All the US posters who demonize "socialism" and "communism" are missing the point...

All the US posters who demonize "socialism" and "communism" are missing the point. China has a one-party system that revolves around a party called Communist Party. Call it the way you like, but at the end of the day that system (of big centralized government) has performed a lot better than the US system. And not only economically. While the USA has been creating enemies all over the world, China has been creating friends: the two foreign policies stand in stark contrast, especially if one compares the military budget that the USA and China spend to protect their interests. The USA has spent almost ten times more than China over the last decade, and China seems to have gotten ten times more with ten times less.

The very reason to oppose a socialist regime has been weakened by the USA itself: the undemocratic Chinese system ends up electing a competent and responsible leader like Xi, who is respected all over the world, whereas the democratic US system ends up electing incompetent leaders like George W Bush and now even Donald Trump who are despised everywhere in the world (except Russia).

Attached: Xi.jpg (4000x2250, 1.71M)

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>but they starved a whole lot of chinks that wouldn't get with the program! AAAAAHHHHHH Communism!

oy vey!!!!!!!! support regime change you fucking nazi!!! They need democracy so the same foreign nation can rig their elections too control China just like they control the West.

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where's the god damn chink spray fuck off

You don't even know how well it performs because they're never honest about anything.

>All the US posters who demonize "socialism" and "communism" are missing the point.

I'm married to a chink and literally everyone I've every talked to over there - from rich to poor - thinks the Chinese govt sucks and would rather be living elsewhere, much like you currently are.
Canada is pathetic enough by itself. It doesn't need you there making it even worse with your insufferable faggotry
>gotten ten times more by spending ten times less
easy to do when you steal everything from us. The problem with stealing your way to modernity is you are always one step behind those you are stealing from.
but go ahead keep stroking your ego ricenigger

chinks eat dogs bro

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Except China is a capitalist economy with a meritocratic-oligarchy government. They have communist roots, but Mao’s system was completely uprooted by Deng in the 80’s and replaced. Communism was and always will be a clusterfuck.

And the US did the same to the Brits. The only reason the us had an industrial revolution because some bong stole the schematics from the British factory he worked in and came here to set up shop in Massachusetts.

Jow Forums is not one person, so I don’t know who you’re talking to but I hate communism, I hate socialism when it’s not it the form of NatSoc, and I hate democracy. In fact, I would argue that democracy is the biggest cancer on the western world at the moment. A proper nationalistic dictator or king would be much more efficient at delivering good governance to the people than a giant bureaucratic behemoth of democratically elected shills, puppets, and stooges, each with a tiny sliver of power and no real responsibilities.

so you are just an idiot right, you realize that? you string a couple of paragraphs together and now think that its something intelligent?

your paragraphs are not even grounded in reality

*it seems like, is not a definite qualifier, you are just talking horseshit, any digging dip into your comments, anyone can see its baseless

>One party system is actually based guys
>Giving up freedom is actually better cuz stability even if it kills tens of millions fellow countrymen
Authoritarian bootlickers like yourself are fucking pathetic. You really do deserve the slavery that will be imposed upon you in the new world order. Probably just a wumao shill anyways.



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>thinking that the only catalyst for the modernization of the entire US industrial economy was some tea-nigger with stolen paperwork
golly gee thank god for those helpful schematics! without them we might have never figuered out how to smelt iron or set up an assembly line

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Cool pasta Pajeet.

You know reading The Nation magazine is the same as sniffing glue, right?
Just say no, son.

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Five thousand years of Chaineeesu history.

The only safe world for Nationalists and all peoples who love liberty is one that has cleaned the Chinese Communist Party from the face of our sacred Earth.

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Fuck you, fuck chinks and fuck commies.

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the industrial revolution began in the 18th century, dumbfuck. We were still British then.

lol fuck that. fuck all marxism.

Attached: lgbt communist cake.jpg (474x544, 46K)

I know this image gets posted a lot, but how has no one realized that the sickle and hammer is photoshopped.

More like a state-capitalism economy. The government owns hundreds of companies in all strategic sectors to boost the GDP. That's the optimal capitalism system.