Juden hate thread

Why do you hate the Jews Jow Forums

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Saw a video of IMF sniping muzzie kids

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because I'm a typical Jow Forums poster that gets his news and info from trolls and hears voices in my shit smeared incel dungeon of a basement room-oh wait, what's that?

Ah....That's it... It's you!

you're just another crazy asshole who blames the jews for all his problems in life. KYS faggot

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This why

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Hey guise, what's goying in ITT?

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because god and my lord and savior jesus christ and the holy spirit tells me to

the guy that caught the bat

If a tenant was kicked out of 109 apartments, do you think the problem was with the tenant or all 109 landlords?

Die mamzer.

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If you're white, only breed with other whites. Just remember that it's not racist and simply a defensive move because non-white people breed fast. I hope you guys never disappear.

thans bean fren

Hate, for lack of a better word, is good.
If you cannot hate, you cannot love.
But it is imperative to hate the right things.
Jews are hateful.


Was just about to make a Jew hate thread, very based OP.

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Chem trails and vaccines might be pushing it, but the rest sounds about right...

well that didn't work like I thought it would


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Yeah man, I feel deep sadness when I hear about a certain species of animal going extinct and I can't imagine the pain to hear that about a human species. Mostly for white people because we got a ton of different brown people anyways, enough so that they like to confuse any of us with each other so who gives a fuck.

I hate that they created a religion called Christianity where you worship and protect Jews(psalms 122:6) and your messiah is a SHEPHERD meaning you are SHEEP. It's from the middle-east not Europe and it neutered the European man.

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its ok the be jewish

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Based wetback.

Where’s the lie?

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Yeah, it is.
It's not ok to push for anti racial shit.
We're not 100% sure it is the jews, but the whole world knows that mega rich people run the world and your dumbass knows jews are good at making money. Not to mention they got the banks, too. Somehow we got all this anti white shit going on that's not being reported on anything owned by Jews. What the fuck do you want white people to think then?

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>no one ever attacks bohemian grove with napalm
>everyone always shoots up some randos
yeah ok

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You're wrong.
Judaism and Christianity represent a greater than 180° dichotomy
>Jesus ushered in the Law of Forgivenes
>The law of Moses states, "An eye for an eye."
>Forgiveness is a violation of the Law.

I submit that your hatred is not directed at those whom keep Jesus's faith, but fake Christians whom defile themselves with fake Jews

>but the whole world knows that mega rich people run the world
why are you making it out to be a jewish problem when you know all to well that it isnt?
why arent you calling out for genocide of white bankers? or asian?

Oh, we’re 100% sure it’s the Jews. What rock have you been living under?

Show me one that owns a mainstream media platform.

Alright, well I'm not 100% sure so I won't be anti jew but I will be pro white. Defense is the best thing you could do otherwise we got Nazi Germany all over again. The way that started looks a lot like this.

I loled.

I don't hate Jews.

Jews hate me.


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There are more ways that the Jews hate you than the ways that you hate the Jews. If you are white then the Jews hate you and they hate your family and they want you dead.

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why aren't we dragging them into the streets and killing them already. They are so evil, there is not one redeeamable thing about them. They are waging a covert war against whites in all white nations and yet we aren't killing them yet. Why? There are only 16 million of them, we could end this in a few days if all white men just started killing them.

I don't

>We're not 100% sure it is the jews

They are even telling you it straight in your face

wtf is wrong with you

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