This place is right up the street from me. Could not stop laughing the first time I saw it. What were they thinking?

This place is right up the street from me. Could not stop laughing the first time I saw it. What were they thinking?

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pizzagate is a proven myth, a fable, a figment of paranoia in the minds of middle america, so for the 5000000th time you retards get over it.

There's a lot of this bullshit going on locally. Drag queen story hour is celebrated all over the state, obvious grooming.

I wonder who's behind this post

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>spouting this shit after Epstein's Murder

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The state Capitol is only a couple miles away. I'm sure theres tunnel and rape dungeons connecting them.

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Clown world

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Send your kids to public school and they're going to end up gay.

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>continues spreading a conspiracy theory that got an actual business shot up
Lmao, keep it up retards. When the Feds bust down your door during your hentai fap session it'll be hilarious to turn on the tv and watch you fucks cry it out in a courtroom on primetime.

Fucking kill yourselves. No seriously, KYS now. You subversive mentally ill small minded fucks like you make me deathly afraid to live in this shithole nation.

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STFU. A hard drive got shot up. Obvious shill is glowing hard

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Pizzagate is right about everything except Comet Pingpong.

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At the very least it is a red herring.

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Baby heart pie

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Lmao you must be retarded if you can't see the truth

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So they just ripped off Coffee Klatch and replaced coffee with pizza?