Libertarian here

Libertarian here.
Free market, free trade, and open borders is the ideal endgame.
Mass migration problems would be solved because everyone would have equal opportunity everywhere. There would be no pay difference between Detroit and Bangladesh.

Prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Libertarian he-
Stopped reading

>he forgot Jow Forums was the ron paul 2008 and ron paul 2012 board

>Detroit and Bangladesh

You wanna have third world levels of income?

>because everyone would have equal opportunity everywhere
open borders hurt everyone, the lower and middle class even more so.

But it will also lower prices and make everything more affordable.
See above, it will level across the world and make everything cheaper.

You're not a fucking Libertarian. You are a lefty faggot.


Has there ever been a case of open immigration that was good for the working class? I get it... stop being poor and all that shit. But unfortunately now the middle class is being eroded too. So guess what. Your money is next of the chopping block. Voting socialist is going to be the response from the working class.
>billionaires will just leave
Have fun being hunted by China. The world doesn't give a shit.

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nuking the entire world is the ideal endgame. mass migration problems would be solved because everyone would be fucking dead.

You had me at free market and free trade then lost me at open borders, you cant just let in anyone, thats basically an invasion of private property.

You aren't a man of the people. It's true that open borders and free trade are "right wing ideas". They're the opposite of protectionism. Protectionism is protecting your citizens jobs and wages. Being pro free trade and open borders is basically saying you don't care about your fellow citizens and their livelihoods, and you don't care if your neighbor is a nigger or some other type of mystery shitskin. I doubt you actually have to live near them.

We already live under basically open borders and free trade. It's the status quo. Companies purposefully reject job applications so they can skip to issuing visas for foreign workers. There are no barriers to trade and imports. We import most of our stuff and have basically no domestic manufacturing. The manufacturing we have is only there because of a few protectionist policies that still exist. You are a shill for the status quo. They'd probably hang you on the day of the rope.

The weird 3D model of capital eventually equalizing planet wide doesn't work.

Niggers destroy it and will never be satisfied.

Lolbertarian ideal is essentially a one world government.

This guy gets it

Closed Border-Ethno-Libertarianism is the only way itll work.

>thats basically an invasion of private property.

Nice double think. Telling people they can't rent our an apartment to an immigrant, sell a home to an immigrant or hire an immigrant is an invasion of their private property.

How do you feel about rape?

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>Prove me wrong.
Uhmm, the world we live in isn't proof enough that that bullshit has been disastrous?
Unless of course you're an oligarch, in that case that shits mothers milk.

libertarianism is a spic ideology

prove me wrong

Do you mean that Koch brothers shill? Most people here grew out of there lolbertarian autism by now.

private property is a border, commie

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>open immigration that was good for the working class?
no its a race to the bottom

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If you just look at the thumbnail, it looks like poopoo.

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>There would be no pay difference between Detroit and Bangladesh


Who said there was? You sound fucking retarded

explain to me how your political freedom is provided by the political regulations of the constitution but economic freedom is provided by a lack of regulations. i resent the fact libertarians have turned "free" into a word that puts americans on edge. you fuckers promote corporate tyranny the same exact way the democrats promote political tyranny by undermining the constitution.

that's racis

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There is no pay difference between Detroit and Bangladesh

>explain to me how your political freedom is provided by the political regulations of the constitution
it isn't

Great, get rid of taxation and the welfare state and then we'll talk about open borders

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I refuse to lower my standard of living to help ANYONE

Equal opportunity is not libertarian at all. The only way to give any 2 people equal opportunities is through force, you dipshit.

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And the only way to enforce restrictions against immigration is through force.

>white ethnostates are peaceful and everywhere else isn't
Big think.

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It's a mystery eh

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And? That has nothing to do with my point at all. You didn't refute it, because you can't.

As for borders, how is it liberty to have other cultures enter your territory and impose taxes upon you to fund their lifestyles? I don't have a choice in the matter when my income is confiscated to support socialist immigrants that vote to steal it.

Immigrants can't vote, retard. It's native-born white people who are voting for big government and taxing the shit out of me.

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you've just proved that libertarians are retarded

people who invade your (your) property and try to extort you are invaders
voting is completely beside the point, since voting doesn't do or justify anything

>Mass migration problems would be solved because everyone would have equal opportunity everywhere.

Just how much of a retard you need to be to write something that stupid?

No, but immigrant ethnic groups do. Second generation immigrants vote 95% for larger government and fewer constitutional freedoms, for more taxes to fund a larger welfare state they are beneficiaries of.

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Dumb-ass assuming a few greedy bois dont exist and wont ruin everything.

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>implying the Republican Party represents smaller government

Republicans run up spending and the federal debt every single time they're in office, retard. Now I know you're not a libertarian, you fucking dumb communist.

>open borders
so what will you do when people who don't believe in free market, free trade and peace come to your neighborhood?

how would the ideal libertarian village deal with the refugee crisis in europe?
yes it would be nice if those countries weren't ruined by bad governments first, but its not practical

and how will you deal with hostile space aliens?

Meanwhile in welcoming, migrant-friendly Sweden...

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Point to the place anywhere in any of my posts I mentioned Republicans at all. I'll wait.

Now watch the Dem debates and tell me which candidate is the one campaigning for smaller government. I'll wait for that, too.

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>so what will you do when people who don't believe in free market, free trade and peace come to your neighborhood?

Native-born Americans already reject the free market, free trade and peace so it makes no fucking difference, retard.

Name one Republican president who has ever represented smaller government. I'll wait.

you don't have to believe anything in particular
you interact with people on the basis of behaviors, not beliefs - most of most people's beliefs are almost entirely irrelevant to how they actually behave toward others

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What image needs is someone autistically reeing.

>posts image of white men voting for Republicans
>implies that Republicans represent smaller government

"I'm not a Republican, I s-swear!"

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It's called the New World Order, and coming of the anti-Christ, but you don't give a fuck because you're a Jew Satanist piece of shit.

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You answered a question with a question as an avoidance tactic. You did this because you have no answer.

Republicans campaign on the pretense of smaller government then fail to deliver once elected. Dems campaign on larger government and deliver it. Regardless, only one of the two even bothers to lie to people who demand the government get smaller. Those few who DO want a smaller government are all Rs, even if most Rs are not. There is not a single D.

I am a libertarian, but I know that cultures matter. People who immigrate to a country and keep their native culture will use it to influence politics in their new host nation, and that will change that nation into one similar to the nation they originated from. Borders matter, and they need to be enforced or there is no market of governance at all. I would accept immigrants that intend to abandon their old cultures and adopt an american one, but as it stands we have no such requirement - we allow immigrants to take citizenship tests in their native languages, ffs. Mexican immigrants proudly fly the Mexican flag over their homes and during protests while consuming American tax dollars.

This is not sustainable, nor is it just. Taxation is theft, even by vote, and open immigration gives financial incentives to nonproducers to come here and consume the wealth of producers.

>open borders
>Equal opportunity everywhere
Sounds like an advocation for, and invitation to tyrannical world government to me. shoo shoo shill.

Jow Forums has never been pro-open borders

>will change that nation into one similar to the nation they originated from

Mexico's government spending as percent of GDP - 27 percent
China's government spending as percent of GDP - 24 percent
USA's government spending as percent of GDP - 42 percent

Americans are among the least libertarian people in the world, retard.

Hmm. You’re a fucking idiot. Unless you’re an anarchist you need enforced borders on order to have a country. Why on earth some libertarians are pro mass socialist voting migrants who speak Spanish and shit out multiple kids is beyond me. What the fuck is wrong with you guys. You’re playing the higher moral authority game just like the liberals. We need strong borders I despise spics.

Kock brothers shill? Fuck you talking about. The cuck Brothers hate the Moses institute which Ron Paul is aligned with.

>Those few who DO want a smaller government are all Rs, even if most Rs are not.

The only libertarians to have ever been in the Republican Party are Ron Paul and Justin Amash and they were ran out of the party, you retard.


>open border ideal endgame.

No it's not. The end game is private ownership which entails the right to exclude undesirables.

>native-born Americans establish the military industrial complex and the modern welfare stare (Medicare and Social Security)
>"immigrants are socialist!!"

Private ownership also means you have the right to exchange with anybody you want.

Correct. It's up to the individual to decide who they associate with and not an ivory tower in DC. Not saying people should separate but open borders is no endgame for libertarianism.

It needs John Bolton reeing in the background like those ancap memes.

current day america is the end result of what a libertarian colony would devolve into, they'll be too weak to enforce a border and will get eroded

how would a libertarian society deal with a group like isis? you'll end up building a military, a border and vetting everyone, just like a state

how would libertarians deal with china?

This is just semantics. When people say "open borders", it's pretty obvious they saying political borders should be open, not private property borders.

Do you want to live with shitskins? Because that's what'll happen, and they won't be libertarians, they'll bury you with socialism.

I'm already buried with socialism and it was native-born Americans who buried me.

whats the difference?

>Free market, free trade, and open borders is the ideal endgame.
Only if you also get rid of taxes and welfare. Which you should do first and in both countries. Otherwise you might just find detroit turn into bangladesh.

>Libertarian here.
>Free market, free trade, and open borders is the ideal endgame.
god what a faggot

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Mises was a kike and so were the majority of the most famous Libertarian thinkers

its literally just as Jewish and Communism is
eat my ass

>how would a libertarian society deal with a group like isis? you'll end up building a military, a border and vetting everyone, just like a state
lol don't be racist bro

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The only stance that makes sense is minarchism. This is achieved when the distribution of force is regulated by the right to bear arms, but a military is of course essential.

I don't think anybody on this board would think that a free market is bad for the nation's citizens, its just arguments about who is or isn't a citizen, and who determines this

This. You can't have economic freedom when low IQ serfs flood your country to live on handouts in exchange for votes.

>he forgot Jow Forums was the ron paul 2008
On Jow Forums several years before it's creation.
Real oldfag shit.

>ron paul wanted open borders
you fucktard

The biggest welfare queens in America are people in the military and old people on Social Security and Medicare.

Seriously though, who's going to stitch OP's asshole back together now it's been torn to shreds?

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if people attack you most people fight back
a group of thugs (the state) isn't a good group to organize actual defense - they make more enemies (and they are an enemy) than the "protect" from, like any mafia

Ideology really has 3 poles. Conservative, Libertarian and Collectivist. People lean towards one and often have a back up. Ideologies really split most essentially into those 3 with some mix. Recommend looking at moral foundations theory if you are interested.
Collectivists value equal out come above all else, but fairness is also rated pretty high. Libertarians value freedom, also fairness to a lesser degree. Conservatives value a range of things like including Loyalty, Sanctity, and Authority.

Im a really strong mix of Libertarian and Conservative. Conservatism is needed to save the soul of a people. Libertarian has a proven track record for amassing wealth and bringing a nation out of poverty. Im very free trade, but I am very against mass immigration. Free trade is a net benefit exchange of goods for the most efficiant price. It does not damage a culture to have the buy the unique resources or have the food options of another country. Immigration is different because we get people who are told will be the same, but they are not the same in culture, values, voting beliefs, and ethnic make up. We are told their non adaption is an addition to our culture and while it just kills it.
We do have a birth rate problem, as does most of the northern hemisphere, but hitting rock bottom then recovering is better than loosing our heritage to buy time.

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So long as we live under a regime that maintains a heavy welfare state open borders is suicide. Our social safety net is what's leading to alot of the problems in the southern border anyway. If you ended it, along with our military meddling, most wouldn't even want to migrate here in the same numbers. Not asking for closed borders or a wall but at least some order. When the city taxes me to build a library I didn't ask for and homeless are causing a mess, should I be OK with that or should I expect some measure of order?

Again open borders is no libertarian endgame.

minarchism and an accountable transparent government, otherwise it will grow into an opaque tyrannical one

technology can solve many problems that have plagued traditional governments, in the past, it was slow and difficult to get the national message to all citizens and to incorporate citizen ideas and feedback, not so with the internet
if lawmaking was tied directly to citizen voting, that will fix the corruption issues, we should not be begging politicians to do the right thing

or the directors of each gov department had to make their case directly to the citizenry on how to allocate taxes, people could go 100% education or 100% military or whatever

imagine a libertarian europe and how they would have fended off the islamic incursions?

we can't even get equal pay within the EU
neither can you within the US
poor larp faggot

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I don't know which people you know who don't have any interest in defending themselves, and I further don't know why on earth you think people who call themselves the state are uniquely able to organize people to defend themselves