Why are white nationalists always so afraid of being "named" and "exposed"?
Why are white nationalists always so afraid of being "named" and "exposed"?
Because liberals own the media and will destroy them. Sage for offtopic. Sage for memeflag.
>why are memeflags allowed on Jow Forums
Tyranny of the minority.
>t. jew
Because most are not really White Nationalists.
George Zimmerman was Latino second gen, yet media said White man.
The latest cop in Michigan got the house from someone else and decided not to toss the KKK sign. Yet, media says Racist.
So fuck off.
Real white nationalists show it in their Trucks.
Because you kikes ruin their careers . PC is cancer . FBI doxxed me and ruined my career "investigating ptsd soldiers " I was never a soldier. Agent Aguilar didn't like my anti spick postings
Because they don't really believe in what they say they do.
> 1 post in this ID
Figures cancer like you has no idea what being the underdog is like.
because they don't want to be associated with their beliefs
Why do you hate whites?
Because they don't want to face up to the reality that other people don't tolerate their hateful views
No fucking way? Thats her now?
Because white nationalists are beta cucks and keyboard warriors. They act tough on here because they’re losers in real life.
dude yeah I think she had a mental breakdown er sumthin, not sure why. It's hollywood man even without the satanic jewish pedos it's high pressure and crazy shit, surprised more people don't crack
We aren’t
lol because deep down the entire time he was just a democrat trying to create an enemy that they could paint anyone as an ally with
because all the white nationalists with balls died fighting WWII
Reminder to sage antifa commie threads.
Helicopter rides for commies.
It's not liberals or the media that made him post on social media.
I don't know OP, I am a Jewish supremist, I don't keep up with these filthy shitskin goyim.
deserved the holocaust