I feel like I’m slowly going crazy. Is pol brainwashing me? Are (they) brainwashing me... I just don’t know what to believe anymore and it’s driving me insane..
I’m confused
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if you never could tell the truth yourself, then learn and stop listening to others.
But what do you believe now and what did you believe prior?
idk figure it out for yourself, but why ask your possible brainwashers if they are brain washing you
>calling 911 for an ambulance
>not just driving your mother to the hospital
What a lazy shit.
9/11 is what brought me down the rabbit hole. Since then I lean more towards a higher power actually pulling the strings but I’m just not sure if it’s just schizophrenic beliefs at this point.
Some people cannot handle reality, go back.
This is what is happening, on a far more complex scale than for 30 years ago.
Everyone's brainwashing you because everyone is self serving.
the trick is to see the truth of reality and not lose your mind. it's difficult though. most can't take it.
what a complete retard, of course we didn't shoot mom
we shot the stairs for hurting her
if you're interested in 9/11 without the schizophrenia then look up Christopher Bollyn.
Be specific user or we can't help you
Vagueposting is a sign of cowardice which usually implies the poster is a bad faith actor foreign to Jow Forums
Unrelated, but everyone needs a bit of Sagan once in a huwhile.
Repeal the second amendment
Hang anyone who proposes any changes to the constitution.
What an idiot. You shoot into the air and get a police escort.
No, that was done by your rabbi and your mother, and now you defend your rapist and a cunt, that live off you, a useful idiot.
nice wet pussy you got there
This Jason guy is an idiot. Its obviously referencing to the fact that they will shoot intruders or anyone who tries to harm them instead of calling the police (911). These fucking people are so braindead.
More info means more chances to suss out the truth.
Okay let me get into specifics. My entire life I’ve felt like I’ve been anti-establishment. I felt like an outcast to society because I didn’t follow trends or get excited about our “culture”. I felt like there was always an agenda to the way things caught on or how they became popular out of nowhere. When I discovered pol a lot of their ideas and statements had crossed my mind many times beforehand. This is what really makes me question everything. How the majority of people just allow degeneracy to blossom and how they give authority no second thought. Trust me there’s a lot of knowledge that I’m not getting into that I feel like I’m aware of but I’d rather not be on a list. Basically
>fuck Jews
>fuck this degenerate world
Humans each have their own perspective and human socialization is a chance for all of us to test them out and try to force our. Est current theory of reality.
Based. You sound like you are in a position similar to myself user. Rabbit hole seems to have no end in sight. I don't know if it was the retarded left or just me getting older that was my catalyst. I don't know anymore either.... I just know it's definitely the Jews...
I think your at a point where you need raw information and less opinions. 911 kick-starts the questioning for many people, myself included. But the media was the second indicator. Follow the media to the banks and corporations influencing bills and congress, follow that back to Israel. Pol is amazing for this, but all the racism should be consolidated to one race in particular. We'll need everyone's help, it takes priority. I would argue the public is conditioned to reject any notions that could be portrait as antsemitism so refer to Israel not "jews" when speaking outside of pol if your trying to drop truth bombs.
what don't you know what to believe in that is driving you insane?
That this is actually reality and I was born into it. Why is this existence as we know it? I don’t know if that makes sense but yeah
we know it because it's there
you wanna tell us a little more? do you experience perfect timing in regards to things happening and your thoughts
You better believe this entire site is a psyop. Guard your mind carefully. There is some genuinely dangerous information and conclusions presented on this board in particular that encourages specific types of actions in a very targeted demographic. The fact that foreigners are allowed to used the site is an artifact from a time when this was truest just an image board site. The real target demographic is white American males 16-35. The content, some of it supported by very convincing “evidence” and argumentation has been successful in amplifying the race and class issues present in said demographic.
The fact that it also produces some of the best real time crisis reports and geopolitical projections, memetics etc. is also partially an artifact of earlier days on this site and the site’s culture.
You Nazis just keep hating on the poor Jew, you know it was horrible when the world was ran by aristocrats. It's been so much better since total Jewish domination of global economics after WW2.
I also be letting you racist know the truth is anti semitic. You probably wish the Holocaust really happened to the Jews instead of the Christians slaughtered by the Red Judean Bolshevists don't you?
Yes, Jow Forums is part of the division, of the divide and conquer strategy. There is some good discussion here but a lot of the threads are simply intended to "radicalize" white men.
Fucking sick of synchronicities. I try to drink enough to avoid them but they're only getting stronger and people around me are even noticing now. It was fun at first but now it's getting scary. The people I introduced are almost angry at me for lining them up, they want their simple times back but I can't struggling with it seems to tangle one up even more. It's as if the arachnid of chaos is closing in on us all
To be more clear, what I'm trying to say is that violence will never help us. Anyone pushing for violence either is one of them or not thinking clearly. It's like when a man and woman fight and the cops immediately assume blame on the man. All you do by playing their game is give them a reason to hang you high and dry.
Red pill me on synchronicity‘s ?? I feel like it might answer some stuff
i can't speak for everyone, but yes.
They have moved from reddit to twitter. Look at me everyone, validate me, im funny and smart at the same time.
yeah bro I had the same problem... pray to Jesus because you're cursed... it's actually just to scare your inside brain into submission you'll notice a pattern it's always about fear and stops you from expanding
don't worry God will guard if you let him but he said a long time ago you need to care for yourself too if I am going too aswell so just keep that in mind
you in a spiritual war man so just keep you head up and be strong
>Is pol brainwashing me?
Yes OP anybody who presents information to you that contradicts the status quo are malevolent beings who want to control your mind.
Does everyone itt wear tinfoil hats?
What do you think VPNs are?
>I just don’t know what to believe anymore and it’s driving me insane..
Then everything is going according to plan.
This is why I won't play the "hate speech" or "transgender pronoun" game. I am not going to lie to myself that is the ultimate subversion, getting people to lie to and censor themselves. Fuck that.
>Credulous presentations of pseudoscience
The internet in a nutshell.
Hairy too...
Leftist acting as he doesn't get what it means is infuriating.
They're essentially seeds of revelation. Nurturing them sprouts a tree which you may climb or not. If you climb, the skys will reveal themselves, if you don't, you'll always be in the shadows
>hurrr context is hard
Can you all imagine just how fucking crazy the next war is going to be with seemingly an entire generation that can't into context to save their life? In a war situation, literally. What happens when the CO issues an order and the grunts can't grasp the context and fubar the fuck out of it? What the fuck is the CO supposed to do?
>Do this ok
>hurr ok
>what the fuck soldier?! this is not what I told you to do!
>but that's what you said though hurrr
It's all so fucked.
not true, all you start seeing is fear spreading all around you in society
I can control the syncs at times.
He gets what it means, he is however being pedantic, which is infuriating
i can do it too
It is as this user said, the truth is not something on Jow Forums, its something you see from within, it does not exist in your ego.
>increases in synchronicity means increases in seeing fear spreading all around you in society
What the fuck are you on about? Synchronicity doesn't cause that.
Yea, but to the point that I can have someone literally (unaware at that too) say things in response to my thoughts.
when see what synchronicity is you'll see it
i didn't know about wtc 7 until around 2011. it was completely off my radar for a decade. amazing how that works, huh?
I think you're a damage control strayan kike. I know what synchronicity is and have experienced it for many years now. Contextually, from what I said, you should have been able to figure out that. Since you didn't, you're either lying or you're incapable of understanding what you're judging.
I speak for everyone. Yes.
a classic cia counter op. One of the first memes by the dod.
Could you define it for the class then? It's a new concept to me as well.