Red pill me on Cernunnos, the pagan horned antler God

Not much is known about him, one of the most important God the Celtic pagans. Many images of him found but much known. Said to have been a human with antlers who roamed the forest.

nb4 christians moan about satan and their dead kike on a stick

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Other urls found in this thread:κεραυνός

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>dead kike on a stick
How retarded do you have to be to still think Christ was a jew?

Why do Pagans experience their gods? Why do Hindus experience their gods? Why do Christians experience their god? The religious experience is not limited by religion which leads one to think such an experience originates in the mind of the believer, a product of the human brain as Crowley said. If this is correct then religion only matters in regards to which is superior to the others.

Imagine being so dumb that you reply to this argument with anything but dead jew on a stick.

I don't find a religion that put a dead jew on a stick and forgives anyone for a lifetime of bad deeds as long as they ask to for sorry and promise to be a good boy very superior, especially not when their churches are burning and nobody does anything about it, their leaders kiss poor niggers feet and the entire story is just a carbon copy split of sect of Judaism, its the most inferior religion that exists.

how retarded do you have to be to think he wasn't?

there's no consensus. Everyone making claims is lying.

Irish-Celtic Odin

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Looks just like baphomet. Could it be this is the archetypal character?

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You have to be Christian retarded, is the answer.

Baphoment is a goat, but I understand Christians are so retarded they see satan in everything from goats to nigger dick so that makes sense.

We can debate the issue if your mind is open. I am not a Christian but can argue honestly.

he looks like hes hittin the bong

All I know about him is that he generally does not like Humans and was feared/respected by people in his time. Today I know that Wiccans apparently appropriated him to be one of their gods but it's just larp really. Most of that old Celtic stuff is long dead and I don't think we will ever truly understand their Gods or religion.

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Crowley was a fag. You type like a hippy dippy faggot who been slurping the jizz of your new age guru spiritual teacher.


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None of what you said is an argument or even a statement. I disagree with much of what Crowley taught however his insight into the gods/demons being projections of the human mind checks out.

>I don't think we will ever truly understand their Gods or religion.

I agree, their knowledge was passed through spoken tradition, kind of smart since when they died nobody would be able to pervert their ideas, and we are just left in the dark. Nobody can desecrate it after they are gone, like Christians do.

Cernunnos is Pan. Research the god Pan and you will have your answer. It is just the celtic version.

He looks like a drug taker

bring back Frisky dude

Tell me more about the statue of Jesus in your Church that is wearing nothing but a loin cloth with perfect abs all sweaty in a sadomasochist pose with blood and pain everywhere.

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Its karneusis.

This guy?

I mean Cernunnos

Nobody said that guy in your picture is Cernunnos.
This one is.

He is Kronos = Saturn, basically you can say it is Satan. Faggot who rules over time.
>dead kike on the stick
= Apollo = Belenus
He is the one who stay against Time and wins (unless you call him dead kike on the stick, then he fails inside you and you suffer)

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>Crowley said.
kys Gnostic christkikes

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Not an argument. Feel free to explain why every religious person, despite his religion, experiences whatever god[s] he worships. Are they all real? Maybe existing in a multicultural Heaven like in that one South Park episode?

>He is Kronos = Saturn, basically you can say it is Satan
Rabbi Jesus father is Saturn = EL

He even sacrifices him

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God of the hunt, liquor, life, death, nature. A powerful force.

I'm arguing with judo-christian-homo-gnostics

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Yes it is Cerunnos, he is holding the ring in one hand and a snake in the other and horns. That's the same image seen again and again. It's not just the horns its those three symbols.

Nobody cares about your Christian bullshit. Go worship your half naked dead sweaty jew on a stick.

I don't go to church or practice Christianity. Jesus was a fag but I wish he was alive at the same time as Crowley cause those two fags would be too busy sucking each other's dicks to invent either of their gay religions. I don't know about Cernunnos but Baphomet is also a fag and satanists are major homos.

I would expect more of a pole when it comes to pagan gods. Cernunnos and Pan are totally separate from Kronos. They are usually associated with sex, fertility, and attainment of a transcendent consciousness BEYOND time, much like the Gnostic rooster-headed Abraxas.

You’re not going to like what’s coming

Had a terrifying psychosis of involving him.
Also Elks Lodge

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>Saturn = EL
Saturn is not El
EL = ALL = Vishnu
Jesus Christos = Ishvara Krishna
Kronos = Brahma = demiurge = God who lives for limited time

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Go worship your sweaty half naked dead jew on a stick, your churches are burning and nobody cares.

Pretty sure he's just the continental depiction of Nuada.

Cthonic Dionysus, before his changed facets in the 7th century AD was also a god of wine, death, afterlife, underworld, and nature.
He was also reported to have Horns and satyrs as courtiers. His original name was Pan, and he was solely worshipped in the Peloponnese.

He became popular with women and helots, and in the hellenistic age, after several attempts to outlow his worship in cities, the statesmen conceded and gradually gave him a makeover - making him the dionysus of hellenistic and classical greece.

Something similar happened with Aphrodite in the Peloponnese, particularly sparta. They worshipped her as a warrior goddess, with facets similar to Isthar of Sumer and Assur. To reconcile the differences greece incorporated two facets of Aphrodite, the spartan one (Aphrodite Areia) and the regular goddess of lust and sexuality that most people are familiar with.

Sorry for offtopic.

Why are there so many pagan threads lately?

Cerunnos is LITERALLY Κεραυνός.
It's greek for Thunder.


I welcome it, memeflag(kike).

It means people are waking up and start being interested in their ancestral gods, their customs, their mores, and their mythohistory.

They are waking up from the jewish stupor that'd rendered them subservient and servile for 2000 years.

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Actually, nevermind I was getting mixed up. He might be Crom Cruach or Conall Cernach or some gaulish thing with no real reflexes elsewhere. Who knows.

Because you can only hold the veil of Christianity over our eyes for so long before we long for real spirituality and not this garbage Jewish fantasy draped over us to keep us docile and ignorant. The old Gods are going to come back with a fury. We will again worship in the forest.

is this wrong or are you?κεραυνός

says LIGHTNING ... I understand THUNDER to be the product of lightning and distinct are there not different words for these ?

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It also is not about the "white race" as there are Germanic, Celtic, Nordic, Latin etc. It will not be some alt-right jewish invention, it will not be about politics. People will yearn for true spirituality, that actually moves them, and they will have it.

don't click this

>Saturn is not El
Yes he is, father of the Elohim, child sacrifices. Your hinduism shit didn't affect the Cannanite cultures

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Lighting, thunder - we use it interchangingly to describe the phenomenon.

Κεραυνός means a strike of lightning, a thunderbolt.

this is whats there... are you daft?

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>Aphrodite Areia
= Aryan

I figured since one is seen the other heard they would have distinct words.

Αρεία (areia/aryan) means clean, novel, first in greek.

For example we still call our supreme court Άρειος Πάγος.

You understand that this picture is from a story in the Bible who's messages was explicitly forbidding child sacrifice right? This is why Christians are so dumb, you argue your own religion vehemently and don't even know ANYTHING about it.

Christian here.

Not Satan. Cerno, alleged dis pater of the gauls, is most likely one of the Watchers.

As such, he may be the progenitor of the Tuatha de and Sidhe tribes.

He is currently bound in darkness, awaiting judgement.

wow thats pretty neat
now fuck off back to /x/

You can call him Stephan. He is the Crown over your head. He sends all these "rational" "thoughts" which make you feel bad. "I see a hand so hand exist, I don't see God, so God doesn't exist". He is afraid of Love like a little faggot.
Be the Love (Lew, Leo, Lion) to scare the bitch.
>attainment of a transcendent consciousness BEYOND time
Is dependent on the power of the Heart
When you are tempted to sex you enter Sphere of Hercules, Pluto. Staying powerful, without loosing semen raises consciousness and focus.

Pan could be seen as aspect of Vishnu, Pust, Puscetus, not Kronos

Sagittarius, last month of year, then Capricorn comes, and sun isa reborn

Stephan = Στεφάνι
It literally means circlet in greek.

Nothing in christianity is original. Most of it is greek apropriation. Next you are going to talk about Λόγος(Logos).


>if we keep saying jesus wasn't Jewish eventually that will make it true


EL told him too, then he sacrifices his boy dick instead.

Christians worship a Podesta god

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Arya means well formed in Sanskrit

aka Lugus, Loki, Lucipher, Licho
>Greeks started all
too bad Polish people were before them

Of course they do.
Christianity is literally babylonian apostates worshipping canaanite gods.
Saul sprinkled neoplatonism in it to make it palatable and presto, the trojan horse that enslaved the goyim.

Desert cult of homicidal, fratricidal, genocidal kikes that were kicked out of babylon, assur, egypt, greece. Fascinating.

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Of course, it's the same PIE root language.

Polish WE WUZZER. Happy respite from the nordicists at least.

All true, and they did even worse. They took a shit load of pagan customs and made them their own to confuse and brainwash people. You can even see it here, with any mention of anything horned "definitely satan!!" absolute and complete fucking morons.

> too bad Polish people were before them
And they already worshipped rabbi jesus, yeah?

So many faggits

But that's all it is.

Everyone knows it.

Try harder baal-cuck

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The most obvious one is jesus' birthday. The kike magis followed the star that stayed stationary in the sky - summer solstice (venus).
But that couldn't hold, the greeks had the Dionysian Mysteries on december 25 and the romans had the same festival called Saturnalia. Most of the empire had this festival, since it's the winter solstice and it signifies the end of harvest.

So, what did Saul the jew do? He retrofitted the birth of the jewish messiah on that date!

There are dozens of jewish saints and prophets that usurped pagan deity facets and were miraculously born in the same dates.

When will you rename Mycenaean culture into south polish culture? Zyndram's mountain is earlier than greek Mycenaean sites.
Ishvara Krishna
Izvor Krasnik
Izvor is Source = Heart, Serce

baal means LORD, you kike worshiping retards pray to "the LORD" every day... you worship baal.

All I know is that the Celtics who did not become Christian ended up worshipping a strange god they "learned about in Egypt". They brought it back with them to Ireland when their services as the royal bodyguards was ended (think Varangian Guard of their times).


Revelation 12 gives christs birth

Your word games don't work, hadad-cuck. Baal becane a name in the ot.

Baal means owner, but not lord

Belin is lord not Baal
Baal is Bull, Volos, Taurus


why do you guys cannibalize on jesus every sunday?

Poland is a constructed state, you are aware, right?

You are slavic, you migrated into europe the 4th century CE.
I might be getting trolled.



>what are protestants?

You are. Don't listen to the Pole kike.

Which is?
What is his birth date?

>Despite the celebration of Christmas in December, neither Luke nor Matthew mentions a season for when Jesus was born. However, scholarly arguments regarding the realism of shepherds grazing their flock during the winter have taken place, both challenging a winter birth for Jesus[36][37] as well as defending it by relying on the mildness of winters in ancient Israel and rabbinic rules regarding sheep near Bethlehem before February.[38][39][40]

Sept. 11, 3 bce

retarded heretics.

Because it is age of Pisces, and we are out of chakras. We live only on Helios mercy. HE suffers for us. Do you wonder what happens to these who waste his powers?

First, provide me with a source.

Secondly, you substantiate my point.
Saul, retrofitted his birth to coincide with saturnalia and the Dionysian Mysteries.

Thank you.

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The most holy day of christianity was named after a goddess named Eostre of whom know fuckall about today.

Even English word God descends from Godan - Odin - Wotan.
Christcucks never call their jehova by name, so they basically pray to Baal and Odin every day.

> we wuzz Greeks an shiit.

>you migrated into europe the 4th century CE.
you were trolled by Huns (Scandinavians) who migrated into Germany in Ivth century

Venethi and Scythians are much older than all other cultures. Later they used name Slavs because they were glorious.

Helios does not answer to slavs. Why are you worshipping a greek god?
Helios is even a minor god, he literally answers to Phoebus Apollo.

Why wouldn't you worship Apollo directly? Weird.

>was named

by who? Jesus? No...

Wrong answer.

Protestants are people who rightly don't buy into transubstantiation.


Cernunnos, alleged dis pater of the gauls,
Was likely a Watcher and the progenitor of the Tuathe de and Sidhe tribes.

He is bound in darkness today.

Slav literally originates from the word slave that originates in Latin and was incorporated in romance languages.

That's a first. Polish slavs now larp as scythians. I've seen it all.

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>Why are you worshipping a greek god?
No such thing as a tribe god
Gods are real entities.
Greek gods are just well known, so can be good example

shit, jesus' real name wasnt even jesus anyway (if he even existed), it was rabbi yeshua or some dumb ass kike shit. its why the real "hardcore" protestants call jesus yeshua.