Colorado was once a very strong anti-liberal state, now it is leading in minority growth, anti-gun laws, etc etc. Is this state worth sticking around to live in and if not what are better alternatives?
Is Colorado a lost cause?
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Oh, and how can I forget the first gay jew governor.
It's fucked but anywhere whites live WITHOUT a desire to preserve their communities as white is also fucked. So until there's a solid white base of us who want to stand up for ourselves all places are on their way down.
You have a feel for any pro-white scene in the state? I was thinking about organizing a sort of pro-white pro-family get together and see if can form a kind of community at some point.
Nope, CO is done for.
Many of the faggots who moved there came from more expensive states, so even though CO has gotten more expensive they won't be leaving.
WA got the techie/intellectual stoners, while CO got the poor "let's just sit around and get high til we die" stoners.
CO weed also sucks balls. I live in WA and our bud gets me stoned every time on just a small quantity. In CO I had to smoke and smoke and smoke, and it never got me where I wanted
>pro white communities
Maybe in ID.
I'm thinking a place like Tennessee would support some white communities
Seethe lmao the mountains are all White and the Western slope is full of White men bleaching latinas or not racemixing
Yeah, Mesa county/grand junction is about the only spot I have seen in the state excluding rural areas.
Is east WA any good? I liked spokane area but the city reeked of SJW/hipster
They may be 'white' in skin color, but towns like aspen/breck etc are among the most elite/hyper left you can imagine. They are the ones that helped vote in the gay jew.
They are easily redpilled. Specially by Denver’s rapidly deteriorating state, I’m sure
Also Denver has a full-fledged commie on the council now. Is there any significant push back against this woman being on the city council? Of course not, because it's lost. In a few years Denver will be just as bad as Seattle or San Francisco. There will surely be plenty of good places left in CO for awhile, but the population centers are fucked.
I think any state that has a large enough population of non-whites is where the most frustrated whites will be and most open to pro-white action (besides white refugees fleeing to white areas, but many of them still aren't pro-white, they don't /really/ understand why they're fleeing), so I think it's for sure doable in the southern US, but I'm here so I'd like to see if it's doable here first.
Pro-whites in grand junction? Good to know. I'm looking at eastern side of the mountains for now though.
Those people never have to deal with any of the consequences so they aren't getting 'red-pilled'. They vote lefty so that the middle class will be taxed into oblivion to pay for the savages.
They deal with the traffic everywhere
Exactly, stay the fuck out of this state.
I havent found much. Lot of the army guys MIGHT lean this way, but I have found many of them, even special forces type have poz-like beliefs of being pro-black, pro gay etc (I wonder if it is due to brainwashing) and of course modern army is heavy MINO these days.
Lolz...holy shit. Where do they find these types and how do they win?
'late stage capitalism' is code for hyperleftist
Why do you think they build those express lanes that cost an arm and a leg? Seems like an extra lane would be helpful for everyone, but no that's only for your master who is tired of waiting with the peasants.
The peasants are everywhere are there isn’t a fast lane for everything. Californians will get bored of our state and move on. Then we can save it, unless we abandon it now and move to Montana to set up an ethnostate.
Most left leaning CO natives are taking a hard right.
Colorado native. I think I might move to rural Idaho or South Dakota.
We should just make a massive ethnostate that encompasses Washington, Idaho, Montana, ND, SD, Northern CO, Northern Utah, Northern Nebraska, pay minorities to move south and wall it off immediately and never speak of it again
Well we need to stop them from doing what they did to San Francisco and Seattle. They are trying to turn Denver into another paradise for homeless junkies. Ever since San Fran and Seattle did that it just gets worse and worse. So if you guys can vote on this stuff try to pay attention and vote it down.
>s-stay the fuck out
Your state already fell. I bet it was a comfy place pre-Obama, but what's done is done. The only greatness left is it's natural beauty
Yeah pretty much what I lean towards these days.
Completely false. Degeneracy is all time high here.
It'd be a great place user.
>I think I might move to rural Idaho or South Dakota.
Rural areas are depressing and lonely. You couldnt handle it
Let them deteriorate behind the wall. Our descendants will venture across the ruins of the savage lands. We must convince the military to allow us an ethnostate and hopefully employ enough of its members to offset risk of annihilation
>Washington, Idaho, Montana, ND, SD, Northern CO, Northern Utah, Northern Nebraska
It's so much less than what our forefathers fought for. But I'd still take it at this point.
>pay minorities to move south and wall it off immediately and never speak of it again
That's when some white faggot will look over to us and say the words that will doom us all again
Honestly if you are on the front range it isn't anything special. It's got a great view of mountains, but the rest is just flat semi-desert. There are some really cool places though up in the mountains. There are also some tiny hick towns that are kind of creepy.
There is a place I've been to called Victor, Colorado. It was beautiful. I'd like to buy that town one day and build a castle there.
In 2004 there were 100,000 more registered Republicans than Democrats in Colorado
In 2016 they were in a dead heat
In 2018 there were 50,000 more registered Democrats.
Notably as the number of registered Republicans has declined, the number of registered Libertarians has nearly quadrupled in that 14 year period.
However the most important part comes from turnout- Bush got 150,000 more Republican voters to turn out than Trump. Democrats had 85% turnout in 2016 compared to 64% turnout for Republicans.
Colorado's problems then come from the fact the right-wing is splintered and demoralized- right-wingers are a slight majority of maybe 100,000, but lack of turnout and stupid bullshit (DRUMP'FS NOT MY CANDIDATE, I'M GONNA VOTE FOR JOHNSON AND GUNS THAT GET HIGH ON WEED) has lead to an inability of the right-wing to win the state.
It also hurts because CO was a second-tier state in 2016 with places like New Hampshire or Nevada, so Trump's energy was focused on Pennsylvania and Florida rather than the mountain west.
A final and extra problem are the Mormons who number several tens of thousands among eligible voters. Assuming that some 75% of adult Mormons are registered to vote we have to consider that low Mormon turnout cost Trump at least 20,000~ votes, which isn't enough to flip the state but is enough to burn him.
Only redpilled individuals will make the decision in the ethnostate. Faggots will leave of their own will because they cannot handle redpilled town sermons
The only safe zones are Wisconsin, Iowa, New england SD and PNW
Right? CO weed is like fucking water. I lived in Denver for a while and GTFO once I realized how quickly downhill the place was going.
>Dispensaries on every corner, sub-par weed in all of them.
>Natives are FUCKING PISSED at all the people moving there and they'll let you know it.
>Outside central Denver, the rest is boring cookie cutter suburbia or surprisingly ghetto.
>Abnormal amount of Somalis and various durka durkas, almost like they're planning for an insurrection there or something.
>No actual culture. The place is a boring Midwestern town next to some mountains, natives are mostly simpletons.
>What isn't being taken over by Californians is being taken over by Mexicans.
Fuck Denver with a rusty chainsaw. The rest of the state outside of the Front Range is still pretty awesome though.
Demographically there is no difference between PNW and Colorado, besides the fact it's retarded to move from a swing state to a blue.
Yes, it breaks my heart to see my grandmother talk about the state her ancestors settled with such pessimism. Though this red flag law has a stronger chance of causing insurrection than anywhere else in the country
The CO GOP is cucked beyond belief, their new strategy is to move to the center and pander to people that despise them. They should've backed Tancredo like the base did in 2010 when the GOP candidate barely scraped 15%. There are redpilled whites on the Western Slope, CO Springs, and the small towns on the plains and deep in the mountains but it's incredibly bleak because mexicans have flooded all of those places
>tiny hick towns
We went to some hiking place, and near one of the trails was this small community with funny houses painted all weird colors with crazy shit in their front lawn.
I'm sure most normies think "vibrant" and "artistic" but I felt like some awful shit goes down
They aren’t welcome
This kind of larping isn't useful. If you're truly concerned then join the guard or the reserve to get training in basic military tactics and make connections with fellow Jow Forumstards so you can have an informal friend network for when SHTF. If continuing to be concerned and unemployed or underemployed, learning a trade in order to make your own shit (carpentry is obviously top-tier) makes sense for long term homesteading.
That sounds interesting but who knows. I was thinking of these towns in the eastern and south eastern part of the state. It's a flat wasteland then you come up on a town with a few big box stores like Wal-mart. The people there look 'off' like an H.P. Lovecraft story. They are probably meth towns.
Nah let’s just move to the area and vote for redpilled policies that will allow the states to form a single sovereign state. I have a job that will be useful in the ethnostate and will be employed in the area
I'm a loner looking to get away from Weimar America.
GOP is cucked in general everywhere. Damn them.
But if I can get something pro-white going in Den/Springs area, I think we can do good for the race.
Nuke us
t. Coloradan
Holy shit it's demoralizing listening to lolbertarians talk about muh based trannies and faggots. I can't blame them for hating the state GOP but it's fucking awful. Coffman got trounced in 2018 and Gardner will get trounced in 2020 because white conservatives in the state have nothing in common with their politicians.
Teller County is very comfy, I'd definitely live there
>their new strategy is to move to the center
Welcome to the new strategy for almost the whole GOP going forward.
If you thought GOP candidates were unwilling to do anything about illegal immigration before, just imagine how much less they'll do when they are openly pandering to them for votes.
The GOP is going to tell us that were racists, and that ideology is what matters and if we just focus on appealing to Mexicans we can win elections.
"Democracy" is so fucked because both parties will screw their base at a chance for a 1% increase in turnout.
>But if I can get something pro-white going in Den/Springs area, I think we can do good for the race.
I'm getting outta Denver and the state, should I ever move back I'm going to the Western slope. Good luck convincing the transplants
What happened to CO is going to happen to every white enclave in the United States. It's never going to stop.
Leftists are parasites. When there is nowhere else for them to run and they have to rub shoulders with minorities who hate their guts, they will still blame white people and just lie down and die. These people are maniacs that must be forbidden for infecting the last relatively unpozzed rural areas of the nation.
I'm kind of offended by some of the things you said but they aren't inaccurate. Colorado really doesn't have much of a culture. I guess there is the notion that we are outdoorsy but most people are not. I don't know where these somalis and durkas you speak of are. We have a lot of latinos and a lot of asians. Natives aren't any more simple than anywhere else.
>If you thought GOP candidates were unwilling to do anything about illegal immigration before, just imagine how much less they'll do when they are openly pandering to them for votes.
Support Sheriff Reams at the very least, him and other county sheriffs are standing up to the jew AG's red flag law and it could be a rallying point in the future
Eldorado Springs?
>Good luck convincing the transplants
Native or transplant, a whites of high quality is what's important. Traitors are heavy in both camps.
That sounds about right. I'm gonna google it to see
I had just gone through a bad breakup and moved halfway across the country for a job I hated, so take my experiences in Denver with a massive grain of salt. I'm sure I'd feel different if my life wasn't in freefall at the time.
The rest of Colorado I loved, particularly the Southwest part. Friendly people, I hope the rural parts stave off leftist multicultural nonsense as long as they can.
Victor is cool, but mountain towns are either rich/hyper lib or a few rundown/ghost towns with no jobs anywhere close.
I believe they targeted Colorado specifically to take it out as it was a leader/symbol of the right/individualism. Now its faggot central spilling out of denver.
Btw why the fuck do I have to do like 10 of those faggot capchta things each time I post?
>Colorado really doesn't have much of a culture.
We used to. It was based around pioneer/settlers, miners in the west and ranchers in the east, and you can still find it in smaller towns. The whole "woah bro weed hiking!" is boulder and transplant faggotry who base their perception on a brochure or jewtube video.
Sounds inorganic. This could be viable for whites in cities. Try this in a rural setting and it will soon become a cult.
Truely wise whites must obtain land. Built a community by marrying your children from neighboring families and building infrastructure and housing on your land. Farm it and raise animals with all of your children and their sane/hardworking spouses.
You must be self sufficient for the coming collapse. 3 guns per person, and 1000 rounds for every person at least. Every adult must have a wide array of skills and be trained to do the same.
>I hope the rural parts stave off leftist multicultural nonsense as long as they can.
That's not the problem, it's population decline and foreign labor to work the fields or ranches. The only growth comes from nonwhites.
Ethnoranches bro
Teller is pretty nice, but the people are white but no sense of identity. A large amount of ex special forces, but like I said above a lot of these guys are oddly pro-degeneracy or at least no where close to alt-right style beliefs.
This is true, but we need some place to move to, just cant get swept up in the mudslide.
>I have a job that will be useful in the ethnostate
Sounds a lot like
>I will be a commissar in the red army
tier-larping ala twitter commies.
>sovereign state
It is baffling that people on Jow Forums are so naive they think that they'll even be allowed to make their own town much less an entire country through voting.
Gardner's fate depends on how Trump does, like Toomey in Pennsylvania and Ayotte in New Hampshire. If Trump wins, Gardner wins.
However there are a bunch of factors working in Trump's favor right now
-red flag law pisses off gun owners, will turn out to vote against gun grabbers
-Democrats openly against fracking now, if Hickenlooper runs for senator this puts him in a bad spot since he was pro-fracking as governor and might weaken his support among leftoids
-fracking extends through central CO right up to Denver, Weld county will be deeply Republican among other things
-Colorado popular vote compact is opposed 39-35 by the population, which isn't a huge margin but small margins are what decide swing states and proportional to the total number of 3.9 million voters amounts to around 1.5 million opposed, which is obviously larger than what Trump received in 2016 and bodes poorly for the Democrats
Keep in mind that the 2020 ballot has an initiative on it to repeal the popular vote compact as well
Yea that's true, it's kind of dated though. And you only small glimpses of it when you take a trip out of the suburbs. Mostly it's been weed and football and Casa bonita
I don't know exactly what you mean.
>I hope the rural parts stave off leftist multicultural nonsense as long as they can.
Do the mayors, or the people in general in the rural parts fundamentally object to multiculturalism (aka multi-racialism)? I think not. They're not really staving it off, they simply haven't been enriched yet. We need a foundational understanding of being pro-white and wanting to preserve the race, or there is no staving to speak of.
The Somalians are in Aurora. Most of the native guys I've met have been liberal but I've met a few conservative native girls and they've voiced their opinions on transplants in private to me.
California nearly did it, that will weaken Amerikike and then we’ll BLEACH her by offering a Native American ethnostate in return and maybe a nog and spic ethnostate as well as mix-race regions
I'm glad I'm not the only one mad about it. My commute downtown has gone from 10-15 minutes to an hour almost every time. There are accidents all over the place. I feel like I'm going to die every time I have to drive more than a few miles. These people need to gtfo.
By keeping them in their containment zones we’ll get as much land as possible and use bullet trains to travel to different ethnostates
Colorado used to have virtually no welfare, no non whites of any kind, (even in denver) which is why 15 years ago it was the nicest big city in the country, and every other person owned a gun and thought shooting someone for breaking an entering was both a right and responsibility.
Now its a faggotopia with niggers all over and christians that dont see race.
People here used to all believe in eugenics too.
Are you a communist?
Every family must have their own land. You cant share land on a wide scale. Try to think of a situation where this would work long term. If there is space to be used, it will be used. What happens when the two or three familys will want to use the same spot for different things. Then dispute comes.
There must be borders set. Which is exactly what I explained.
Then theres no disputes over land. Moving a fence farther would be stealing. If a family wants more land, it can be bought or traded from another willing party.
The ranches will all be owned by Whites and will be known as the Ethnoranches
Forced, synthetic, unnatural.
Yeah, I don't know how me wanting to connect with other racially aware whites is synthetic.
>Gardner's fate depends on how Trump does, like Toomey in Pennsylvania and Ayotte in New Hampshire. If Trump wins, Gardner wins.
Gardner's practically a democrat, I wrote to him about the caravans and the border surge and I got some canned response about amnesty. Conservatives won't turn out for him and I'd love to see him primaried
I've met plenty of guys from outside Denver who aren't fully redpilled but will call blacks dindus and also bemoan the transplants. But a native is a rarer and rarer sight in the city
It was the god damn californians. I've known them my whole life and hated them even before I knew shit about politics. They were everywhere. "I'm from california btw", "In california I went surfing everyday", "Don't you just wish Colorado was more like california". They were always smug pricks and now they've finally ruined the state. California is the source of all of our problems.
I'm a 47 year old Aurora native living in exile in Tennessee. My dad's side of the family is still back in CO, and it causes me physical pain to see what the state, especially Denver, is like now.
>gardner is practically a Democrat
He literally was a Democrat who "converted"
So really, he's a Democrat who adopted a few conservative policies
At least you chose a good state to move to. I'm saving up for a triplex in Knoxville. I won't rent to niggers or spics
Why do people still think CO has strict gun laws? Shall issue ccw no permit, license, or registration for ANY gun purchase. A 15 round limit, universal background checks, and an AWB are NOTHING compared to NY, CT, MA, CA, HI, OR MD laws.
>.t future cult leader
Family owned and family farmed castle cities are the future.
Your ethnoranch idea will fast track into something much different than what you envision.
We had a culture, even as recently as the 90s. Between the tide of Californians and the homogenization of American culture produced by the Internet (especially post-smartphone), it has gotten wiped out everywhere but in rural areas.
That’s how the ethnocastle will look though
Colorado isn't Colorado anymore. It's little Mexico. Whites in Colorado gave up on breeding for some reason. Little bean kids are replacing the whites. Just look at the elementary schools.
That looks cozy as fuck, 10/10 would die of typhus in.
TN seems to be a popular spot for white Coloradans to go, especially East TN.
Death by a thousand cuts. 15 round mags were intolerable and now the state's government is run by literal commie jews. The only ray of hope has been law enforcement and most counties outright refusing to support the red flag laws
Only in the degenerate front range. It only takes one female mayor or senator for it all to go to shit and the mountain folks to come and raid the ruins
Your post reads like you're high as fuck.
Gardner will win if Trump wins. The popular vote compact repeal will drive up turnout. More independents oppose than support, Democrats pretty much all support and Republicans pretty much all oppose. This puts the advantage on the Republican side as their problem has been low turnout after the 2004 election win.
Hickenlooper will run towards the left on certain issues that would have won him right-wing voters. The election will be decided as it was in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire- not on the candidate's actual conservative commitments but on how many people turn out to vote for Trump.
Just stay out of Nashville. It is basically Denver 2.0 at this point. Knoxville is better, but it has the standard array of college town commies.
Because some of us are old enough to remember a time when Colorado's gun laws were more like Tennessee's than California's.
The devils in the details. Completely detach all laws you know. Our system is corrupt and advocating continuation will only further the problems.
The ethnostate, under no circumstance, will be obtainable lawfully or peacefully.
>TN seems to be a popular spot for white Coloradans to go, especially East TN.
When I moved in 2000, it still had many areas that felt a lot like the Colorado I grew up in. The rural areas are still largely a Southern version of the kinds of culture we had in rural CO. Memphis, though, is a negro shithole. Nashville? Nashville is going down a path so much like Denver's that it blows my mind, complete with California transplants taking over politically.
I originally was looking at Nashville but decided against it. Knoxville is calling me
FUCK California
t. Colorado resident
Knoxville has a small Antifa group, but guess what? In Tennessee, you can legally carry a magazine fed battle rifle in condition 1 in your vehicle. Get your carry permit as soon as practical, too.
I unironically think the show Nashville caused the problem or at least made it much, much worse.
It's possible nashville will lose its cache with Californians in a few years and things may swing back
I visited Nashville a few years ago, it looked like Denver with all the new developments and yuppie areas except the bars had live bands instead of DJs. Sad to see and I'm glad I didn't end up moving there. Right now I'm looking at the Midwest or South for school (no I'm not a high schooler) and I wouldn't mind settling there if I find a decent area after it's all done
Knoxville is nice, but there is a whole lot of turbo-boomer white trash near Pigeon Forge/Dollywood/Sevierville (i.e., Life-sized Gorilla statues placed in front of a sex shop that backs up to a Baptist church)
>TN seems to be a popular spot for white Coloradans to go
Wait What? I never heard of this. I heard of Colorado and Texas swapping residents frequently but never Tennessee. What is even appealing about that place? It's pretty poor outside of the Nashville metro. Really what makes Tennessee of all places attractive?
It made it worse, but it started the same way the Fall of Denver did: Californians (and, to be fair, some New Yorkers and Chicagoans) fleeing the shitholes they fouled to prey on fresh territory. In fact, I ran across some Californians who had moved to Denver in the late 90s-early 2000s and relocated to Nashville because "Denver's just not like it used to be."
They never consider the fact that they are the reason it isn't, and are pulling the same shit in Nashville.
We need to de-legalize weed here. It really isn't good.
The fact that outside of the cities it's overwhelmingly white. Also, the fact that it's "poor" (read: not entirely consumed by the bubble economy you apparently consider necessary) keeps Boomer/Millenial cunts in the cities. Also, it hasn't been utterly Californicated politically with regard to gun laws, emissions, taxes, etc.
Eastern part is green, mountainous, and white. And to be fair I've met quite a few people from TN that move here as well and always speak well of it without looking down on everywhere else like Californians do
If you pick the South, just understand that everything you've heard about the summer heat (especially in the Deep South states) will not prepare you for the heat and humidity. You can literally kill yourself if you try to run around in summer the way you can in Colorado.