Why does white women trigger Jow Forums so much?

Why does white women trigger Jow Forums so much?

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They don't trigger me. I just don't care about them anymore. Soon the world will crumble and when they look at me for help I will simply look at them and say ...... no.

They don't trigger me. I think of them as children almost, to be taken care of, they say silly things, children say silly things, all is good.

>be me, femanon
>seethe when seeing WMAF/WMBF couples
>post pro-white female content here
>deep down know that white women are broken
Sucks man

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It only triggers sheboons and other nonwhite females, they're extremely jealous of white European women.

we have large groups of anti-white shills and large groups of incels here.
Both groups hate white women, but for different reasons.

And both these groups fill up the board with the worst fucking threads. I have grown to hate both groups.

Least modest of all women besides kneegures. Straight up hoes


Because we want them to be better; to be the best they can be. Because we love them.

because we are incels by and large

I'm sorry but it's just the truth

It's "do" you nonwhite.

Fuck incels and fuck whites.

Mostly fuck white incels.

Cuz bbc

they don't?

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Yep, when they shit test it's like a cute child trying to wind you up

yep, same.

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Because nothing compared to an asian cutie, you should try sometime Jow Forums.

Both white women and white men have problems.
Too many white women have turned into narcissistic whores with no loyalty.
Too many white men have turned into manchildren, cucks, and bitter losers.

But white men and white women still need each other. We got to quit falling for the divide and conquer tactics that are shilled here.

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they're beautiful on the outside but ugly as sin on the inside
i hope we can fix them

That shit is easy

I love a good wholesome white women
I hate degenerate whores

Beautiful white girls are attainable if we improve ourselves by getting Jow Forums and workin/g/ hard. The problem is Jow Forumstards are lazy geniuses afraid of their own potential.

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Because they're awful to deal with. They're narcissistic spoiled hoodrats

You are pedestalizing and that was the problem from the beginning, beside they betrayed you and they betray me. fuck it. Turn your backs on them because they would still stab you in the back

>why do people that act like niggers bother you?

no one on earth is going to look at your fat ass for help, you cant even help yourself to some pussy or good social skills in general for that matter.

Inceldom + racial inferiority

Globo homo. This is what fucking everyone doesn’t get. It has little to do with hating gays, it’s that they are making us all live like gays, with transient sterile relationships and promiscuous sex. Even if you’re just banging sluts off tinder, you’re essentially living the same lifestyle as a sodomite.

They don't. Go back to your mommy, child.

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fuckin lame, thought she was going to be tossed at the wall in some freak accident.

bingo, you get the cookie.

I see them as property, like a Ferrari.

they only trigger the kike shills that are trying to destroy the white race by promoting race mixing
oh and it also triggers the autistic supreme gentlemen types

we trigger each other. white men / white women. it's a natural dynamic of the sexes alone to me personally.

some crash and burn though and are never coming back and just throw those ones away in my mind though then. some are major cock carousel types and then want some "good guy / good goy" to swoop down and save them.

In the shadowy Kali Yuga these are the mind numbing things which will happen :

Women will not obey and serve their husbands.
Girls will chose their own husbands.
Men will obey women and women will often be in charge.
Women will speak their minds and even speak sharply to men.
Wives will wear no jewellery and widows will wear rich ornaments.
Women will leave their husbands and take lovers.
Daughter in laws speak up in the presence of their elders and – horror of horrors – publicly rebuke their husbands.
Women will dress like men and men like women.
Women will not do household chores.
(would they have had a heart attack if they had realised that many men do household chores today, cooking and changing diapers ?)
Women will take part in sports dressed like men.
Men and women will mix freely together.
Wives will not be content with their husbands.
Wives will dominate husbands.
Young women freely give up their virginity.

And this one, the crowning terror, the one which must have caused their hands to shake even as they wrote it down. Don’t read this one unless you are sitting down and over 18. Are you ready ? Here it is,

Women will live uncontrolled.
(translation – independent and not dominated by men.)

Will you be friends with me? I need some friends that are girls.

stfu you stupid faggot

IMO is due to their lack of loyalty. they all seem to share the same (secret) desire for chimps.

Because they get to talk so much shit to you while having no fear that repercussions is a swift fist to their filthy pie holes. They’re Jews with a hole basically.

>Why does white women trigger Jow Forums so much?
They don’t, I’m married to one

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Calm down there, Rorschach.

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They trigger my penis but white sluts aren't loyal, if they are willing to fuck a spic then they are willing to fuck a pig.


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>workin/g/ hard
Jow Forums faggotry is not hard work, pseud. it's a hobby turned into a career by cocaine addicted bisexuals on wall street.

Because white women have a higher sexual market value than white men. Asian men share the same fate.

>Because white women have a higher sexual market value than white men.

Too funny bro, you know damn well that situation flips right when they hit 30.

I studied the blade

I married a white woman 2 years ago. Don't give up hope.

>seethe when seeing WMAF/WMBF couples

Then be better... How can white women compete when Asians and black women have such ugly-tiny-dicked-criminal-monkey men that they jump on the first decent-looking white guy that hits on them?

Women's standards have gotten too high, and ours too low to the point we can't bear it anymore.
Why are white women no longer feminine? Why do they dye their hair in stupid colors and shave get men haircuts? Why are there so many femcels that get triggered by anything?

You can be an example. Talk to your fellows

you're thinking of Jow Forums

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Women are broken in the west, thank the jews...
>jews invent feminism, it takes off
>subvert 2-4 generations of western women
>make white women hate white men, smear white men constantly in the jewish owned media
>birthrates go down, immigration goes up "for replacement birthrates goy".

Sub 2.0 replacement rates, flood western nations with high birthrate immigrants
>destroy white identity and white majority nations across the globe

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replace jason with TYRONE and you have the typical modern white women... obsessed with black culture


in all seriousness we just like to shit on white women because they are the most protected class of women out there, yet instead of being grateful and caring to white men, and society and general, they act like whores, and powerhungry feminist

Because they like the bbc and leave most young white guys alone while they fuck superior black bulls

they have become trash because they don't value their virginity, religion or family any more

But what made them loose such values?

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So, now knowing this, shouldn't men be able to step up and keep their wives in order now? Or will the wives still misbehave? It's all so tiresome.

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Cuz they arent alpha enough to pick them up. They call em sluts an prudes at the same time.
Pol has yellow fever but reees at their jungle fever but act they rejected them first.

They can go inland for a small town girl or a mail order slav bride but they are secret mixers so it wont hapoen

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Pol has tgis fantasy of jbw but guys from here have gone to japan and realize they are lbh

the real magic trick was he stayed after she got preggers

Ya uts white bro culture.
Most white guys i know dont value it as heveay

I hate that they get those stupid tattoos
>look at me I'm so unique just like everyone else

Because pol is a bunch of neckbeard incels who won't settle for less than a model. White women are a reminder of their failure as a man.

who is she

Because most in Jow Forums will never have one.

>1 post by this id
>bait img

This feels so impotent without any stats supporting. It reeks of coping

wow im so triggered
post more to trigger me again

Met a pretty sweet one recently, as it happens. A full blown Jow Forums poster to boot, too. Not sure what you mean, because I rather enjoy her company.