HAPPENING. Trump holds a rally just for Pajeets in the USA

Indian PM to hold pro-India rally in Houston this week. Everyone that took your job will be there. Why is Trump there?

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where is it going to be?

Imagine this stadium filled to the brim with pajeets. Truely sad.

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Sounds more like a "fuck Pakistan" rally to me. I'd go.

Fuck Pajeets

Why'd you post a picture of a toilet, user?

>ptg here to put some spin on things
>fuck Muslims amirite. Yeah boys, fuck them like it’s 2001 again! I’m not a Jew!

Here’s what Bloomberg has to say about the rally:
>Modi is scheduled to address upwards of 50,000 people at a sold-out event at Houston’s NRG Stadium on Sept. 22 that’s billed by organizers as the largest-ever turnout for a foreign elected leader on U.S. soil.
Truely disgraceful of Trump to attend this thing. Maybe he will be giving mags hats out. This is really the “celebration of people who took your white collar job” and “economic immigrants yay” rally. FUCK!

>Trump rally packed as usual
>modi is there too
>wow fuck Trump Indians bad I'm #yanggang now

You really are putting zero effort into your spin, Jew. Read this article by one of your tribesmen: houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Narendra-Modi-visits-draws-protesters-in-Houston-14440470.php
Go fuck yourself, Jew!

Next time put a link in the OP if you want to talk about something

Fuck pajeets

It was crazy to hear that a foreign leader would be coming to talk to his people. It’s insane that Trump will be there, too. As if to stamp the whole event. Shameful.


Maybe they’ll host some of the biggest names in Bollywood to stir up more attendees.

Maybe those shitskins can take a plane back to their continent with Modi.

>Howdy, Modi!
good god lmao

Based Apu will be there

Attached: basedapu.webm (720x720, 2.49M)

He's the organizer

The pic says it all

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That wouldn't be maga though

>literally everything trump does/says is a betrayal of his base
>literally everything trump does/says is proof he is a nazi
>literally everything trump does/says is proof he is a kike puppet
>literally everything trump does/says IS NOT NORMAL
>literally everything trump does/says is something you hate
>literally everything
>literally everything
>literally everything
What stage of seething is this?

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Be sure to train poojab, your replacement before you go home and kill yourselves, because you have no affirmative action preference.
Black unemployment record lows!
White male suicides record highs!
US economy going off a cliff, but don't worry Trumpstein will give all white men's money and opportunities to niggers, cunts, spics... while giving billion of dollars to Kikes.

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Trump is going to make a deal with India to send troops to Afghanistan so American can leave

>job surplus still exists
>commie NEETs still refusing to get a job
So stage 6?

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Imagine the smell

Trump will be celebrating white replacement I'm sure

the smell

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You low IQ know nothings have never heard of labor force participation, so the government does not need to lie about those numbers, yet.
Labor force participation is near the same levels as the 2009 lows. It is also lower than the 1999/2000 recession lows. The USA is declining to a third world shithole. There has been 2 lost decades and it will continue.
Losers like you believe government lies about unemployment rates and inflation, while standards of living in the USA continue to decline.
Printed money and budget deficits are the only thing this country has to manipulate your beloved GDP numbers up.
Human garbage like you are complicit in white genocide and the destruction of ever white country. I have nothing to say to lying human garbage like you.

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shut the fuck up faggot
Indians are based, aside from the street shitting.

you can tell its a shill thread because they ignore that we're in a trade war with China and that India is just itching to make more shit for us
pathetic discord niggers

Next to Mexicans, Indians are suspect number 1 for stolen jobs. Go back to posting in PTG, Jew.
Yaaaas. More overseas manufacturing. Let’s swap one test for the other and cheer on the economic migrants (sorrow be unto them) who came here to MakeABetterLifeForTehmselves(tm) and undercut the white collar labor market with low wages. Fuck India, fuck Indians, fuck their shit culture, and fuck Donald J Trump and his Jewish advisors. Fuck you, too, worm.

Yay Trump! How many more H1B jobs will you promise them? Three cheers for DONALD! Try the curry dish! S o o yummy!

Get rid of the minimum wage if you want the jobs back. It's not rocket science.
Can't complain after shooting yourself in the foot.

I deal with people from your country at work ALL THE TIME. We do not need more of you, especially in the sciences. You all were colonized by the Brits but somehow managed to still speak an English pidgin. My goodness. You are all hacks.

Trump gonna present a golden toilet as a sign of good will between our two great nations.

Out of ALL the people in the world the U.S. is importing the most of via visas...it HAD to be fucking Pajeets. Fucking kill me. Kill me now.


hello paki
you're very bad at hiding yourself paki
when are you going back to pakistan?

This is to set the wedge against China and Pakistan.

Are you a bot?

Hello frens. Kashmiri here
>inb4 go back to your own country
Most likely I'll be returning soon.
>inb4 a fucking leaf

I honestly just want my people to survive. I want our culture to continue to exist. With the removal of our sovereignty as an ethno-linguistic group, Pajeets are allowed to move into Kashmir and turn us into a minority in the very lands we've inhabited for thousands of years. We were the ones that were there at the time of Alexander's conquest. We were the ones at the time of Lalitaditya's supreme reign. We were the followers of Hindu-Kush religion, the Buddhists, the Pandits, and the Muslims.

Indians have captured, tortured, and killed so many of our people. Our leaders have been extremely corrupt and acted like total fucking pussies. JKLF was initially a political organization trying to get elected. The election was rigged and stolen from them, leading to them taking up arms. Most of them were killed, captured, bought out, or went down the path of peace. The organization itself was secular. Hizbul Mujahideen and other ACTUAL terrorist organizations exploit the very people they claim to fight for. Similarly, some retards and traitors take up arms simply to exploit the chaos. Anybody with power was treated like shit during the 90s. Regardless, the Indians are actively trying to replace our ethnic group. We have our own phenotype, major genetic sub-cluster, culture, language, orientation toward the divine and philosophical, etc.

Again, I simply want my people and culture to exist in their land, to not have their majority undermined, and have the right to self-determination. This is what I wish for the Europeans, along with all other races and ethnicities.

Pandits welcome.

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>Pandits welcome
Why did you rape and murder them then ahmed.
This is god's punishment

We've heard of labor force participation because unlike you faggots we actually work. Its low because the King Nigger cartel's shitty economic policies made it more affordable not to work. That's what happens when your entire presidential policy is being an international buttslut and giving everyone free shit. Eventually the people who are busting their ass drop out of the workforce and want the same gibs they may or may not have gotten working as the worthless fucks siphoning off taxpayer money.

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Also, you are a stupid fucking commie LARPing as neetsucc trying to kill support for Trump without providing another alternative AGAIN. Trump is winning 2020 because you and everything you fucking stand for is complete shit. Fuck off.

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>Why did you rape and murder them then ahmed.
I'm 18. I was born and lived in Kashmir, but was forced to immigrate to Canada as my parents wished for me to grow up in a region that wasn't so deeply troubled.
I was born after militancy.
My own grandmother was, on several occasions, kidnapped by terrorists and nearly killed. She doesn't have the capacity to harm anyone. Since she was a prominent figure in the government, the terrorists targetted her. Similarly, other members of my family were harrassed and even killed; as I'm from a rich and prominent family on both ends. My grandfather was a very prominent figure in the J&K police during the war of '65. He, on several occasions, caught Pakistani insurgents posing as Kashmiris running covert operations in the valley; trying to start an insurgency. The people turned them over. His lifelong best friend, prior to his death, was a Bhatta. My mother's Godfather is a Bhatta who believes that the Bhatts severely exaggerate what happened, and says the Pandits had already started migrating prior to the events which led to the mass exodus.
The point is, without a doubt were several atrocities committed upon the Pandits by Muslim Kashmiris. However, it goes either way when you look back at the history of Kashmir. Nobody in my family has ever harmed a hair on a Bhatt's head. They both still carry their original kram, prior to conversion. Bhattas are our brothers; they should return to their land, and anybody who tries to stop them or harm them should be hung for treason against their own people.

>and anybody who tries to stop them or harm them should be hung for treason against their own people.

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Bathrooms will be spotless after that one.

Inshallah indeed, my Pajeet friend. I have nothing against Indians as a people. Simply the state imposing itself upon people it has no business fucking with.

Hopefully Trump knows to never shake a pajeets hand.


This shit is so blackpilling. I’m going to puke. Did this evil kike puppet sign that bill yet giving all green cards to India for a decade?
If not he is probably gonna promise it at this rally

Based. This is exactly why I voted for him.

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Ought to put a big flush handle on it.


rabbi rabbi rabbi

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That's right white boy your drumph bows down to a real leader.

Aight I am a Uttar Pradeshi brahmin and my great grandpa was a pandit so I'm good.


Stop Larping literally everyone in the Northern Part of South Asia is a pajeet, Kashmiris are just white(most of the time) pajeets. I am white pajeet from the north and all I have to say is, Kashmir should decide neither country should jut in.

Maybe he's there to garner Indian American support.

Posting from a different device now. Not sure if it'll show up with my ID, but still same person.

>Uttar Pradeshi brahmin
>Great grandpa pandit
As in Kashmiri Pandit? Also, what sort of Brahmin?

>stop larping
For once in my life, not larping. Actually speaking the whole and total truth.
>Kashmiris are just white pajeets
Yeah, pretty much. However, like I said, our phenotype, along with that of other Dards, is distinct enough (Widespread light skin, specific complexion even with dark skin; 10%-40% light - blue, green, hazel, etc. eyes; prominent noses), as is our culture, language, understanding of the world, etc., for us to be considered a major separate ethnic group from the rest of the inhabitants of the Indian Subcontinent. Based on this, along with the fact that we have inhabited this valley and its surrounding regions for literally thousands of years (Herodotus, and other ancient historians); and most importantly, we, along with others, perceive ourselves a separate and distinct group, which are relatively 'native' to this land; I believe we should have our own sovereign nation-state. Although, I still agree that the will of the people have some say in this. If they so decide to stay with India, or secede to Pakistan; it is their decision. So I agree with you, as far as that is concerned.

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Same buddy, I have white skin(a little dusky now, but pure white when I was a kid.) All the vedic tribes did that though, they just moved further south compared to others, also pandit just means priest, which was the brahmin caste. All Kashmiri hindus(from the valley) are brahmins. And if you look at an admixture map, all the north indian brahmins are much closer to each other than other Indian ethnic groups.

By larping I meant most north indians are ethnically related, Dards are literally just a subgroup of North Indians.

>All Kashmiri Hindus are brahmins
They're Saraswat Brahmins, which are obviously different in many regards. For example, they can eat meat (As the Bhattas do). You're right as far as Brahmins having far more western eurasian admixture than other castes.

>If you look at an admixture map
Except, Dardic peoples (Kashmiris, Kalash, Nuristanis, etc.) have far greater amounts of Western Eurasian Steppe Pastoralist (Aryan) admixture than, say, the Indic peoples or virtually any other macro-group of the subcontinent, with the exception of Iranic peoples (Pashtuns, for example). They also have a significant amount of Ancient Iranian Farmer (Dravidian) admixture, but Indic groups like the Gujratis have far more. Dards also have very little to none at all of the Veddoid component that the rest of the ethnic groups do. Furthermore, it's not just white skin. It's light hair, light eyes, etc. Half of my family has brown or red hair, and blue or green eyes. Dards aren't simply light skinned; their faces have aspects which are red in complexion, either perpetually, or under certain conditions.

Of course they're related; but "North Indians" isn't a grouping that does justice to all the disparities between ethnic groups. The difference in both phenotype and genotype between Dardic or Iranic peoples and Indic peoples is substantial.

More importantly, Kashmiris have a very distinct culture and language, which further establishes them as a separate people-group. These are different from, obviously the Indic peoples, but also more closely related peoples like the Iranics. For example, Gujrati and Dogri are close enough in terms of the language, and the pronunciation for a Hindi-speaker to be able to learn them. Kashmiri, on the other hand, is so distinct that it's virtually impossible for a person with established phonetics to pronounce half the words in the language.