Stronk wamon
Sarah Connor looks just like the wine aunt wojak
Stronk wamon
Sarah Connor looks just like the wine aunt wojak
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Considering that women have never been interested in terminator except ironically? Sure go ahead and nuke your own franchise through toxic misandry.
Wine Aunt Wojak to a T.
>GImmie your wine if you want me to shut up
Fucking love computers
Dylan Roof is looking curvy as fuck.
They’ve done it with Star Wars and they’re doing it with Marvel and DC, along with just about everything else. Next I suppose they’ll do aliens vs predator with Alien Lives Matter protesters and transvestite predators
this is just so sad...
Da joos said he could get early release for doing her stunt
name one meme that hasnt become reality
protip: you cant
>Men: Don't want to be lectured to by Hollywood
>Women: "What's a terminator?"
Another boring reboot from an increasingly irrelevent Hollywood, designed to virtue signal more than be profitable.
Late-stage capitalism is fucking weird, bro.
>An even more unpalatable prospect is that it is possible Dark Fate is suffering from the kind of misogynist backlash that affected the 2016 Ghostbusters remake. Dark Fate is almost as heavily focused on female protagonists, with everyone’s new favourite sci-fi queen Mackenzie Davis also joining the cast as a human with cyborg implants who has been sent from the future to protect Dani. There has been the usual vile response from sexist trolls in the wake of Paramount publishing images of its three female stars front and centre on the posters, even if such predictably myopic antipathy hasn’t made the kind of headlines that Ghostbusters or Star Wars: The Last Jedi did in similar circumstances.
LULZ there is already lefty seeth
mfw my cousin cuts through ICE agents like butter.
This movie is going to bring in a new generation of female terminator fans to the franchise.
Business 102 bruh.
>"Ghostbusters and The Last Jedi flopped because men are meanies and not because the movies sucked complete ass."
Gotta love women.
sarah connor was a model strong female with good appeal since she's fairly realistic and not a dyke, the kind of shit the woke crowd can't write
a male wrote that article......
Haha she really does look like her. But sarah connor is a good character. She was badass in T2. But i feel like they gonna change her and make her cringy af.
Imo, she was arguably the best part of T2. It was a great movie and she is iconic.
No one had to tell you she was bad ass. There was no politicization of her bad assery either. There are actually a bunch of iconic females throughout the last 40 years of cinema and none required people screaching about it.
Casting Dylan Roof as the LGBT-1000 was a bold move, tho.
I understand...but honestly OP, don't give them clicks. It's all bait, all of it. The more people complain about it, the more publicity it gets.
Can't we just...ignore it? I mean, imagine if we ignored people who gave opinions in the media who were not qualified to do so...or imagine is instead of complaining about propaganda we simply dismissed it offhand. Or imagine if no matter how much buzz the media would promote shit with, as a population we'd simply say, 'no thanks...I'm going for an ice cream'.
The world would be a far better place. Stronk womyn is beyond a it's just sad, and worthy of being quietly forgotten like Ghostbusters 2016 or Ocean's Whatever.
>The Guardian
Yea,nah i'm not following that link. Also fuck TV and shows
So fuck the john connor story they built doe 40 years, now we protect dani. They know how to please fans..
there is no difference between this a OP pic
>girl with unisex/masculine name
jewish dyke dog whistle
Ignoring Sarah Connor looking EXACTLY like Wine Aunt Wojak??
Ummm how??
Kek was literally going to post this.
Will this shit bomb harder than Salvation?
Just let the franchise die. It will never be good again.
If it does, you know who to blame, white misogynist males who can't handle REAL WAMON in roles of power
Heh incel
Easy. Does anyone on the street actually know that this movie even exists?
I understand making fun of it, that's not the problem. But it's almost as if they make these movies so poorly just for the sake of people talking about how ridiculous it is. Like Anne, with an E and fake teeth.
It's more beneficial to not even breathe life into it by mentioning it.
>wine aunt wojak
>“When I got a call from Tim Miller who I’d done Deadpool with and Tim said, ‘I’m going to do a new Terminator movie’ I was like why?
Finally! Yes!
Forgot that garbage even came out
Im sure plenty of normies who watch TV know about it.
I just heard about it, like 20 minutes ago, trying to find something to watch tonight.
Then saw Wine Aunt Wojak and the gay as F article.
Its like they already know its gonna flop and they just try to fill up the sm calendar spots between the superhero movies..
>Next Terminator movie will star Transgender Poochie, played by a tough talking latina
But that's just it. If there are lots of normies who know about it, I'd be genuinely surprised if there weren't also lots of normies who saw a commercial for it and thought, ' are these people and where's Arnie?'
Extra coverage online doesn't make it better, it makes the damn thing look worse. The more one ignores it, the better off everything will be (especially because it's the quickest way for a movie to tank). We can't change the fact that it's been made already and is being released.
Well, they used to. But I think now there just isn't the disposable income for it anymore. Movies cost to much to waste money on something no one wants to see. The only reason superhero movies get traction is because men will spend money going to see them. But this kind of diversity shit doesn't draw women because women don't go to see movies unless they get social credit for it or if it's one of those men-without-shirts-dancing movies.
Oh no no no no no
My gf is an absolute die hard Arni fan and even she thinks it looks like Sheiße.
Sorry, I meant 'Movies cost TOO much to waste...'
It's spelled, 'Scheisse', with the Sch (sorry, I have no double S on my keyboard). Schade...
That being said, I'd guess that your girlfriend's reaction is nearly universal. I have no idea who this movie was made for...there's no audience for it. Fans of the original don't care...and the mythical new audience of young girls doesn't exist (other movies proved that). No one wants to see women acting like men.
>It's spelled, 'Scheisse', with the Sch
Damn, that's embarrassing for me. The only reason I tried to say Scheiße is because my gf is German ;_;
Don't worry, no one will remember a random thread on a Cambodian knitting forum. I lived in the old land of the fathers for a few years, and the first thing you always learn is how to curse and how to write bad
Anyway, there we are.
Lol wow this is just lame. It's like an mangled autistic creature screaming from the corner of a room to "watch me and like it or you're a bigot incel" meanwhile this shit got stale at terminator 3.
Unrelated note, I'm kind of interested in pic-related. I don't think it came out yet.
I think a big part of why they do things like this is to demoralize their enemy (white males). They want to destroy all that is good. So they create these sequels that absolutely wreck the franchise. It isn't about 'empowering women', it is about destroying white men.
Sarah Connor was always the focus of the film, her and John Connor. Arnold was there as really the villain (1st film), then the sidekick (t2,t3,genesys). Haven't you seen the movie? Sarah Connor is featured prominently in every Terminator film that her character is in.
>It's spelled, 'Scheisse', with the Sch (sorry, I have no double S on my keyboard). Schade...
Hold down the Alt key.
On the number pad, press 2-2-5
I have not seen "The Wine Aunt-a-nator"
>But there’s still a marginalization of the Latinx cast. Natalia Reyes’s Dani Ramos doesn’t say a line till about 90 seconds into the trailer, which itself is two-and-a-half minutes long. She’s the new take on Sarah Connor, a fact so pointed that Hamilton says, “I was her.” The white savior elements that were present in the previous trailer remain. We do get to hear Luna for the first time, presented here in a Border Patrol agent uniform. A massive fight between his Terminator and the guards ensue.
This is where the movie could double down on its white savior element or truly utilize the Latino cast for unique purposes. There’s no word on if Luna’s character is playing a Border Guard throughout or, more than likely, just infiltrating them for a moment of narrative convenience. If it’s simply a means to poke fun at border guards, it’ll be a missed opportunity. It’d be fascinating to see a world where the Terminators are working as ICE agents, the ultimate purveyors of evil.
I love that movie.
Sarah Connor was a good character because they actually showed her growth from your average 80s chick to a "soldier" by putting her through various trials. Even then she still showed extreme fear, even in T2.
There was that time in Helmand province where we were taking a bunch of indirect fire, cowering in our foxholes, but then our female gunny took charge and everything was OK.