User vs Real Life

>on your break from wage cucking
>enjoying your chicken tendies lunch that your mom packed for you
>browsing Jow Forums on your phone and shitposting about jews
>slowly get surrounded by niggers

>what do?

Attached: nigger chimpout on white miniapolis.webm (780x530, 2.96M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>what do?
try taking your meds for starters

I'd never have been sitting next to a bunch of smelly niggers in the first place.

Glow so bright that weapons caches start appearing around the hood and the niggers kill themselves with them, obviously.

This has to be the most primate shit I've seen since gorillas in the mist.

Minnesota Nice doesnt apply to niggers

>memeflag slide thread
fuck off jew

>relaxing around niggers
No, just no

>around blacks
Pick one. Once you see a crowd of nigs near you be ready to draw your gun. If you're a nogunz citycuck clutch the handle of the knife in your pocket.

>comparing gorillas to niggers
Please don't insult gorillas like that

Niggers will run a half marathon to participate in violence. This guy willingly chose to surround himself with that many niggers so I have no sympathy for him. Now he knows better. And people who watch this video can learn from his experience.

typical sucker punch/gang attack by pavement apes.

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as soon as you get approached by more than one nigger assume its an ambush and get up, run like a bitch... live to fight another day

How many time you going to post this thread. Fucking chicken thrasher.

>"definitely worth it for the free cotton"

We should do this to a nigger to raise awareness.

I hate both them goddamn niggers and jews both!!!!!!!! they can suck my goddamn balls them fucking cottonpicking goldhoaarding nigger jews
fuck them all up the assss

dont run they have super speed. carry a weapon and take one down. try to make yourself appear larger by raising your arms and howling

you're supposed to cross the street in a straight line so you get to the other side faster.

Stop running your mouth, pussy. You'll never do anything because you're a weak bitch. If you ever were going to do something, you wouldn't be here talking shit. You'd be doing something

Why isn't this all over the news with sad music playing and slow motion shots of the evil racist blacks who committed a 'hate crime' against the lone white person?

Why did christcucks bring these animals to Minneapolis?

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Gorillas have culture and a gentle nature

No fucking idea but I love tormenting my nigger coworker when he tries to flirt with white women customers.

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Smoke bomb and ghost out of there. But seriously living in MN and having been to Target Field several times.......shit like this isnt supposed to happen in that area in daylight. This is new....they are becoming more brazen.....thats what rwally makes this shitty.

If this was Broadway west of 94 everybody would be saying "thats what you get for being an idiot". But not by Target Field in the daylight.

You add this with the Aussie chick that was killed by the Somali cop....Minneapolis is one more severe darky crime from having a white chimpout.

A) I immediately move if I ever see three or more moving in my direction no matter where I am or what the fuck I'm doing.
B) if you get attacked you don't ever fucking lay on the ground and expect them to stop, you run until you are in a public building

If there actually nogs in my neighborhood. I'm surrounded my Mexicans and they don't tolerate this shit like whitey does. Nigger chumps out once and they ejected.

Imagine if the races were reversed.

Shit doesn't work like in Ned's Declassified. You could run into a police station and a pack of niggers would follow you in if you stepped on they kicks.

He relaxed.
At least, hopefully, his eyes were opened to the nigger menace.

I bet that pack of animals even stole the poor white bastards own bike to run him over.

yeah and then if the building security doesn't come help you can sue them, especially in the police station you dumb nigger

>get blacked
some people have to learn lessons the hard way

I know a girl that fell for the north minneapolis gentrification jew....nice house for cheap...surrounded by black gangs and degenerates. House was broken into many times. They even cut the power to prevent alarms. She got multiple dogs, barred the windows and got her comceal and carry. Cops never did shit...eventually based asian gangsters moved next door and said theyd watch out for her...they did and the blacks left her alone. Eventually she sold the house and moved to the sticks far from everybody...

They most likely stole somebodies....

Well, whitey burns down a jew church you get a week of articles in the local MN rag. Pack of porch monkeys beat down whitey, no news. So that tells you.

but then you can't keep an eye on the other person without turning your head. you've never done this I can tell

I've had similar experiences with albos. Thankfully our police is not pozzed. I broke the eye socket of one of them. Didn't even have to appear in court, just spent a night in jail.

Piece of advice for zoomers that have never been in fights. Pick one assailant, the one that looks the weakest, and beat him close to death. Go for vitals, go for eyes, go for crotch. Make sure you are the one to throw the first punch. Gangs have people that are inexperienced, they typically don't know how to fight, they just gang up on people that are defenseless.
Take one out and your chances of fleeing rise exponentially. If you try to deescalate they will just pummel you and steal everything you carry, it doesn't work.

Gangs here don't usually have firearms though, so I don't know if there's a risk the niggers are packing heat. YMMV

>not walking away when one nigger shows up

I would immediately get on my stomach and put my hands over my head. I must assume a SUBMISSIVE position so I don't trigger a violent reaction. If you watch the video closely the altercation would have ended without any violence but the white gentlemen decided to let his pride get in the way of logic. If he had just let them rummage through his pockets and taken his belongings he could have avoided this level of hostility. He has instead opted to have years taken off his life over a few dollars and a weathered pair of new balance sneakers.

i shoot them as soon as it becomes legal to defend myself.

If I was surrounded by half a dozen white guys who I didn't know, I'd be on alert. never mind this guy's situation.
probably a transplant to the city from the burbs

Fair assumption. ..but whose to say they dont start hitting when they find out you wont do anything?

I bet you've been fucked in the ass before against your will.

No. A transplant wouldnt be sitting there alone.....hes from there, I can tell.

I here ya though...any group of people slowly starts surrounding me and Im runnimg through scenarios in my head.

Why do you boomers type in ellipses so fucking much

the cuckery and reddit is strong in this post

Who fucking cares!

kill niggers tbqh

Trust me user, this guy is a Nigger Lover and got what he deserved. Zero chance he will vote for Trump in the next election. He has learned nothing.

I always make sure to cross with white people when they do this.

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You should never let it get to that point. That is textbook relaxing

>Wat do?
First of all. If you're around blacks,you shouldn't be relaxed. You learn that day fucking one. Second if you're not in a faggot hole like Europe, get a gun.

Attached: punching niggers.jpg (994x1419, 179K)

Wrong, all they understand is strength, and you can scare them by acting crazy also. He should have pretended to have a weapon if he didn't have one. But the number one thing he shouldn't have assumed is that he was safe and they weren't all circling him for a reason. Never relax.

This is why we need guns. Where were the cops?

They were all 12 of them arrested ,so a net win for civilization.
>one black eye vs 12 niggers going to prison, or jail.

This is cope

>slowly surrounded by niggers
Yea, no. I'm not someone who gets lost in my phonescreen and I come from the time where you didn't give potential criminals the opportunity by being proactive and not reactive. If, hypothetically I was sitting out there in the open, my phone would have been in my pocket. Headphones in, but not listening to anything, staying hyper aware. But as soon as even two showed up in that area I would have been outta there. If you CC and you show restraint at the beginning and even try to avoid the conflict until you have no other choice but to fire, the courts are more lenient.
But really though, I would have never been there to begin with. That guy didn't just relax. He tried to convince himself that if he reacted that would be racist. He's lucky to still be alive.

how many were lynched?

source or it never happened

Nothing will we done. In MN Niggers are King. Orange Man is bad.

Confusious says 13/52

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This is why I never relax around blacks

How can people still do this?

Why has nobody with a CCW sat down there and acted as bait to chum in the niggers to get a good self-defense shoot?

It was outside of a sports arena, he likely came from a game and you can't bring guns inside.

I see.
Why the hell would anybody stick around when there's niggers roaming about? First thing you do when there are niggers is leave the area.

somalians vs. xanax addict

Now, someone needs to make a video of somalians vs. methheads.

Hope someone throws you into a woodchipper you nigger

Niggers are getting progressively worse. The more welfare they're given the worse they behave. This is not sustainable. At some point, sooner rather than later, the problem is going to need to be dealt with. And no, building more "yoof centers" isn't going to cut it.

Never relax. Show flag

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Disburse the crowd by throwing a hand full of job applications and paternity tests. Walk away calmly.

I would say sorry

Just burn all niggers


>>what do?
Join the police probably.

With phones, the two aren’t mutually exclusive you monumentally retarded faggot.

They aren't Somali

if you're in that situation and you don't have pic related ready you'd better hope a good Samaritan nearby does

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>He tried to convince himself that if he reacted that would be racist. He's lucky to still be alive.
this; pussy onion-man death-wish

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Everyone lives in the suburbs in the twin cities and for good reason.

Walk away. If they attacked me I’d throw them one by one over the ledge.

Sorry bud, that doesn't work.

Attached: self defense is a crime.png (739x619, 594K)

>>what do?
relaaaxx mannnn

That can very reasonably taken as a hostile act, moving to intercept/prevent others from moving.
Makes it much less of a 'sucker-punch', cause you're making your intent clear

lmao like it's a wild animal; post example plx

Attached: iu[1].gif (480x367, 411K)

>literally relaxed with pack of niggers surrounded him

No pity. Probably some "I see no race" redditor faggot.

pic related
I don't know who is tarding who here, you know that guy is shitposting. You really think a caricature like that exists here? I refuse to believe that is a real person or that anybody can be that fucking stupid and weak.

Attached: (You).gif (480x238, 415K)

are they doing wwf moves on him at one point? what the fug

>I would immediately get on my stomach and put my hands over my head. I must assume a SUBMISSIVE position so I don't trigger a violent reaction.
They're likely to stomp and/or kick you in the head as soon as you do this. You're best bet is probably to just start walking away from them without saying anything while keeping an eye around you so they don't try to sucker punch you. Then pull out a knife or gun as soon as you're ready to shoot or stab them if they try anything or run if you feel confident enough in being able to get away from them.

CNN wall to wall coverage for 3 months minimum.

>any group of people slowly starts surrounding me and Im runnimg through scenarios in my head.
He likely fell for the 'don't assume all nig nogs are bad meme' and didn't want to appear as being a bad racist white man. Maybe he thought the nig nogs were surrounding him to be his friend and not curb stomp him to death.

I'm sure the white guy figured he'd be safe right outside the Minnesota Twins baseball stadium. That's the statue of Harmon Killebrew. Minneapolis used to be one of the safest cities in America and then niggers were imported. I'm sure that guy is enjoying the diversity.

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