As of September 15th, 2019, Jow Forums has unanimously swallowed the blackpill. There's just no winning...

As of September 15th, 2019, Jow Forums has unanimously swallowed the blackpill. There's just no winning. The only way out is to deny the Jews the satisfaction—by killing ourselves or taking the coompill.

>Embrace the Blackpill.

>Jews have won.

>Ashes and echoes

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This post is extremely low quality

No, it isn't. More and more of Jow Forums are killing themselves as the Jews ascend to godhood.

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fuck off kike
nice leddit formatting too

Deosn't prove me wrong, (((Whitepiller)))!

You're FUDing. And poorly, at that. If you're going to attempt to subvert us, atleast have the decency to put in some effort.

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yes goyim accept us as your master

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I miss Lahey, the actor died. The shit winds.

The jews are actually losing ground, right now. They're satanists, and their power structures are naturally self destructive, but can be propped up with enough outside help.
Now, we're facing more insidious enemies. See, the Luciferians are the ones who are ascending to power, and unlike the satanists, they're alllllllll about total control as the end goal, because they think they know best. That's why they're more dangerous, they genuinely believe that what they're doing is for the best.
Luciferians= illuminati NWO
Satanists=zionists/communist NWO

Must be tough being this stupid.

(((your))) defeatism has been noted you will be shot with the rest of them

What will happen when browns reach ctitical mass?

The answer is collapse. With that comes the 4th reich. A new dawn for all intelligent and wise white men.

You are so gullible. What will the movie studio be worth without electricity? How much land can they farm in the concrete jungles? When food stops being imported and grown, they will cannibalize and war with each other. Now without hospitals or welfare checks. No more fuel to travel. The roads are blocked anyway.

I feel sorry for the cucks without land and guns.

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Show yourself memeflaggot

Man as a fallen angel vs Man as a rising beast. The information is there if you want to look. In this context, they're two sides of the same coin, and all bad fucking news. But the elites aren't all united in one vision on how to dominate us lowly debt meat bags.

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>Whites should just kys lol


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If everyone who wanted to kill them self would simply stop being a pussy, the problem would be solved already.

More like a reddit NPC

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I'm not a jew. Look, when I was a boy in Canada, I lived in Brazil-tier poverty. Anyway, when I was 14, some nigger said, "reparations, you cro-magnon fuck!" and pulled a knife on me, asking for money.

I got angry and replied "I'll smash your teeth in, pavement ape!" And I knocked the knife out of his hands and beat him so bad he can't even talk anymore on account of brain damage.

I was sent to prison for a hate crime and my mother, the woman who gave birth to me, told me "I hope a Hatian Canadian kills you in prison." She still says "go out and die, nazi punk!" even after I'm out of prison.

I'm a mutant from the rest of the White race. I am nice, but only when I have something to lose. If I don't, I'm quite violent.

Brought this up on White Nationalist forums. Their reply: "You're not the first wigger to lose his temper and lash out against a minority and receive a lengthy prison-term. Fuck off! You're bad for optics."

If by some miracle Day of The Rope happens, I'll join, not to save the White race, but just for the satisfaction of killing White race traitors. I hate them more than non-Whites and Kikes.

I'm a mutant among the White race. I don't have the suicidal empathy even White nationalists seem to have.

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>More and more of Jow Forums are killing themselves as the Jews ascend to godhood.
I can see young guys who are genetically predisposed to depression, and throw in some alcoholism to go along with a general sense of anomie and nihilism, broken family, anti-White male society, and it's all fertile situation for mass White male suicide.

>The jews are actually losing ground, right now.
With Harvey Weinstein, Epstein, and PewDiePie, it seems that a lot of normies sense that Jews are up to no good, but they are still comatose.

Cringe. Imagine killing yourself because the government is filled with long nosed boogeymen. I sympathise with people who an hero because of oneitis, loneliness, crippling depression but this is too much. How retarded can you be to end your life because some graphs on Jow Forums show that white race is declining?

I've taken the whitepill, Christ killer.

You can't wake up normies. They have a herd-mentality that makes them follow the ones who give the their food and entertainment, which is right now the Jews. It's the inaction of the ten percent who are aware, and can't be indoctrinated by the kikes is what blackpills me. If they acted in 1965, there would either be no anti-white bullshit, or Europe and the USSR would've nuked the USA for turning NatSoc and cleansed the world in nuclear hellfire before I was born. Even the West being a nuclear, irradiated hell scape is more utopian than what we're faced up against.

Stop contributing to these obvious shill threads you crater-brained fucking morons.

Fuck off, civnat kike!

>killing ourselves
Fuck off kike.

Despair, noun: Loss of hope in the mercy of God.
Fuck off kike.

You guys have Suicide Forest.

My I refer you to this previous post. I'm not Jewish, I'm just extremely despondant over the odds of Whites surviving, which is at best 0.1%. My own mother father hate me all because I maimed a pathetic, subhuman chimp.

Beat me to it user

Is anyone else S E E T H I N G that they don't have enough money to buy and refurbish a castle and live in it? I have been for some time now.

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You mean the 5th reich. Merkle is currently overseeing the fourth.

Nothing ever happens but our annihilation.

Correction: There will still be welfare checks, maybe in a fleeting, digital form, but there will be. There just won't be anything you can buy with them so they will become worthless. Especially if diversity hires keep being the norm, in a few years or decades time, we will see weimar tier inflations where the gov multiplies the sum on the welfare checks it hands out, only for the lacking availability of goods to multiply the prices faster.
If everyone's just sitting in a company to make a buck and no-one is actually shouldering the work, the company may run on continously loaned money, but it doesn't produce anything. Yes, even with robots. Robots break or malfunction, and constantly need to be retuned and programmed to fulfill different functions in production lines. Someone needs to maintain the hardware, someone needs to write the software, you can't just hope that automation can keep the luxuries going that necessitate the same intellect and work ethic that will then be eradicated.

This. We should give up.

That's not what I said, plebbitor.

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Anyone who can walk backwards while drinking then drive off has certainly not given up on life

Piss off with the half-assed attempts at demoralizing people.

You say, “we’re all fucked,” but what a perceptive person hears is, “the problems in my life seem insurmountable to me, and rather than face them like a man, I’m going to pretend I’ve been handed a hopeless situation by a flawed civilization.”

Stop being a pussy. Go out and make a life for yourself. Yeah, yeah, jews are subversive and they cause a great deal of havoc. So fucking what? How interesting is a story without a villain?