Why are they such failures? While North American natives were living in fucking tents their South American equalivants were building civilizations on scales similar to Europe or Asias in godforsaken jungles and making history, and why do dumb white people love native nigger culture so much?
Native niggers
delet this
There was trade from the very north to the very south of the Americas, so think of those pyramid kangz as the capital cities of America -- all of it.
Some people were just out in the boonies just like people living in towns today.
Did you know this man isn't even Indian? He's an ugly ass European.
Yes Satan, I know he was an Italian.
Just because you're ignorant and don't know history doesn't mean they didnt have any. Google Moundville and Missisippean Peoples
This too. Also under many American cities lie the ruins of Indian cities. The US government has went to GREAT lengths to cover up Indian history because of all the genocides.
They aren't natives, they're Siberian Americans.
Think about it.
das rite
because they arrived in North America much later. Central/South Americans were of earlier migrations. basically they were still in the nomadic stage, and they ventured east, where it was basically untouched wilderness, so they split up into massive numbers of different tribes, never having communities with the population of say the Aztecs. This isolation led them to war with most outsiders they came across instead of trade/exchange ideas. pretty much the same thing as the current remote Amazonian tribes that never advanced.
those are literally a bunch of half-breeds. you can tell by those pictures that they aren't old. those pics were taken way after race-mixing started. lmfao stupid niggers and their bullshit.
Italians aren't ugly though.
They all got small pox lol
the plot thickens
I prefer Injuns to any other non-white race easily.
So are whites African-Europeans?
none of them look black. I live near one of the tribes that most mixed with african americans, so I would know.
That’s sure to stir confusion.
you should tell your theory to some native americans. I bet you get shanked.
Fake. The #1 way to find Archeological evidence for NA Indian occupation is through the chipped flakes of arrowheads, not through the massive stone buildings that you'd find in Latin America, or the ME, or Italy. They were nomadic and weren't too different from the steppe peoples, except no horses til Euros introduced them.
Most of the settled natives were dead from disease long before the English settlers even saw a native, anyway.
There's cities and settlements, but the problem is that they used different techniques than the Maya and Inca, so they didn't keep as well, and the North was sparsely populated because of the lack of agrarianism.
Further south, the Aztec and Inca met the Spanish firsthand, so there's a transfer of knowledge of the cities to the Spanish. The smaller NA cities were largely earthen and the white settlers didn't know they existed.
they don't look Indian either
it's in the historical record, it's one of those things that only the truly red pilled fellas can handle though
are you bad enough to expand your mind?
like the Scythians they valued freedom and the prize of overcoming the severity of the world to achieve their peace... who needs absurd monuments and structures and extensive accumulation and acquisitions? He who travels lightest travels swiftest
If you go to /his/ you might find the Indian brainiac who talks about it. He sourced me up and it was legit.
Lumbee are all mutt blacks and reds
none of those people look black dude. even with the old photography lighting. do you realize how dark some of the southern tribes can get? also, why is it that blacks supposedly did all this shit everywhere BUT where they came from, Africa? come on buddy, it's painfully obvious.
Five nations of the Iroquois precursor to the Constitution.
Cherokee nation so large it spanned 5 southern states
Cheyenne had a central government for them and Arapaho
Sioux, Blackfeet, Apache, Comanche.....all large organized nations to themselves.
They still don't look Indian either. They get that dark for a reason my dude.
There's a lot more to both Indian and African history than you know. It's all pretty interesting if you take the time to learn about it.
Still, none ever reached the sheer scale of Central Americans. Central Americans had HUGE populations.
try reverse image search. lol
>be half native half white
>people keep thinking I'm Asian
>white guys keep hitting on me and ask what part of Asia I'm from
What did they mean by this?
Do you drink heavily?
das rite
For real though read this part of this wiki page
This was one of many migrations over sea to America. The Polynesians and Chinese also have theirs, and at least 2 European migrations as well.
There's evidence for it all if you're actually interested. I was memeing with those slightly potentially dumb pictures(since they are mixed), but some people were mixed like this before black slaves came over with Europeans.
I hate Tony Robbins. I could never love that man. Nor Harvey Weinstein or Alan Dershowitz.
I'm part Cherokee. Loud and proud.
I don't drink because my native side of the family has too many alcoholics. Told myself I wouldn't drink so I could be better off.
They were living with nature, they groomed the land so the buffalo would come. They were very successful.
South America too. US pre-history is infinitely more muddied, we might not ever know much about it but don't jump to conclusions because you never know what's buried.
>another anonymous poster on a different board
I said there were cities in NA, and settled Indians. But there civilization was nowhere near Meso-american.
The NA, like civilizations of the Orient, used materials that, even if they worked well as cities, didn't keep. As in, earthen works.
The idea that English settlers kept this hidden is absurd. For the most part, they didn't know they existed, and the natives they met had lived with disease and contact with Euro contact for a long time (see the story of Squanto). That's especially true for all the sites out west.
They're too busy killing each other.
They also conquered and cannibalized neighboring tribes. The South American indigenous tribes moved to live up on unreachable mountains to avoid the Mayan and Aztec murderers.
So if you were running away from these nightmares, where would you go?
Problem is, I grew up in close proximity to several tribes. Know people who are literally 75+% native, so I don't easily fall for the different conspiracies on them. Literally none of them look like they have even the slightest African ancestry, even the really dark ones. The exception is the Lumbee, but that is easily solved by the extensive documentation of them intermarrying freed-slaves. They still heavily race-mix with blacks to this day, mostly because they grow up in extremely poor areas near blacks. Every other tribe I have known are extremely racist towards black people. They see them as whiney and stupid for wanting reparations when they themselves were more deserving. I knew guys who were clearly mostly native american, but identified as white because they were so racist against blacks. lol, they are a weird bunch.
Like I said you have to be truly red pilled to grasp the fact that the US government might have fabricated history a little bit.
>The idea that English settlers kept this hidden is absurd.
It's not, because that area was deliberately destroyed as well as many others. A very good channel on this topic is this one here
This guy points out how city centers will have mounds that no one knows about, and he talks about how oil companies fuck up archaeological sites that never get studied.
Mounds in the middle of prairies didn't end up underground or buried under trees on accident.
you white cucks can leave my land now, and take your nigger slaves with you.
hmm, i dunno, maybe because Asians and native Americans are recent distant cousins?
Same here and I was amazed when I started learning about this stuff. The conspiracy is how it's been hidden up, not the effort to push it. There are books from the 18th century at least that talk about the black Indians.
You an make the "Indians took nigger slaves too" argument as much as you want but how does it start explaining things like this?
I don't give a fuck if some nigger chief claimed half the Mississippi or all of America. Theres nothing to actually suggest a real, tangible civilization anywhere near the sophistication of even the fucking Indus or Vinka existed.
I just want an explanation from Afrocentrists on how blacks did shit everywhere BUT Africa. Africans never make these kinds of claims, and they out of anyone would know their own history best, because they never got shipped off to new lands as slaves. the truth just hurts too much I guess.
Will blacks ever create a culture of their own? probably not. so let's just put ourselves in every other culture. imagine being this empty
There are pyramids in the Americas tho
I already adressed this. There's a lot of African history you just haven't learned about it.
using those as examples is like saying aliens were on Earth because of sculptures from other places in the world. it's eccentric art dude. also, I never said Natives had black slaves. that wasn't very common, and that wouldn't matter anyways... seeing as blacks in africa enslaved other black tribes there. whites enslaved other whites too.
Prove it nigger.
>can't learn basic genetic mapping.
this is why everyone knows niggers have low IQ's.
Why did you circle africans? Also thanks user I never knew that. I guess pale native = asian looking.
Do you want to explain why your mind is locked shut about this? You seem smart enough to humor it but it doesn't look like you're going to.
There's a proven link down in South America to Australoids. If there's an African link it's buried under "but they mixed with slaves" propaganda.
there are "pyramids" in every continent, even europe. it's a basic design, just like stairs. the wheel was invented independently all over the world. same with the bow. you are really selling ancient people short if you think they were too dumb to design a pyramid man. it's basically the thing you MUST build if you want to increase the elevation of a structure, and also be able to climb it. you can watch 5 year olds build pyramids with blocks without ever seeing a pyramid.
what the fuck did they teach you in school?
because I've given it a genuine chance, and decided that it isn't the case.
South American =/= North American. Now shut the fuck up you dumb nigger.
thanks captain obvious
I didn't. The point of the picture originally was to show just how long ago the rest of humanity diverged from niggers.
East Asians and Native Americans come from some shared ancestor about 20,000-50,000 years ago I reckon, and go another few tens of thousands of years and that's when what would be the Asiatic race and Aryan race diverged.
Jow Forums told me people with high amounts of Native American DNA have shown the highest IQ of all humans in more recent studies
You didn't give it a chance at all! I've posted phenotypes that don't come from Asia and historical artifacts and you didn't even bat an eye. How do you brush stuff like that off?
But that's not in South America.
so because the ink they used is black, they are black? lmao. if you knew anything about Guatemalans, you would know they are like 5ft tall and don't look black at all. they do however, get very dark. WE WUZ 5ft tall. inb4 pygmies.
Where did the art come from?
The reason they didn't event the wheel was because they didn't have beasts of burden to pull carts, they lived in the jungle where a wheel is almost useless, they had rivers and boats and they had plenty of slaves to do the work for them.They did event the number zero and calendars that were more accurate than western ones by reading the stars though.
Actual history is a bitch for racists, isn't it :^)
half the shit you posted was of post slavery mixed-race people. you can reverse image search that shit. the other shit you posted does not in any way show black "phenotypes." I am very well versed in anthro, and what would I benefit from denying it if I thought they really were black.
also they seem to have at least dreamed about aircraft
what the fuck is this
MesoAmericans are closer related culturally and genetically to South Americas then North Americans. Stop coping.
>half the shit you posted was of post slavery mixed-race people.
You couldn't prove that if you tried. There are thousands of examples of phenotypes not from asia. Here is a very good one showing the Hawaiian almost australoid phenotype and there's been a genetic link between western Canadian Indians and them. But this is a Hopi Indian.
That jungle jew is doing coke.
well played
and once again, she doesn't look black at all. she has a huge chin. that is a very archaic phenotype.
Okay but the one you're replying to isn't mesoamerican.
I said Hawaiian/Australoid
I can post sculptures that look like literal aliens from Central America. lmfao, do you think they made photorealistic art?
Underrated OP
Must suck to have no self identity or such an embarrassing one that you have to try to unsuccessfully hijack it from others.
back to africa nigger.
Indians never domesticated horse. Horse was introduced by Europeans, faggot.
>literal aliens
Prove it
seems like you need to study anthro a bit more because hawaiian ≠ austroloid.
I dunno, it just doesn't seem very credible. Every culture has built amazing civilizations and structures that can only come from having large-scale, complex civilizations -except blacks...
You can argue that natives, being cousins of East Asians probably had high-enough IQ to achieve the things they achieved, albeit, barbaric in their religious practices and customs.
Nothing is new under the sun. Maybe if blacks build and maintain a functioning 1st world civilization, THEN these claims of ancient black accomplishments would be way more credible.
The Australoids I'm descended from aren't niggers though. They actually did something.
You'd be shot if you stepped into Peru. Blacks there live horrible lives. They don't even cut their own finger nails. Eww.
Yeah, they're ancient taiwanese niggers.
So you own a casino?
True that.
I'm saying it could go either way. What woman is scary looking but for some reason she seems a bit Hawaiian.
Tits or gtfo picky friend zoning bitch
It would also be more believable if they didn't claim EVERY civilization as if there was a conspiracy by EVERY other race to deny them of their heritage. Imagine thinking the Asians, Aboriginals, Europeans, and fellow Africans all have been conspiring for thousands of years to lie to blacks. LMFAO! Borderline schizo thoughts.
Replied to wrong reply. The Monks Mound isn't monumental and neither is it advanced. It's made of clay and was built in only a period of two decades. What a joke.
Huh, well I guess that kind of explains why white guys hit on me so much. They have a weird hard on for asian women. Not that I mind, but it's good to know why they can't get my race right. Guess it's also partially my fault for liking anime too.
You can't learn about Africa eating low IQ Jow Forums memes bro. I don't know what you're talking about Africa for anyway. This thread is about Indian chiefz n shiet.
Fuck off tranny fag
You do realize native Americans are DISTANT COUSINS of Asians right? That doesn't mean they're Asians. They diverged from Asians long enough to develop their own phenotypes not found in Asia you retard. You can even trace this.
The earlier wave of native Americans that settled in South/Central/southern portion of North Americas have their own unique phenotypes different from natives that come later who are more phenotypically related to East Asians, such as the Inuits.
>The Australoids I'm descended from aren't niggers though. They actually did something.
What did they do?