I haven't thought about Jewish thoughts when using these. Someone tell E Michael Jones or whatever the fuck that boomers name is. Heavy weighted blankets prevent you from tossing and turning which means no sudden Jewish wood before bedtime. AHHHHHH!!! They're going to raise the price and call it antisemitic now!!!
I would just get too hot and start sweating
casual, i use kevlar weighted chainmail blanket to protekt me form jew assasins
That's because when you were inside the womb you were wrapped tightly and snug, the weighted blankets give you that feeling.
I'm in shape and live in a hot climate
weighted blankets do feel nice.
That would make sense. If you're here, you're probably autistic as fuck. That's what these things were meant for.
This actually might be comparable cost. For a decent sized one, they run like 120 bucks.
How heavy we talkin?
lol you have aspergers
Rate my bed
weighted blankets are based and redpilled. Sleep much easier at night ever since getting one
I also have one. Its great for feeling relaxed insomnia and anxiety.
Yes that’s a king size and yes I like a lot of pillows
needs more cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummstains
Still haven't recovered from the tornado?
>laptop charging on a bed with no room to breathe
dead laptop/10
No sheet on the mattress?
,>Not chilling your room to 65F for maximum sleep gains
Do you even want to make it?
Are you in a battered women's shelter or something?
You work the weirdest job in the world, you marketing glownigger.
Soft, sloppy bed for a soft sloppy man
>weighted blankets
Oh god the horror. Half the time I cant stand having any blankets on my feet for the weight, since I want my feet to be neutral, not pointing toes. The most patrician way of sleeping
>No waifu pillow
I have the opposite of autism needing a heavy blanket. I have the kind of autism that I either sleep without covers, or sleep with a sheet. If it's really cold, I just use a space heater.
>layer a bunch of weighted blankets on top of each other
>imagine there's a ssbbw laying on top of you
eye mask? what a total gay faggot homo ass baboon
Best place to buy Winry Rockbell pillow?
Also is being auttismo Jow Forums in the best?
i never use a blanket either user
do i have the autism? i honestly cant tell the difference in temperature with or without a blanket and i sleep directly under a vent + fan going 24/7
Can't tell if this is a product shilling thread yet. Someone use some buzzwords and call the product "amazing" first
As it turns out, Fuck off, faggot.
>Charing on top of blankets
Say goodbye to it in a little while
how blanket stop coom when computer???
Is this bait? You’re gross. Get sheets, new pillows, new blankets stop laying in bed and watching tv, stop eating in your bed too. If you use it for anything other than sex and sleep then its much harder to fall asleep at night and you’ll constantly feel like shit, which probably means you’ll just lay in bed even more
I'm going to fucking coooooom. Aaaaaaaah. All over my hand... Ahh. I love using paper toilet to wipe off my coom.
No, I'm pretty sure humans evolved to sleep without blankets. When it's a nice day outside, especially in the autumn I like to go outside find a nice spot in the forest, especially when it's a day with light breeze and cool, crisp air and sleep on the ground out in the open air.
I do it in spring as well but something about autumn makes me want to sleep outside. There's more insects in spring than there is autumn.
youre not worried that somebody might find you sleeping out in the open and rape you and kill you? seems pretty scary imo
If you need something to stop you from doing something that means you are doing something else. Use ur brain to fight addiction and bad habits, be constantly conscious of what you are doing and what you should not do.
P.S you are a faggot.
my weighted blanket is so comfy it holds me down and keeps me from vibrating and makes me calm
>white people are all fatties
hello shlomo
Who's going to kill some crazy man sleeping out in the open? I conceal carry but really worried about anybody out in the woods. Besides anybody walking up on you in the middle of the woods at night there will be lights, leaves crunching, branches snapping. There would be plenty of warning. I wake up all the time from deer wandering up on me and they're much, much more quiet than a person.
You don't have to worry about not masturbating like a degenerate if you just get a wife and fuck her every night.
I would be more worried about ticks
Ok, this is getting out of hand.
How are these things actually though, seem kind of neat
Yea....sleeping on the ground is tick city depending on where you are. I spent a summer on Oklahoma and holy fuck you could see them crawling up your shoes
I dunno, kinda hard to try out a blanket.
Permethrin on your clothes. No insect will touch you and if they do by some miracle they're going to die.
Yeah, doesn't help that fad items are impossible to find good testimonials on
You might be just plain retarded.
I am doomed until I can enjoy the cold of space
They still trying to push this autistic overpriced shit to normalfags?
I don't know about the quality of these, but comfy sleep is quite valuable
It is.
Marketers are weird.
that cumstained laptop on the bed is all too familiar
Where’s your sheets??? Fkn nasty!!!!!
inb4 it makes you infertile
Extreme virgin tier starter bed.
And get a new wife every couple of years because fucking the same woman forever gets kinda boring.
How much does yours wheight?
I've been thinking about buying one of these for a while. Are they comfy?
>not sleeping on the floor with 40 pillow
>not forcing yourself to blast up off the floor every time you get up
vegas odds on you arnt good fren
This isn't always possible living in an apartment
Glad i'm not the only one
Weighted blankets the new bidet?
Having air conditioning, not just sleeping with the window open because it never gets above 60 at night
I actually have a lofty burlap sack full of camel hair and assorted rusty chaff, held aloft, then rained down upon me, so I pay penance whilst ridding my mind of jewish influence.
If you can't pitch that tent you should talk to your doctor.
The virgin weighted blanket vs the chad restraining straps.
I recently got one as they were on clearence. They are pretty nice. Now if I could just find a comfy pillow that stayed cool.
Heavy as in weighted with weights?
Coop. Everything else is hype.
T. Possibly spontaneously combustable user that need shit cold to sleep
I hear that it's notoriously difficult to find weighted blankes that aren't shitty. Shill me the brand and weight you got.
You can just do what I have been doing for years. Sleeping on the fucking ground with literally nothing.
No blankets.
No pillows.
An yes, it sounds exactly like how its described. It isn't comfortable, but being comfortable isn't a meme. Sleep is all about how you feel the moment you stand back up, and let me tell you. You don't need sheets blankets pillows and all that other comfy bullshit fucking you up.
Just sleep on the god damn floor. Try it. On your back, nothing. It won't be the most comfortable thing you've ever done, but when you stand back up after you have slept you feel immediately what I am talking about.
It is incredible.
The bed jew and the blank jew and the pillow jew all go hand in hand trying to fuck you over.
I hate Jews I get why they killed MJ this shit sounds like one of his friends.
BED BUGS user!!!!
dude said said like a Hollywood type cut him a deal not to pass up.
>The bed jew and the blanket jew and the pillow jew
I've been here to long, I'm so close to being sold on this
Not as bad as some other anons suggest, but a few things:
>a fitted sheet is basically mandatory, stop soaking your mattress in skin oil every fucking time you make contact with it
>cheap eyemasks are awful, hit up a family/local granny-type to crochet you one out of something "chunky", you won't regret it
>the small dark spots in the lower-left corner DO indicate a bed bug infestation at some point, if you never got rid of them you may have them now
>am I the only one with a great fear of having a bedside table at head-level? I always feel like I could roll off the bed one night in my sleep and get my head caught between it and the mattress and end up like Epstein
this is true
stoics would sleep on wooden boards back in roman times
He's correct. I discovered floor sleeping when searching for material to make straw mattresses.
I sleep on a bed now that I have a wife, but I still don't use a pillow. Flat is life.