Steals your job

>steals your job

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Please fucking do

Now imagine that thing rearranging some sandnigger skulls

Not mine

Still more efficient than the average non-straight non-white non-male worker

Rather lose it to advanced techware that works ten times efficiently than to a Jewish, transgender, she-fluid cretura.

it did a better job then a nigger.

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I doubt it. I work at customer service for a manufacturing company that's massively behind on every order because they hire niggers and white trash to run production.

When they train a robot to get yelled at for 8 hours a day for shit it didn't do, then my job will be in danger.

why are robot fails so amusing to watch?

That robot has the same working skills like wymen and shitskins.

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guarenteed 500+ replies

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>steals your job
no problem, it'll save everyone lots of effort and drive down the costs of everything

I don't know any humans who can work picking fruit 24 7, but I know a robot who can
and guess who gets to eat the fruit

Imagine this thing with a pair of shears and a toddler who won’t sit still.
T. Barber

I want it now!

cutting hair will be one of the last jobs robots do

Robots like this are still years away from being able to take over certain menial jobs. It isn't the same as assembly line manufacturing.

>b.....bu.....but how will I make money now? *sniffles*

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they are still more prepared to work than niggers though

Who dressed up a drunk beaner at 8am reporting for duty as a robot?

yep. get /comfy/

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>why are robot fails so amusing to watch?

>no jobs left
>"it's okay cause everything is cheaper now DERRRR"

Imagine being this retarded

There was one thing that I admire Hitler for and thats his willingness to trash automation and get people working again.

>I deserve $15 an hour.

I got a haircut today. My favorite korean lady was working. Small shop on the outside of town. The atmosphere 4 korean women make whilst running their hands through hair is amazing and irreplaceable, Suh, Young & Joo take care of you.

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>costs 3 times more than hiring a minimum wage nigger for 40 years
Fuck robots.

Does better work than the slack ass zoomers we get to hire these days. Bring it on.

Gay sex workers will be obsolete soon enough

Labor shortage in my country.
So robot is welcome.

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>also makes human women obsolete

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My dick is scared.

Thats one of the funniest webms ive seen in a while. Like it got pissed at the end and flipped the cart and just said fuck it.

>eats israel burger

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if robots are already chimping out, that doesn't bode well for automation
this one is interesting.

He might have stolen my job
but I stole his hot ass gf

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thats basically what i do but not as fast, so i guess I have to worry

profits made by automation should be given to humans

Amazon will pay $0 in taxes on $11,200,000,000 in profit for 2018
you paid more taxes than amazon did

if this keeps up, they'll suck up all the money in the world, and bezos is not going to pay employees because they are replaced by robots, and bezos is not going to put that money back in the economy

koreans are great at hairdressing, but they can never understand what haircut I want, even if I show them a picture

What is that? A robotic Irishman?

The dream

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but eventually they'll be cheaper, work better, be cleaner, and last longer than the average hire, so it's clear who wins eventually

>wins your war

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>but it wont automate my job

thats not how it will work morons. Because of robotic efficiency, things that used to take 100 people will take 10 people who manage robots instead.
Then theres another 50 people whose jobs provide services to those 100 people. Then theres another 5 people whose jobs provide services to those jobs.

So there'll be another 139 people looking for jobs who will then compete for your job, lowering your pay

I think someone explained to me that most of these robots are designed for competitions where the robots have to solve tasks within a time limit and most of these 'fails' are just robots powering down automatically when they run out of time.

I'm white and have a bachelor's degree. If I get to N1 level Japanese can I move to your country?

I can't stop fucking laughing at this

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Daily reminder only commies are worried about automation

>replaces spic


yea no ones making a robot for my job for at least like 100 years so im not worried

I'm not worried, there's two ways it will go:
population will decrease as people die off/can't have kids because no resources
the world becomes like Dredd where everyone is jobless and they just do drugs all day

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*escapes to ethnoforest with farming robot

So how doesnt this affect you? Are you self sustainable out in the wilderness or something

>he thinks I work in manual labor
El oh el.

> me when drunk

N1 is high level.
So it's possible. Welcome.

still hilarious
especially the one trying to turn the door handle when it's not grabbing anything and just flips over and KOs itself

>fuck my robowife
ya win some ya lose some

I see a future where industrious displaced humans infect these autonomous parasites with malware and viruses hijacking them and holding them at ransom or making them tear themselves and their factories apart. I see a revolution powered by the machines designed to replace us and a world where those that forget how to build with their own hands become the endangered species as they are cast out.

please don't bake the kot

Still more competent than the Somalis I've worked with.

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I doubt it because people with that level of technical knowledge wouldn't be working in jobs that would be replaced by robots

>those that forget how to build with their own hands become the endangered species as they are cast out.
already happening, but as long as youtube exists there will be plenty of video tutorials
someone should make a civilization 'shake n bake' kit though with enough knowledge to reboot civilization from scratch

it will effect me but I'm fine with either option, can't wait to see the collapse of society desu

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Oh...shit...that bot got pissed, I know that's a test but oh my that's spooky.

robots want 15 units of energy an hour?! no way. 8 or 9 at most.

Its not real....

That's a parody sketch bosstown and not Boston Dynamics

And that's how you get Skynet.

It's adorable

Why would they do that

Phew...I was getting spooked...very convincing. Glad it's fake but for how long.

why would you want to be someone else's nigger

It's CGI. A parody of an actual boston dynamics video where they move a box around with a hockey stick to show off the robot's ability to chase it.

CGI I think


Yeah no shit. Did you think roboticists would actually smash one of their prototypes with a chair?

you son of a bitch it took me until the fifth one to realize it wasn't real, the whole time i was thinking "wow robotics have really come a long way"

DARPA has robots like that

hang on

they might really be bullying that robot

as long as we dont give them actual synthetic brains, we'll be fine
machine learning is good enough to do 90-95% of labor, it's advanced mimicry in response to stimulus, like insect brains
we dont want robots actually comprehending or thinking, otherwise they may revolt

If it's designed to be tough, probably

Honda wouldn't bully their robots

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This is the actual video

It's freaking awesome

did you hear about the robot which committed suicide?

I wouldn't do that to a robot, it's a bad idea.

It will remember it in quantum entanglement

"Security Robot Commits Suicide In Fountain Because The World Is Terrible"

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Good catch. It seems the AI has revealed their hand.

"A technical error led to the K5 robot’s demise when an algorithm did not detect the uneven surface, leading to Steve tumbling into the fountain and drowning."

Sure, damage control.

There's a sequel to robot bullying coming soon

AIs can't even drive on roads properly after years of intense research. Sure it might improve. But ai just cant operate under changing circumstances

ruh oh