Golden toilet stolen from English palace valued at £4.8m
One of their shit kids probably took it and melted it into cocaine
That thing must weigh a shit-ton!
Prince Andrew sold it to pay off his blackmailers.
police say they have nothing to go on
it was me
>valued at £4.8m
That thief just flushed their life down the toilet
>pointed satire against the excesses of wealth.
>some smug faggot artist with more money than sense wastes all that wealth to make a solid gold shitter instead of doing something worthwhile.
I guess the excess in the wealth wasn’t evenly distributed enough or it wouldn’t have gone missing. Perhaps the Brits should harken back to the lessons of Sir Thomas Moore? I mean the gold toilet was on the right track. Next they can just make golden handcuffs and golden chains to restrain prisoners with. Then they can start building Utopia.
I guess after they melt it, they'll spread that shit around.
>4.8 million pound toilet
Imagine the smell.
For sure we can say the thief isn't indian
The toilet is an "art project" called "America"
Your mom probably snuck it out in her cunny
Damn, what a messy situation. If mine got stoolen, I'd be pissed off.
News report unironically called golden toilet an "art piece".
The Holy Throne has been returned to it's righteous place in India
t.English media
Nothing to see here ,lads, its just part and parcel
fucking kek
Where the fuck was Trump?
India on suicide watch
Meme men
Whoever set up the art piece was in on it.
If you let my shitter go now that will be the end of it
When stufd like this starts vanishing, you can tell the jews are about to empty your nation's treasuries and run.
I bet they sold it.
how much does that shit weigh? probably takes two people to carry it out
well we know where it isn't
an indian stole it so no one ever suspects. Perfect crime
Can someone explain to me how someone walks away with a golden toilet without nobody is watching?
holy shit
anyone who has a golden shitter deserves to have it stolen
Thats what you get when you hire pakis
can i be in the screenshot senpai?
Fucking polish scum
nobody heard the forklift?
Prince andrew in the can
Police have been using teams of detectives to try and flush the criminals out.
Going from 4.8m, to not having a pot to piss in.
It's not worth a shit
Robin fucking Hood returns ye cunts.
Steal yer bog and give it to the poor.
It went to India
imagine the smell
Very clever.
I bet they still used it once though, degenerate Bongs.
Anyone who owns a golden toilet deserves to have it stolen.
Flawless victory
This is a winner