We will have a daughter soon

Hey pol. So my wife is gonna give birth to our baby girl really soon ^~^. It’s one of our best moment in life but just as I’m aware that she’s not born in a perfect time where degeneracy and Zog media run rampant.. is there a way to raise my daughter the right way so that she would not fall for the kike trick and be a mudshark during adulthood? I do not want to indoctrinate her because I fear that she might hate me for brainwashing her throughout her life.. so I’m thinking that the only entertainment available to her during childhood would be “Gacha World” as this is where me and my wifey met in the first place. What do you think comrades is this he only viable option?

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Oh and I forgot to add: No Niggers too

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Supply her with anime and games in her early childhood.

She'll eventually make her way here.

Congratulations on the little girl user. Just be a present father. I wish your family happiness, health and success

Gacha Life is gay though

Fuck off faggot this aint ya blog


Hey I’m just here for advices on how to be a good father. Why the insults...

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Keep her off the internet at all costs

Just throwing my opinion in here:
>Keep her away from TV. It's literally a brainwashing machine
>It's best if you teach her from a young age that boys and girls are different
>Keep her away from niggers
>Make sure she learns from an early age (so she doesn't quit school and start doing retarded shit)
>Be a good father, but don't show too much affection. Only in small doses.

Also, congrats on your newborn!

Well technically I could but it won’t be long before she discovers that her school friends has it and wants one herself...

move to a white country

Homeschool (obviously)

Can we watch it together instead? Like certain redpill movies and some based anime. Also wouldn’t it be a forbidden fruit to completely block her contacts with niggers? What would be the most effective way to learn what niggers are like at a very young age so she’d avoid them at all costs in future.

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Not so fast .. he should teach her, his people's culture.

Yes that's what being present means.. be there for when she asks questions. Be there to explain and ask questions of her yourself

how much?

>only show small doses of affection
The best kind of parenting style is the authoritative (not authoritarian), high involvement, high responsiveness

That’s like a double edge sword imo.. at first you might safeguard her contacts with shitskins and SJW degeneracy, but at the same time your also crippling her skills to be sociable

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>rl really soon ^~^
You should drop the faggot shit and act like a father.

>I do not want to indoctrinate her because I fear that she might hate me for brainwashing her throughout her life
Good call, look at the kids of every "white nationalist". They turn into the biggest anti-white leftists when they rebel.

move far away into the woods and don't expose them to modernity until they're fully grown adults

>your also crippling her skills to be sociable
Literally a jewish meme. Who's more anti social, urbanites or ruralites? Who you prefer that she blushes at a cute boy or sends him nudes

You’re a colossal faggot for saying such a thing you utter subhuman

Why did you do that to her ffs. God damn you idiots. I don't know..

I'm not saying you shouldn't involve yourself in her life, but don't show her unconditional affection, like most mothers do. It works best if she feels she worked/did something to receive your affection. That's just my opinion though

What I mean is that I want her to be able to hold a conversation with people without the feeling of social anxiety like I did in the past.. i was homeschooled too and had troubles holding conversations with people, since then I went to several speech therapist and toast masters, I’ve came a long way mate. Just didn’t want her to go through the same shit I had been in.

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No TV. Minimal internet. Absolutely no socials.
Encourage chastity and gently explain, over time, the reason that family, and bloodline is important. A common moral culture, which used to be commonly expressed as a religious participation, assists. Especially when the child begins to question her parents. Having a familiar, successful group reinforcing the morality that you practice and instill will set the child on the right path.

parent of straight a's Regents Honors Scholar.

and fuck you faggot. don't be a pussy. be the man she needs to find later in her life. Demonstrate what you expect her to find in a future husband.

Boys respond different to social environments than girls. We are shaped in better ways by a highly competitive and dysfunctional environment. I probably would let my son go to regular school while still keeping my daughter in an insulated environment while showing her from a safe place the real world. Ie driving through the hood, selected online videos and only allowing her to have white female friends

..and I'm sorry about your struggles in your childhood. I'm glad you made it.

Homeschool. Move out to village if you aren't living there already, no TV, be extremely careful with what she watches on the innernet, pretty sure there was a "pre-kiked disney cartoons" thread on /t/, might be helpful.
also teach her from young age about your people's culture.

Her father's a memeflag user. She's doomed from the start.

My fear is that if I make certain things "bad" or "taboo" then it just makes it more appealing to my child.

Personally, I listened to rap music and did drugs when I was younger because they made it seem so forbidden. I would hate for my daughter to get BLACKED because I taught her to hate niggers or something.

>Make sure not to be too good of a parent goy
That's a jewish meme (rebellion). It all depends how well you explain *why* X = A.

Let me add that I was raised by a single mother who was working all the time. So maybe that had something to do with it.