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what do they pay you for owing them money?

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I think he's specifically referring to the bond yield going negative. You would invest in a ten year bond and get out less money than you put in. Some investors are willing to accept this if they believe the market will crash.

This guy is still in politics?

no lol, nobody cares about this crazy old man. he's butthurt because trump saved america so he's crying chicken about a recession

You pay the bank to store your money. It is to force you in invest in the rigged stock market. Germany already does this. The jews cannot make enough money off of you if it is just in a savings account.

No. The money you have saved in your bank you would have to pay interest on too. It's a tax on savings.

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>implying he ever was

>Trump Saved America

Hes not radically different from any president we've had in the last 6 decades.

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You just described the current monetary system but in reverse.

No, fag. He's specifically talking about bonds.

I've know this for a while, and honestly don't care. I've tried telling people, but all they do is look at me with their dumb fucking faces and go BUT HOW CAN WHEN MONEYZ???!?. Fuck them, I'll let them be surprised when it happens.

>thinks negative interest rates only apply to bonds
nu/pol/ is shit

>Thinks negative interest on a bond has anything to do with prime interest in your savings account
Brainlets go back to r*ddit

Stop pretending you know what you're talking about. How do you think banks lend money if they don't take your deposits and invest them? If they are getting negative interest rate in the bond market, you sure as shit better expect to be getting even lower rates than what the banks are getting.

No u. You're functionally retarded if you think your local bank is buying bonds to make money.


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you pay them

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That's a good thing

interest = debt = inflation

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what does that mean?

If I don't spend money, I lose money?

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Those tits look like giant teeth.

This faggot doesn't know that buying bonds is lending money.

And this is why you invest in precious metals and gemstones. Rubys are worth more than diamonds. Emeralds almost as much. Silver is where it's at. Gold is good, too. Platinum if you can get your hands on it.
Fuck kike banks.
Let'em burn.

the jews will not take such foolishness lightly user. you need to be strong and wait for the time to put them in the oven again. many anons will die between now and then. will you be among gods chosen to deal with the scourge that is jewyism when the time comes?

Nigger loving faggits like you should have voted for him
Fucking cuck

If interest rates are going negative, who would still keep their money in a bank? Why not buy precious metals?

Yeah... shiny rocks will be really important during the apocalypse. You should invest in non perishable foods and water filtration systems... that will net you at least 3 months when shit hits the fan.

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The opposite. Your money is now worth more than it was yesterday as opposed to less like our current system.

NPC's won't. They'll hear how precious metal hoarders are making the price of cheeseburgers go up so they'll vote for gold confiscation round 2

Explain for a brainlet

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>during the apocalypse
100% of retards who believe in a fallout apocalypse wouldn't survive one anyway.

Imagine the boobsweat

This is also good advice. Add ammo to the list. And fuel. Water and filtration systems.
But there will be elites and civilization will come back online, eventually. And when it does, my shiny rocks will be worth something tangible.

Before rates go negative you'll see a big push to make currencies digital and refuse cash payments. It's a pain in the ass to convert your pay cheque into precious metals every time you get paid, but cash is easy and transferrable directly into services.

Replied to wrong post. Oops. See:

The whole point is to make you spend your money instead of banking it

I’m pretty sure the fed just doesn’t have to do that.

Will they because they are a bunch of Jew kikes? Probably.

Im investing in crack cocaine. Then im going to pay the crack heads in crack to go get me what I want.

who is this? tineye literally never works and google images just comes back with "girl" every single fucking time

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Most banks are currently paying very low rates on savings accounts already, although you can find some close to 2%. My bank pays 0.15% on savings, so I keep most of my savings in 4 week t-bills instead

Investors are going to pay a higher price for bonds and get less cash back. So the investment will be a loss. Basically what is happening is world wide currency wars. Stocks should still be better alternative since money is cheap. Pinchins will be forced to buy putting them in peril. gold and crypto will do well in the coming years. The reason for this is secular due to aging populations.

Check cashing places are going to explode then

>trump saved america
delusional fantasy

The reason for this is central banks worldwide engaging in 'stimulatory' market operations without limit. Negative interest rates are an abomination. The fact that they exist is a sign of the financial end times. By the time humanity recovers, our society will resemble the 1910's, but without the promise of cheap fossil fuels to power human advancement.

Dead after your first encounter with a crack head. King crackhead dead after his first encounter with crack mountain.

threadly reminder dividends are your frends

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if america ever entertains the idea of negative rates, wouldnt competition kill the notion? if everyone is charging for savings, shouldnt it take a few entities NOT charging? it wouldnt be a law that banks/credit unions have to follow

Bonds, user. When you buy a bond the gov pays you back interest

If the rates are negative, a bond you bought would require you to pay the government the interest instead

It sounds counterintuitive but makes sense. If the market tanks, you could buy a bond with a negative rate, but that would shelter that money in the bond from the crash

Maybe the negative rate is -1%. So you pay the govt 1%. Sounds bad, but if the market crashes you could potentially lose much more than just 1%

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Dumbass thinks the banks invest in shit like this rather than collecting the .9% guaranteed dividend every single year from their required purchase of federal reserve shares.

So why not just keep the cash under your mattress? Instead of being a cuck and paying (((them))) x%?

Brainlet alert

The rate on your bank account has nothing to do with the Federal reserve rate, or the bond rates. It's just how much the bank is willing to pay you for you to go store your money there.

Thanks div bro. Buying BP in market opening tomorrow.


/Paul/ is always right. All you had to do was listen.

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The problem or benefit depends on who you are. Since the dollar is the world reserve currency other countries debts are valued in dollars. so they like weak dollars. the merchantilistic economies just weaken their currencies more so they can export. The only countries with positive yielding debt are that way because they are unstable and have to pay more for the risk.

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even less likely than successful gun confiscation

Ever notice how the hews always post broads when they shill? They dont care if they're being easily exposed by doing this. They just want to turn you into a COOMER

Dont fall for it.

>That WxH ratio

>Debt controls you
ZOMG I need to make money to spend money!

>who believe in a fallout apocalypse

He doesn't know.

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Thanks for having my back user. I ordered some Mormon undies, I hear they will make me immune to the coomunists.

Or gold/silver

But this is always true. Banks are 100% a scam, and you should never fall for it regardless of the time period.

Remember Mary Poppins? They were trying to steal a little boys tuppence. They bought materials for a kite with it. Way better investment than interest on tuppence from faggot kike bankers.

they can keep this shit afloat forever. they just buy buy buy. we are in a new paradigm where they will slowly buy everything and everyone over the next 100 years and no collapse or major war will happen

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>for fucks sakes I’ll finally be proven correct

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No collapse will ever happen. You're a retard. Everyone is a perfect nigger cattle slave. No one wants to mess that perfect position up.

love it

>wouldn't survive
it's not about surviving, it's about laughing at the suffering of as many dumb fucks as you can before you get killed. just imagine the collective pain of all the retards who couldn't be bothered to give a shit until it was too late and their loved ones were being raped to death by dying radioactive communists.

There is a harvest coming.

don't you want to smother to death between them

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>Libertarianism: The only way to have my ideology function is if the majority of the government agrees with it

Many institutions like pensions are required to hold a certain percentage of bonds.

This is the beginning of hyperinflation thanks to ten years of Quantitative Easing. 4.5 trillion added to the money supply since 2009. Prepare your assholes. You're about to get raped.

>just stash your cash in your mattress

It doesn't work that way, Jack. There's this thing called inflation. The value of your stash will be completely mashed.

>This is the beginning of hyperinflation thanks to ten years of Quantitative Easing.
And it would have worked, too! If it wernt for that darned economy not rebounding back to normal growth rates!
blasted keynes being proven wrong, again!

Shiny rocks have been money for thousands of years. I guess bitcoin will replace the dollar when it collapses. Then I’ll be paying my homeless neighbor through my BTC wallet on my iPhone for some flour and chicken.

Why it just put it in Isilver shares its up 25% since July. Why anyone would hoard cash in their bank account as a savings makes negative sense to me.

The fed sets the rates for savings

Can you please explain to me why boomers keep saying precious metals confiscation would never happen in the United States?

Every day there is a RETARD with a It's happening post. Nothing ever happened. You people are worse than the flat earth spam

>crying chicken

cause they already did it once. where do you think the gold from fort knox came from?