is The Art of War worth to read?
Is The Art of War worth to read?
Sargon reads it, ancient recitations on YouTube. Shame he hasn't moved that channel to bitchute
A copy sits on the back of my commode.
No. Makes no sense when the enemy are women, psychologically. This is a culture war, until it isn't.
It is a fairly easy read that shouldn't take that long.
May as well.
Yes. Especially if you're a Historian, Political Scientist, or in a Military Sciences related field. ALL of the lessons in this book still apply.
But, the latest angle is that T'sun Zu was an invented amalgamation of several different people. However, the book is worth the read.
>he doesn't know how to take advantage of his failures
Trump studied it, and so should you; POTUS is a scholar of Sun Tzu
You can read it while taking a shit OP, the book himself is really simple as a grug rethoric.
Its pretty short and simple stuff, no reason not to read it.
But it is over rated.
>Yes. Especially if you're a Historian, Political Scientist, or in a Military Sciences related field. ALL of the lessons in this book still apply.
Not really. You'll learn a lot more from classicism. Anything Chinese is basically pure AIDS. Its just a trendy book for normalfags to read and feel inspired by that doesn't really say anything genuinely insightful.
Martyrdom or bust. Not all are called.
I have a copy on my shelf, its pretty common sense stuff but its a good read.
its just common sense advice
get it on audiobook to listen while you work out or shower
No, you should not just read The Art of War, you should study The Art of War.
Yes and it's nice and short. You could read the whole thing in like 2 hours
and the art of the deal
it will
start to make
funny how Pol Pot didn't need that book to kill 25% of the population of Cambodia so maybe its overrated?
it's almost a booklet, you can read it in a few hours
Its not bad but a little hard to actually make use of outside very specific circumstances or interpersonal relations
>Dude, do things that hurt your enemy LMAO
its basically "general strategy and tactics for dummies", you can reach the same conclusions playing lots of Age of Empires
yes, and it only takes a few hours
Get the Samuel B. Griffin translation.
Its good, but you need to have an analytical mind to put it into practical use
Here's a better reading list:
Yes, it’s like 60-70 pages. You can read it in like 3 hours.
>POTUS is a scholar of Sun Tzu
More like Sum Jew
You can read it in 2 hours you fucking faggot just read it
Yes. Consider also The Five Rings.
No.its obvious common sense.
Worth a read, but dont expect much use out of it unless you are a general leading swords and bowmen. Read it for the philosophy of war, not for practical advice.
Yes, then this.
I own a copy, read some of it, make sure you have the Sun on your side coming from the east ect.
>Takes 3 hours to read 70 pages
Are you retarded son?
>when you have a small dick, act as though you have a 12lb cock
>Don’t bust your nut in the first hole you cum across
>when negros are chimping out on each other, don’t get in their way
>in the mist of chaos, opportunities for epic memes arise
The lessons can be easily relatable even in today’s context.
Yes and no. If you have three digit iq you will quickly notice that everything written there is basically common sense on a paper however in classicist style. If youre gonna read it get a version without commentary, draw your own conclusions otherwise there is no point in starting it. Good read nontheless, everything there is applicable to pretty much everything from social interactions to buisness strategy, wouldnt recommend it as a lifestyle guide that youd uphold to.
It's alright at best. Literally a book on actual war. There are some aspects of the book that can translate to other parts of life but people that put it on a pedestal as the end all be all of how to conquer life are reading too much into it. You can read it under 2 hours. A total analysis of it might be a full day. Librovox has an audio version for free.