Bad Dude Corn Pop

Can we use meme magic to find/resurrect Corn Pop as the Anti Biden?

>He recalls he faced off 'Corn Pop,' a 'bad dude' who 'ran a bunch of bad boys'

Who Corn Pop 2020?

Attached: CornPop.png (650x655, 374K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You guys remember rubbing your straight razor on the curb to get em all rusty?? We all did that r right?

Sounds like a viral marketing campaign for Corn Pop.
>even though it's soda

Attached: download.jpg (480x480, 16K)

Draw Corn Pop. I want a Jow Forums forensic team working on this stat.

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>the only white guy in the neighborhood took care of all the mechanical problems in the pools KEK
he's been without his adenochrome for at least a year now

The guy with the fish.

Attached: yo check out his fissh.jpg (580x554, 62K)

>Draw Corn Pop.

Attached: download.png (300x250, 4K)

This is what the computer generated when aging since the incident is factored in.

Attached: thumbnail_4772558565871559479.jpg (400x300, 24K)

Holy shit didnt think it was possible but This dude is going to crazier than clinton
Trumps new nickname for biden should be Corn Pop

he makes as many gaffes as Trump desu

also a black guy calling himself Corn Pop isn't too farfetched

I'm crying. wtf lmao

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Cornpop is dead.

Attached: EEiVVOxXUAEOs7V.jpg (952x547, 193K)


Cornpop was clean and articulate. That's a storybook man.

vid for young uns

Attached: corn pop.png (250x508, 236K)

>Draw Corn Pop
found him

Attached: Point Break Schlock Wave.png (853x480, 377K)

This is corn pop's manager. If you want corn pop you'll need to talk to him first goy.

Attached: wtf09343.png (571x553, 550K)

They only let him in so when Hillary comes back for 2020 she won't seem so bad

Protip: Cornpop is Obama



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This video is of old Biden. He's been gone for a while. New one says a lot of funny shit too though. The debates the other day with the rambling answer with record players, Venezuela, and social workers forced into homes of 3 year olds that are in mandatory school was amazing. I laughed so hard that milk came out of my nose and I wasn't even drinking any. The comments on the article mention that they thought it was one of the bad lip reading videos. That is exactly what I think every time he speaks

>starts talking with a black accent
oh joe

That was fast autism

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: We can't bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...

The bad lip reading people ought to make a video where it’s Biden actually speaking and see if anyone even notices.

Based Mike Enoch

Attached: JoeBiden.gif (450x334, 3.93M)

high effort

It's like gropey mcgropington wants to be trump but is definitely not trump.

Do we have info on the race?

Where did he come from? Where did he go? Where did he come from Bloody-eye Joe.

A guy named "Corn Pop" with greasy hair that went around attacking people with a straight razor. You guess his race.

Was corn pop a nigger? Kinda makes sense in that case

Kek check

Attached: N9WNr6G.jpg (601x752, 52K)

Looks like Cornpop has been found.



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Who's Cornpop?
Cornpop's dead baby. Now, get on the chopper.

According to the article yes, and it was 1962. Odds are they just didn't want a nigger in the pool.

Attached: Black Sneakers.gif (350x350, 1.88M)

Kek. I want to hear more stories.

Attached: JoeBiden.gif (700x250, 102K)

What if Corn Pop is in this thread right now?

Attached: cone pop.jpg (630x840, 62K)

Holy shit; checks out


Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-15 Our Beginnings Our Story Bell Funeral Home of Wilmington.png (433x288, 17K)

rolling dice with corn pop and peckerwood pete

Attached: abe.jpg (300x226, 13K)

>'He was waiting for me with three guys with straight razors. Not a joke,' Biden told the crowd.
Non-hipsters are thinking "WTF is a straight razor"?

They have located Corn Pop in a Philadelphia nursing home. He disputes the whole story. Says he dindu nuffin. Says Biden wanted to by some of tha Mary Jane reefer off him.

Attached: CornPop.jpg (2750x1830, 632K)

Jesus fuck when will boomshits just give it up? The senile old scum are still competing and occupying every position of power there is.

This is a beautiful disaster in the making.

biden a pussy!

Attached: cornpopforeal.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Biden is fucking based. Do you think Trump would brag about emasculating a black man in front of a group of black people? Nope. But Joe just did and walked out alive. Trump is a pussy. Joe has my vote.

Sorry Corn Pop, but me and this chain say the pool's closed. Understand, tough guy?

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Ester Corn Pop
Bill Wright Mouse

Based Pinkerton

Attached: ed1.gif (475x356, 965K)

kek, habo

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Fuck corn pop and fuck unkie Joe.

gotta have my pops

Attached: pools.closed.pops.jpg (2400x1800, 1024K)

Corn Pop


>You know, i was quite the mobbster myself! just like you fine basketball american folks! it happened that i batteled the infamous Corn Pop in thoses streets! Matter of fact, "i blown the fuck of this muddfugga face n shiieeet" like you fine folks like to say!

I think this is the most I have laughed in years I have tears in my eyes and my sides hurt

pulling an all nighter? lack of sleep will do that to you.

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I've laughed for hours at a fart noise when I was running on no sleep.

I woke up at 3am

and I was having an awesome dream about medieval manuscripts as well

she means niggers?

Found the real Corn Pop. You guys got the wrong man!

Attached: CornPop.gif (440x220, 1.96M)

>called him Esther for wearing a bathing cap
He was using his authority to embarrass some run-of-the-mill layabout nigger. More specifically one could argue that he was engaging in racial discrimination as well as sexist stereotyping as well as upholding white supremacy.

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I was just saying the other day I hope Joe becomes president. We could have years of this stuff! Or however long he lasts.


Top kek

why is he using a southern negro dialect

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11m11 minutes ago
Wasn’t so long ago that a ‘Corn Pop’ would have fuelled us for at least a week. Now we burn through this shit in about 3 hours. We need to discuss meme sustainability

not a single person commented on how cornpop has a short, almost non-existent obit? no family claiming him, no life story, nothing?
> william "corn pop" morris
> presumably father to at least 20 children
> none of them know him
> born a nigger
> almost fought a US presidential hopeful
> died a nigger

make corn pop great again ?


Joe Biden Recalls Terrifying 1960s Public Pool Confrontation With Razor-Wielding Gangster Named "Corn Pop"

Corn pop definitely strikes me as an insult used for a manlet.

No...he said he was sorry

Attached: joe biden corn pop.jpg (696x392, 86K)

Remember the bit when he started talking about instantaneous rust by dipping the chain in water

like he knew how to handle a chain, this wasn't new ground.

Yeah, that's pretty much right on the money.

coons love sweet corn

Almost as good as drunk Uncle Joe singing "The Villages" song.

Hey, hon? Hon? Turns out we are coons!

>Cornpop is dead
Did he knows something about the Clinton?

>M-muh phonograph, y'know, this reminds me of the time I was fighting in the Revolutionary War...

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