My cat has been missing for almost 12 days...

My cat has been missing for almost 12 days. I have been doing everything I can to bring him home and also been posting on /x/. I know that Jow Forums is powerful with meme magick so please help me channel our power and magick to bring Frisky safely home. Thank you.

Continuing from last thread which hit bump limit

Attached: Frisky2.jpg (1500x1000, 1.36M)

Cat looks unhealthy and disgusting. Death would probably do it a favor

Pussy gone. Accept it.

Are you one of those morons that let their cats out every night to walk around the city?
Unfortunately it’s probably getting tortured by a nigger as we speak.

Frisky is in very good health

I think the coyotes got it.


Scrying to bring Frisky safely home.

Attached: runescape.png (1226x1600, 1.22M)

Thank you

Hello anons will one of you gentlemen point me to the nearest nigger rekt thread?

cat's age? number of eye's? favorite hiding spots?

I’m currently salting friskie in my basement.

tripps and your cat comes home tonight

Why don’t you call him and ask him where he is?

Looks just like one of my cats.

I've had 2 of mine run off, but never for longer than 12 hours.

Best of luck friendo --- make sure you put on social media posts in your area and sign up for apps like "next door" which will make it easier for neighbors you don't know to post sightings.

My wife's friend's cat got loose about 1/4 mile from us, and was on the run for 2 months before he came home.


my kek bless you sir.

Attached: i can haz waifu.png (627x680, 667K)

12 days, the cat is long gone. Either picked up by someone else, found another cat to be with or worse, dead by car. Honestly, cats find other cats and go live together for some time.
Put good energy into the memory of your cat and know they are well.

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Put food water and litter box outside cat will return

Have you tried calling it and shaking the food bowl?

Good luck user. When I was a kid my cat going to walk for 3 month and back home constantly

Look around faggot

I hope your cat has been crunched by a car. this is Jow Forums not fucking Jow Forums

lmao not anymore if it's been out there 12 days. probably got its guts gnawed out by a superior animal and is laying on the side of the road dead