What are they besides giving money away and trying to fuck the economy? All I ever see is people talk about the $1000 dorra and nothing else
Yang’s policies
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Yang is a fantasy
Vote Trump and get a job
That's his only appeal. And only for NEETs and other losers.
Says the Thai ladyboy prostitute.
>get 1000 a month
>everything just becomes 1000 more expensive
imagine not being in the yang gang
>1000$ a month
>mandatory taxes on tech giants that have 0 federal income taxes like amazon to pay for the 1k a month via Value Added Tax
>the 1000$ a month doesn't stack if you participate in other welfare programs; the amount of assistance from the government will equal 1000$ a month either through straight cash, welfare programs,or combination of the two (allowing the 1000$ a month to be more feasible price wise)
>bringing hundreds of thousands of dollars of purchasing power to your local community to boost local business
>those businesses hire more people as they grow; more jobs (2 million+)
>those who are part of the 4 millions jobs lost to automation will have more job opportunities and flexibility
>not living from paycheck to paycheck
>having spare money for unexpected debts / bills
>those incarcerated don't get 1000$ a month
>afford to take time off and spend time with your children and family
>compensation for jobs lost via automation will stop autists from protesting against technology and innovation
>spare money to pursue hobbies, startup companies, or to support your NEET lifestyle
>Thomas Paine supported UBI (Citizen's Dividend)
>MLK supported UBI (Guaranteed Annual Income)
>Why don't you?
Why are you not supporting Andrew Yang, Jow Forums ?
TL;DR / more information: youtu.be
The migapedes just love Jeff Bezos. Anything for Jeff. They'll never ask him to contribute to our country. Why would they? He does so much for us all already.
All of his policies are described in detail on his website.
>Besides UBI
>Posts UBI
Who cares?
The only reason anyone should vote for him is to make the most out of clown world before the fire.
Unfortunately hes still a chink though ao thats a no go for me.
age of consent is 15 here
im american i just want to fuck all petite girls possible boys too
only here for 2 weeks.
dont worry i will be back in america in 2 weeks
I'm a trucker and will lose my job within 5 years due to automation.
Fuck you
So, can veterans getting VA disability get the freedom dividend on top of their disability money?
if the VA disability is greater than 1000$ a month, then no. All welfare programs take away from your 1000$ a month. Or you can opt out all welfare and get just the 1k.
If you get more than $1000 from your disability payments (near total disability) then no. However, he DOES want to increase VA funding, increase the amount of education covered by the GI bill, offer businesses subsidies if they hire or are owned by vets, and offer free housing to homeless vets.
Let's say I get exactly $1000 as compensation for getting fucked up in war from the VA, which limits my job prospects/earning potential. Freedom Dividend goes into effect, and now everyone who wants it gets the same as I do, despite having not sacrificed anything or served.
>Those who served our country and are facing a disability as a result will continue to receive their benefits on top of the $1,000 per month.
Well fuck me then.
I was wrong, after some research:
VA benefits, like Social Security, are subject to Cost of Living Adjustments. If the Freedom Dividend and VAT result in a material increase in cost of living, your father's VA benefits should increase to maintain purchasing power.
Periodically, VA makes cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to VA compensation and pension benefits to ensure that the purchasing power of VA benefits is not eroded by inflation. Under federal law, the cost-of-living adjustments to VA's compensation and pension rates are the same percentage as for Social Security benefits. You can learn more about COLA's on the Social Security Administration's COLA webpage.
Nice LARP faggot. If you were a truck driver you would know that what you just spouted off is pure bullshit. You're actually a lose NEET who wants a grand a month. Kill yourself.
>standard democrat shit
There saved everyone from having to read through that crap.
Impose a tiered licensing system for guns. You have to wait a full year to get a basic license for handguns and hunting rifles, then wait another couple years and special government approval for long rifles, etc etc etc. And of course all of your licenses can be revoked if there's any red flag complaint, and then even if you get it taken off, you'll have to go through the entire process again
>pure bullshit
>ignoring self-driving automobile technology that is rapidly progressing
>ignoring the tesla self driving cars soom to be on the market
imagine being this retarded
>yang's color is pink
All of which is an infringment on our gun rights.
But howsabout them 1000 NEETbux, amirite?
It's happening lad. Why are you so hostile though?
>Self driving automobile technology is still in it's infancy
>Self driving long haul trucking is decades away
>Technology is currently unreliable for widespread use, privately or commercially
Right now, self-driving cars and trucks are a fucking meme. And it will be decades before the technology matures enough to make them safe and practical on America's highways. Care to try again, NEET?
What if the Freedom Dividend were dependent on the recipient performing some amount of community service per month. Let's say 8 hours per month.
Would this be feasible? Would it just be people with friends at non profits signing off on their hours?
And using the Verge as a source. Shame on you, user.
The more I think about this, the better an idea it seems.
I could see people policing each other regarding those lying about their hours.
Service to others has been universally shown to increase ones happiness. This could create a greater social well-being. It would be interesting to see if this combined happiness would lower mass shootings.
imagine not wanting 1000$
Does Yang want to take away peoples guns?
Which will still not be a mature system, will be prohibitively expensive for the average motoring public, and will not be widespread.
It's still baby steps. Not far enough along to put long haul truckers out of work in five fucking years. It's all a bunch of scare mongering by Yangfags who want that grand a month NEETcheck.
>decades away
i wipe my ass with $1000
thats so fucking little holy shit it's sad how much people hype this like it's gonna make them rich
an extra $12,000/yr is not going to significantly improve your quality of life, 99% of slackjawed idiots will just blow it on dumbass shit like new TVs or drugs
There is a great incentive to build the self driving trucks. You can charge a high price, given that companies will be able to fire their truck driving employee, increasing their balance sheets by hundreds of thousands of dollars, for each employee they get rid of.
People work extra part-time jobs to add $12000 to their income.
Which is a fucking meme just by the very name. I don't put much stock into anything Elon Musk proclaims unless it has to do with Space X.
It isn't up to the companies, but the fucking United States Department of Transportation. And self driving technology isn't mature enough to meet it's tough standards and regulations.
You faggots need to quit with the sci-fi bullshit.
>What are they besides giving money away and trying to fuck the economy?
Yeah, eliminating poverty is going to fuck the economy!
To answer your main question, he has a load of them. Big fan of democracy dollars, american score card and human centered capitalism, ranked choice voting, strong public medicare for all with private options, data as a property, legalizing marijuana, decriminalizing opiates, pro nuclear power, terms limits for congress and supreme court, etc.
Get out of your bubble, it will definitely help a plethora of people.
Yiff in hell
give it a cry
Dere is nothing relse. I gib you one thousand dorra you vote fror me rokay.
>Vote Trump and get a job
Coal isnt coming back
>imaging being soo shit at your job you listen to a chink who promises you " free money"
Imagine not working for the things you want, and being dependent on handouts. If you want to fight the Jew use there own advantages against them.
>Use there sheckels to benifit small companies, be self relient and independent from Big Corps. AKA Jew Echo Profit Chambers. JEPC for short.
>Connected to the guy from Ali Baba AND the guy who RUINED Hong Kong Cinema with expansive overhyped rich shit.
Those times are gone you old shitstained boomer
I make $54k/year as a trucker for Swift don't tell me I don't work hard.
Not a supporter of democracy in any way but he does make a good point. I saw some interview he was having and apparently the $1000 is supposed to be coming from (((big tech companies))) that take user data and use it to make millions. Instead of $1000 I think people should be given an individual amount based on the sheer amount of data they give these people for (((use))). Fuck them, that's why.
>Scared of critical thinkers
He's literally supported by Based Sam Harris and Elon Musk
It's not so much fuck them as it is a thank you to the American citizens for using their data. Plus, he's adding incentives for them get government grants to research and development.
It's not that Bernie is a bad candidate. Yang is just so, so much more superior as far as knowledge goes. People forget Yang had an economics degree.
Don't vote.
If this is such a great idea, why don't the other candidates just say that they will also make a universal income of $1000? Why doesn't Donald make a universal income of $1000?
I think you're really underestimating how fast technology can evolve, especially when it's driven by PROFIT
>I'm a trucker
no you aren't
>within 5 years due to automation
they've been saying that for a decade now
The donors who funded their campaigns wouldn't allow it. Yang is the first truly grassroots campaign who take advantage of the internet. We are starting to see the bias in MSM. He is this generation's Ross Perot.
But Ross Perot lost the election. No one except old millennials remember him
Indees, but the internet wasn't around durint Perot's time. If you watch his informertial today, he had a beautiful plan for eliminating the national debt that he was able to fund entirely through his own wealth. He was a successful businessman much like Yang who realized the financial issues through a non partisan lense.
well all right. But why won't Donald enact the policy? He'll need something good, because the wall didn't get built and there's an impending war with Iran
based user! YANG Is a commie and needs to go!
I get the feeling forces stronger than himself are manipulating him behind the scenes. What Andrew is doing which is genius, is laying out his plan for all to see. Looking back at Obama's campaign. He banked on Hope and Change. If his polucues get halted at some point, I could totally see him doing a Steve Jobs and calling him out in front of the country during his speeches as President. I'm watching his campaign like a Hawk. This man is 10 steps ahead of everyone else.
>This man is 10 steps ahead of everyone else.
Unironically. His opening statement on the last debate planted the seed of the freedom dividend to every citizen watching. It also completely eliminated the candidates that laughed or brushed it off as a joke, the average citizen knows that having that extra money will help them substantially.
I just find it so hard for people to understand that this isn't free money. This is a tax that corporations SHOULD have. It's not a penalty. and he is choosing to give it directly to the citizens. It really is extremely selfless.
ok, but corporations are really good at dodging taxes. How are you going to get GE and Amazon and Apple to go from paying $0 in tax and having tax havens in Panama ..... to paying enough so erryone can have $1000/month for years and years and years
I too just thought of him as $1000 man until I watched this. He's literally the only candidate with a brain.
He talks about other things, but user, there's more to it than "money"
Yeah good luck when another 30M jobs get automated away and the wealth gap gets even wider
And widen what you mean as "work"
We're not ants
Remember the incentive not to go back into the can, people will certainly have less reason to do stupid stuff to survive that's send them their to begin with
I wonder how commercials will be effected
- abolish the penny
- nuclear power
- free healthcare for all
- legalize flavored vape juice
- end retarded trade wars
>stand with Trump jewtube commercial prior to video doesn't even include Yang
Trump sure is scared
Easy. Value added tax. It goes directly to the corporations. If they want to have self driving trucks, they can do so and will have to pay the tax for every human displaced. It goes directly into our own pockets.
Ignoring that retard you can't still deny automation is killing the middle class.
>mandatory taxes on tech giants that have 0 federal income taxes like amazon to pay for the 1k a month via Value Added Tax
>taxes on tech giants
>via Value Added Tax
wat. Does VAT mean something different in America land? companies dont pay VAT, consumers do. When they do their taxes a company can claim back any VAT they paid, but didnt receive back from consumers, thats one way big companies sometimes manage to pay 0 tax.
Yang says policies should be well thought out but also flexible enough that you can change it if it doesn't work out. Elon Musk is also for this; in fact Musk said ALL laws should have an expiration date: theverge.com
Sorry I'm only interested in securing the bag. Worrying about what kiked policies Wallstreet and Bohemian grove will let my puppet enact are the furthest thing from my mind.
>automation is killing the middle class
Don't you mean your job, Paco?
>1000 a month to everyone
Its an economic measurement called "helicopter money" but i dont think its usefull in today USA.
It will be more usefull in Europe at the moment.
The next banking crisis will bankrupt the planet anyway.
>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless you've been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban suppressors
>Ban high-capacity mags
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)
Cuck Nuke Authority
>The power to launch a nuclear attack shouldn't rest with a single individual (wants VP & Chief of Staff to have say too. wasting time in a 6 minute response window)
POLICE "Fake News" & "Hate Speech"
>Introduce penalties for speech
>Journalist bailout. Taxpayers forced to prop up dying newspapers and media with $1 billion in initial FCC funding
DIGITAL SOCIAL CREDITS modeled after Chinas system
>a REAL-LIFE Reddit-style karma/social rank that follows you all the way to the grave
>Sexual orientation & gender identity should be protected classes under the law, SAY MY PRONOUN OR JAIL!
>PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for illegals. Anti wall.
>Fast-track Obama's DREAM Act and grant citizenship to millions of illegals
>this faggot actually believes the wage gap exists "fight for equal pay"
UBI (universal basic income)
>UBI of $1k/mo will be wiped out by INFLATION. NEETS will barely afford to live & turn to crime to survive. You'll be unemployed & too poor to do ANYTHING but exist
>Liberal judges to Expand right to kill children. Mandated free birth control (more gibs)
MORE GIBS for single parents
>further incentive the break down the of the nuclear family
implying dems would ever let a bernie scenario happen ever again. Why else did you think there were 20 candidates. lurk moar
He was moved.