged me to fuck them or even do more than that. Women respect power.. if you are a nice guy (incel) you might as well get used to fucking a fleshlight because women respect power and hate nice guys.
They're not cucks and some drugs really uplift yourself. Only reason why many of them are illegal is because people are stupid and abuse it, get hooked, and die
1) women are dumb mostly
2) they are more likely to be dark triad
Can confirm. Became a CEO and it turns out all the shit you put up with and everyone trying to fuck you over you have to become pretty ruthless to survive. And women pick up on that ruthlessness and it makes them wet.
Depends on the dealer and the quality of his dealings
This too. I helped a friend for a bit in that and it makes you more alert and decisive
power brings everything
Women are naturally wired to want powerful and strong men. Most dealers have to be hard to make it in the streets. There are some exceptions eg my one friend who dealt only dealt to non sketchy people. As such no issues for him.
You will never be at the level of your pic related.
There will be movies about that man when people are no longer fucking scared to even say his name. Leaders of countries shake in fear of the reach this man has, to say nothing of the brutality and heinousness of the violence he commands. It's no surprise that many women find this attractive. I believe the woman pictured there has many qualities beyond her beauty her man admires. I'm sure she is very loyal to him. She knows very well what consequences could be in store for her, were she to ever betray him.
I bet your mom sucked dicked for an 8ball of coke in her youth OP, ask her about it.
Did you yourself experience this or you are weak faggot just know this.
Selling dimes in highschool isnt slinging.
You're not a CEO.
Money, and a level of power. When these guys move around, they have a security detail kinda like the POTUS, makes them look far more important than they actually are.
And money.
>Women are just materialistic dummies
>Drug dealers are billionaires
Do the math
toxoplasmosis gondii
>why do men willing to kill lots of people for lots of money and power attract women?
even asking this question shows you are fucking clueless about how people work.
That's not Grata Honoria tho
>Catalonia user
Sometimes I think you are that "pure girl" who keeps trying to interject but always being wrong.
I don't disagree with the premise that women are attracted to agression, the meme was just wrong
>Selling dimes in highschool isnt slinging.
It's enough to be the baddest dude at highschool and get all the chicks.
Search for dark triad. But i will resume for you: women are whores.
>Why do drug dealers get the hottest girls?
You can't possibly be so stupid that you don't know the answer to this.
Have you considered that those women want the drugs the dealer is supplying more than the self respect they would have by refusing his demands?
money and power is greater than looks and personality
there is this mob boss in my city if he had no power anyone could kick his ass but he has a presence or aura of superiority so in the end appearances and personality don’t matter, it’s how much power you have over others
>first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the woman
There’s the answer.
If you think that nasty vicious hardened criminals don’t get women the most wet your in for a serious redpill in life.
Women never have been attracted to civilized men.
This is why civilization only exists when women are kept under control and pussy is regulated thru religion and institutions like marriage. It allows intelligent beta manlet dicklets to have a chance at producing offspring and a family. Thus giving incentive for 80% of men to participate in society.
But women have always wanted the most awful feral thug who can kick the most ass and not give two fucks.
Women are all attracted to barbarians.
The rest of us men are just wallets in their eyes.