Nigger delusion thread


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they didnt exist west until the one race causing all our problems started flooding countries with them.

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Left is an Olmec head (from Mexico). I don't know how the "Ethiopia" title derives. Maybe it's on display in Ethiopia.

>We wuz Eygptians
There's nothing more I hate than a delusional nigger

wtf....the left one is not ethiopian, it literally says "olmec" in the bottom.

I was thinking the same thing. Dumb Niggers


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>Mexicans are niggers
Not exactly breaking news.


both are olmec

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Niggers can't read.

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tbf gods having blue eyes doesn't mean all that much, lots of different peoples' gods have crazy ass physical features that don't even reflect they themselves much, and even then it isn't like there's a shortage of shit to make fun of niggers for being delusional over.

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>Before ANY DNA tests February 2008

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fucking niggers cant read

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>only Africans have big lip....

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>Blue eyes doesn't mean much
Yea? What about the Red hair and DNA tests?
Haplogroup R1a/R1b

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Blue eyes don't mean that much in the grand scope of things, Italians and Spaniards are by every metric 'whiter' than Egyptians or any other non-European Meds and barely any of them relatively speaking have blue eyes or red hair.

>The Jewish and pale man has kept our eyes SHUT

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If you read the plaque it says it is an olmec head as a gift from Mexico to Ethiopia.
Niggers are dumb enough to think this is evidence of anything other than two governments trying to make friends.

The placard on the object literally says "Olmec head" and that it's from Mexico lol.

Afrocentrists lie about history in the exact same way ancient alien "theorists" do.

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lmfao pic related is what an ethnic Egyptian looks like.

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>black female ghost writer
they also say shakespeare was a black man tho


It's a secret intelligence because there is no evidence of it. Lmao

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Rami Malek looks barely anything like what most Egyptians look like.
They are nearly all really swarthy and hairy with dark brown (basically black) eyes.
That dude is EXTREMELY pale by Egyptian standards, and even has blue eyes.

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>To commemorate Mexico’s assistance to Ethiopia during its occupation by Italy; Ethiopia named a center square in Addis Ababa “Mexico Square”. In 2010, the Mexican government donated a replica of an Olmec colossal head to Ethiopia where it was placed in Mexico Square.

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The plaque says:
Olmec head
From the people of Mexico
To the people of Ethiopia

Niggers read as well as they can swim

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>Italians are whiter than Egyptians
Dude, what in the fuck are you saying? The Ancient Egyptians were a Blue Eyed, Red hair Caucasian race. What the fuck do modern day Italians have to do with that?

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Black would literally be the last race I would guess that sarcophophogus was modeled to look like. I would believe asian, middle eastern, white, even Native American, but definitely not black. The structure of the face is nothing like that of a black person. Notice how her muzzle sticks out a good inch or two from the rest of her face while far while his jaw and chin come in towards his neck.
Also note the difference in nose shape.

It's amazing to me that people would actually pretend not to see this.

Proving once again,niggers are worth more dead than alive !

>has lip

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So were the ancient Egyptians. Their paintings and statues have blue eyes.
Their mummies have blonde hair and European dna.

Niggers would complain unless it was a legit nigger.

imagine if whitey said the exact same thing....

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Kangz are the funniest people ever. I can't tell you how much joy I get from reading their material.

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god the reviews for that book on amazon are full of assmad wewuz nigs


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ALL the sciences

The original Chinese genetic lineage. Since Genghis, the Japanese and a few others raped the genetics out of the populace to oblivion, original Chinese genetic lineage is gone/bottlenecked.

This shit infuriates me. Google is even a part of it as well. Look up what race the ancient Egyptians were and see for yourself. They are going to erase all white history and give niggers credit for it. Jews are god dam evil. I bet they are laughing it up about such a humiliation this is to us.

> Dude, what in the fuck are you saying? The Ancient Egyptians were a Blue Eyed, Red hair Caucasian race
Yeah, based on what exactly?
> Oh the haplogroup DNA studies from like the 10 examples we use show they show some similar DNA to people with traits X
Nigger do you seriously think they look so drastically different from every other closely related ethnic/racial group/people in their same region?
> What the fuck do modern day Italians have to do with that?
Modern day Italians are basically the same as the ones from the Roman era and before and look similar to Italians from back then.

>farming, irrigation, and government

Oh, boy, anybody want to tell them?

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Why are niggers this way though?

Hannibal according to The History Channel.

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> Their paintings and statues have blue eyes.
Some of the paintings do maybe but a ton have dark skinned people with black/dark eyes, and none of the statues from the time to my knowledge have any original coloration left, and it isn't like all sarcophagi had blue eyes.

Niggers legitimately need to be mercy killed.
It's embarrassing to even be aware they exist. What a sad existence. Barely cognizant of themselves, barely intelligent enough to string along words, barely intelligent enough to breathe.

The biggest mistakes in history will always be not exterminating the niggers and jews off the face of the planet.
Future civilizations will be able to ascertain these two groups are the ecumenical and perpetual blights of mankind.

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Because they are. They're either cursed people or legit monkeys

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About as useless as a tripfag.

Fuck you,pretentious NIGGER !

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Dude, what in the fuck are you saying? The Ancient Egyptians were a Blue Eyed, Red hair Caucasian race

>Yeah, based on what exactly?

The motherfucking mummies they found with RED HAIR. Oldest artwork shows RED HAIR. The NUMEROUS artifacts and statues have BLUE EYES.
And the FUCKING DNA tests from King Tut came back with R1b haplotype which is primarily Northwest Europe.

Not to mention that Scotland gets its name from Akhenaten's daughter Princess Scotia because she fled Eygpt and went there to start a new civilization. Princess Scotia is Tutankhamun's sister. Learn some fucking history Nigger.

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There were evidence of fleets of going to South America before Columbus did.
So maybe Mexicans saw a bunch of niggers and made statues for them or some shit.