Politically incorrect news mems

Post ironic/politically incorrect news article memes here, il start.

Attached: 019FC671-EF6D-4959-B238-6D0AAB11C7F8.jpg (692x960, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: cnnelectionhacks.jpg (465x551, 46K)

Attached: CNN Conspiracy Theories.jpg (955x391, 71K)

Pic for ants, sry

Attached: CNN.jpg (255x252, 20K)

This can't be real

Attached: 1541254508776m.jpg (1024x553, 93K)

Attached: replacementNYT.png (500x461, 103K)

It absolutely is, I saw the original when it was published.

Lol if how many black kids attacked white school teachers was national news the country would flip out.

Post it faggot

Attached: 2019-09-15-22-01-13.jpg (900x1600, 205K)

Man it’s been 2 years since this was out. Where does the time go.

Attached: B1BB9F57-F5A8-40A6-90F2-289A2A4FE2A1.jpg (720x695, 40K)

Eat my shit, go find it yourself. The fuck are you doing that's so important right now?

Attached: hypocrisy.png (297x259, 34K)

So it's fake. Got it.

Oh my god, someone doesn't believe me on the internet!

Attached: ebba.png (1024x2555, 1.48M)

Attached: swedenyes.jpg (718x963, 301K)

Attached: transcalifornia.jpg (1024x597, 77K)

Attached: UK Troy.jpg (645x983, 174K)

Attached: Racism and Stigma.png (532x768, 313K)

>When the videos are leaked
Top Kek!

Attached: 1564439473720s.jpg (124x94, 3K)

Attached: media collusion.png (613x740, 291K)

Streisand effect. Too bad it was already seen and shockingly enough it’s a nigger.


Guess I can dump some of mine

Attached: images.jpg (235x215, 9K)

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are you absolutely sure


Attached: 1544478215271.jpg (1125x620, 106K)

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Wtf. Are we in hell?

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We need more rape!

Attached: washington_post.jpg (527x713, 57K)

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Attached: Women.png (775x525, 42K)

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Attached: 1566236039818.png (736x901, 478K)

>apps that provide information about crimes will make you racist
>water wet
>sky blue
>more at 11

just google it you lazy faggot. i did and verified that it is true in less than 30 seconds. god damn you are a waste of fucking life.


Attached: 1.png (941x835, 377K)

Attached: 1539112128647.jpg (1242x1839, 405K)

This isn't even an example of being PC. This is just an example of capitulation.

Attached: 1538153894382.png (812x508, 358K)


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how did this one work though, did it show pics of offenders? does it alert you when niggers are nearby? I don't get it

Attached: 1563209345260.png (598x695, 450K)

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Does anyone have the side by side about fags who adopted a kid and made videos for a cp ring with him?

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It won't stay growing because people like me are quitting since they're trying to shrink our pay and make us work more for the same/less pay.

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Attached: 1557384757104.png (661x705, 356K)

>suspicion of crimes against the party is a crime
>guilty of suspicion
>guilty until proven guilty
I remember learning about this kind of thing in High School World History class. Something about Jewish Bolsheviks and Commies.

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