Thoughts on the current VA system?
Thoughts on the current VA system?
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Doesn't work
Make it a benefits clearinghouse, completely abolish the healthcare proving side.
The used to have the best electronic medical records system in the late 90s before they were systematically dismantled by Clintion and then starved of money via Bush II.
VA is great to down right what is the government even doing?
It depends which VA and what you are there for to as well as well as the federal government.
VA alone is a major casino. never know which tables you win at and/or which ones you lose at - speaking of different areas in the VA as well as different VAs themselves around the U.S. alone.
>be dumbass who wants to be a tough "man"
>join and get a gun and have to run everywhere
>get shot at and yelled at all the time
>come back expecting anyone to fucking care
Should have learned to floss and played video games instead. Toxic masculinity is real and gets punished every day. I don't need to be tough or muscular, I just need to be able to twitch that mouse and move those sticks to prove I am best.
victim of starve the veterans tactic
some vets are definitely this way and/or have a hard on for anyone that doesn't fall in lines with their views on America alone.
most are just regular / disabled types and many are quiet nonetheless and don't want anything for the most part.
It's not toxic masculinity to me personally, but it's toxic blind pride in America.
Whatever it is, doesn't matter. They are relics that watch my generation smoking weed and playing vidya and get butthurt.
>in my day we
Don't give a shit old man. In my day I don't need to lift anything heavier than a weighted mouse or a controller and can run circles around his ass. I can Twitch and not live on the streets of I wanted, all his guns and working out led him to being on the street.
Who cares about the idiots dumb enough to join the military.
you do realize many vietnam vets are known to smoke weed and such? many vets outside of that smoke weed and such.
that's the establishment / federal government types for the most part doing that type of stuff to the American citizen and/or American populace.
many vets would probably just tell someone like you to fuck off while smoking a joint.
Yeah, except they can't afford a fucking mic to tell me to fuck off.
that's been a rampant problem in the gaming world for years especially in matches were talking is more or so required and/or at least needed in the battle royale type games to be able to speak and/or communicate with the other members of the team.
Xbox literally comes with a mic type of thinking.
Get a mic - someone on PC that doesn't have one.
they were too high to remember to order one.
Don't know about that. Did they even have mics in 80s games days? But whatever, played with some old sounding fucks before and they are garbage. Lel, how you fight a war when you can't shoot worth a shit?
Angry Grandpa drops a team of 4 at the start.
reaction times are slower around age 26 and that's a huge professional cut off point. I don't know what it is exactly, but it goes down hill over the years. Not an expert though obviously.
Teaching the kids they don't even know what they are doing in video games.
Not all of them are bad either.
Yeah, but I am 18 and I will tell you that every guy I know can wipe the floor with them. Gen Z will inherit this Earth and fuck wars, we own the internet. No reason to give two shits about real world politics and what happens to boomers. VR tech is going to change the world. Not one person my age respects any of the old fucks and laugh at all of the garbage they care about. Jow Forums is right, we are the most based generation.
has trump done much to fix VA?
The VA has gotten a lot more strict about controlled substances. I would say that is a step in the right direction. Otherwise an experience at the VA can vary. When the VA does a good job it's usually because someone who works there is putting in a lot of effort, when they fuck up it's usually because the system allows for incompetent doctor to hold jobs.
VA isn’t that bad. I got out recently and needed health coverage for the time being. Turns out I pretty much get any medical/emergency/psych care I want for literally zero dollars out of my pocket. If I have an emergency I can go to any ER or urgent care clinic and get reimbursed for the cost. Prescriptions and shots? Pfffffft totally free. My grandpa started going to the VA last year and has nothing but good things to say about it.
They have a pretty good electronic records system and you can access any of your information at anytime. And every VA in the country has the same info on you so it doesn’t matter where you are. If you need some kind of surgery and they don’t have the resources or staff to provide it, they’ll just send you to a private clinic and cover the cost anyway.
There’s a lot of negros who go to mooch off the VA, but who gives af? All the cuckservatives can cry about “muh socialism!” If welfare whores are gonna leech off the system why tf should I not get my socialized free medicine? White peoples really need to start mooching off the state more and stop contributing to it.
I don’t have anything bad to say about the VA yet.
Veterans don't deserve free healthcare unless from a combat related injury.
It's socialism. Get rid of it entirely.
Shill sharebluesclues
I've been out since the end of January. Don't trust them enough to get seen there.