Imagine not being in the yang gang

imagine not being in the yang gang

>1000$ a month
>mandatory taxes on tech giants that have 0 federal income taxes like amazon to pay for the 1k a month via Value Added Tax
>the 1000$ a month doesn't stack if you participate in other welfare programs; the amount of assistance from the government will equal 1000$ a month either through straight cash, welfare programs,or combination of the two (allowing the 1000$ a month to be more feasible price wise)
>bringing hundreds of thousands of dollars of purchasing power to your local community to boost local business
>those businesses hire more people as they grow; more jobs (2 million+)
>those who are part of the 4 millions jobs lost to automation will have more job opportunities and flexibility
>not living from paycheck to paycheck
>having spare money for unexpected debts / bills
>those incarcerated don't get 1000$ a month
>afford to take time off and spend time with your children and family
>compensation for jobs lost via automation will stop autists from protesting against technology and innovation
>spare money to pursue hobbies, startup companies, or to support your NEET lifestyle
>Thomas Paine supported UBI (Citizen's Dividend)
>MLK supported UBI (Guaranteed Annual Income)
>Why don't you?

Why are you not supporting Andrew Yang, Jow Forums ?

TL;DR / more information:

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'll bump you op. Even if you are a leftists or a discord tranny or just a double spacer I am coopting your movement to secure the bag for myself.

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>B-b-b-blll ebil whites are gonna kill my asian kids us asians are oppressed minorities too pity us wahhhhhhhh

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I'm actually Libertarian-right and think this is who the country needs

>voting for a democrat
>voting for a chink

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There is a 0% chance those taxes on tech giants are ever going to go through. The $1000 will also never happen. Have you ever heard of a buzzword?

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I don't get the people pushing the Yang stuff.
Okay, I guess I get that you have to start somewhere but you surely realize there is 0 chance of a $1000 UBI. The President has no such power. It will have to come from Congress. Even if Yang is elected, he will never find the support for a UBI. You'd have to replace half of Congress with people who agree with Yang.

At best, electing Yang would be step 1 of 10 for getting a UBI. You'd still be lucky to see it become a reality within 20 years. All Yang can do is start a real discussion about it.

Dude stfu. 2050 can not come soon enough. Hold your guns tightly old man.

>voting for someone for their party rather than what they will do for the country

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Imagine believing the chinese should exist.

Imagine trying to make this weeping chink "cool".

>1000$ a month
It’s not going to happen. Don’t you understand that candidates can promise the whole fucking world but once they’re elected they don’t have to do shit?

He and his cabinet will make up the most amazing and perfectly understandable excuses that would explain why he CANT follow up on his “Muh $1000” slogan.

No American writes like this

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Not a leader.

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Yeah same with Bernie. He infuriates me more than most because while all candidates like to promise things that a President can't do, Bernie Sanders' entire platform is something he will have no power to do as president. His plan requires a lot of action from Congress and the only Bernie Sanders in Congress is Bernie Sanders.

>Pretending Dems aren't so off the rails that any support given to them is tacit approval of the rest of their platform.

I honestly can’t believe this is a talking point by a legit candidate. Have any Yang supporters ever taken an economics course in their lives? The economy and its prices are regulated RELATIVE to everyone’s money holdings. Basically, if EVERYONE gets 1000$ a month, that’ll cause inflation. Prices on goods would INCREASE making the 1000 completely and utterly worthless. Not to mention how badly the whole economic system would collapse as a result. For dummies, if everyone gets 1k a month, more people are able to buy iPhones. Apple seeing this, would increase their price on new iPhones to make more money because there’s more demand. And no, this isn’t apple being greedy, it’s basic economics. Everything would increase in price that consumers start buying with free money. It would all go back to normal after a short time even with 1000$ extra.

Probably Chinese.

Im thinking this is pasta.

I just did faggot. Easier to type when in my mind I’m saying “one thousand dollars” instead of “dollars one thousand”


I’m thinking you’re a faggot

Quoted from his website
>"The federal government recently printed $4 trillion for bank bailouts in its quantitative easing program with no inflation. Our plan for UBI uses mostly money already in the economy. In monetary economics, leading theory states that inflation is based on changes in the supply of money. The Freedom Dividend has minimal changes in the supply of money because it is funded by a Value-Added Tax.

It is likely that some companies will increase their prices in response to people having more buying power, and a VAT would also increase prices marginally. However, there will still be competition between firms that will keep prices in check. Over time, technology will continue to decrease the prices of most goods where it is allowed to do so (e.g., clothing, media, consumer electronics, etc.). The main inflation we currently experience is in sectors where automation has not been applied due to government regulation or inapplicability – primarily housing, education, and healthcare. The real issue isn’t universal basic income, it’s whether technology and automation will be allowed to reduce prices in different sectors."

I will fishface, you're all the enemy and you know it

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Exactly right, communism/socialism I'm disguise

Good insult low iq-san

See you then senpai

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Thank you for this, now I understand the reasoning... however
Prices won’t magically go down ESPECIALLY when more people have liquid income. If sales go up on the new Apple products you best believe Apple won’t reduce their price. Yes competition will TRY to keep prices in check, but with more money in the consumers hands, no company is willingly going to lower their prices. Even if one tries, it won’t be effective since people aren’t going to have problems with money anymore so the ‘cheap option’ will be chosen much less. Also even with the advent of machines, prices on products like iPhones go up yearly (even without this stimulus) imagine after? It’s a deceptive scheme and would fall on its face very quickly. Don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE $1000 a month for free. But knowing what will happen shortly after isn’t worth it.


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I don't give a fuck I want $1000 if Israel is going to get the entire US Armed Forces to invade Iran, nobody gives a shit about stopping spending anymore, might as well get some if everybody on the globe gets free housing, water, food, money, healthcare, political backing, military presence, American blood, fuel, cars, tanks, planes, bridges, roads, power plants, technological research, books, internet, computers, fracking technology, medical research, medical technology, condoms, pretty much everything under the sun is free or free money for anyone who isn't a middle class American White man and woman despite it being paid for by that demographic.

If they fuck up during the next recession then they will unironically cause another Civil War. Victory either way.

nope, salaries will go down 1000 dollar a month.
Meaning it doesn't start at 0. But at 1000.

It's just a shift of 0 to 1000, which will replace alot of stuff in the government. Making the government smaller and more efficient.

The inflation argument already has been debunked. You haven't really read into UBI correctly.

For fuck's sake can you imagine what good all the tax money that gets harvested every year if it didn't end up festering in a Jewish/Boomer bank account, divide itself to feed 8 African mouths from 1 mother, cover the costs of having young American men held overseas in every Western nation on Earth so that the inhabitents can get free medical care and medicine without having to spend more than a joke amount on their own protection?

Oh wait I know what it would look like. It would look like fucking pic related and we'd have a fucking paradise on Earth

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The prices increased by the tech products won't be enough to cancel the money you gain by UBI unless you're a heavy spender, and most people don't buy
more than a few tech products a year

And for more expensive products like TVs, people would still pick a $2000 TV over a $3000 TV with the same features even with UBI because That $3000 is still a heavier chunk of money even if you have extra cash

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Then vote Yang.

Imagine believing the bullshit you just posted...inconceivable.

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>believing Yang will convince Congress to turn on their corporate overlords to pay for this
Surely, you must be retarded.

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I get your point there, but tech isn’t the only thing people will spend money on. Eating out, more movie tickets, car, better house, a dog, etc. All these things will see an increase in demand, therefore, an increase in cost. Everything together will cancel out the UBI. Worst part? It’ll not only cancel but overtake it. Everyone has different spending habits, as you know, and products will all universally increase in cost. $1000 won’t go nearly as far, then.

Attention, everyone: Yang was crying.

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An alternative that might actually work is $1000 to every citizen as a ONE TIME THING. That’ll allow everyone to spend that money without issue, and costs won’t dare to increase because companies know it’s only for a very short time. I’m sure everyone has $1000 worth of things they’d love to spend that money on.

Kek, that's a good one.

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ok here's the deal, just because there's crazy and desperate people that happen to get caught on video doing weird shit just like every other race, doesn't mean this candidate has any association with bad shit, I am begging the world to send me bad vibes from Andrew Yang, but so far I can't see him losing with how smart he's conducting himself and lack of negativity about his character or past, the media isn't pulling anything up. Every single other canidate had some bad shit about them, even Bernie saying women fantasize about orgies.

This guy is talking about space mirrors, actually fighting the increase in temperature rising of the planet and not just "stop polluting guys pls"

If you haven't notice yet the planet is actually getting a lot more extreme and your little organ that pumps blood can sense it.

If we don't pull out some trick out of our hat we'll throw this game and we'll all die from irreversible climate catastrophe.

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Die in a fire

I don't know if you meant that to be a Beavis and Butthead reference, but that was pretty funny.

But if the 300billion a month comes out of the pockets of giant companies that should have been paying more in taxes for years im more ok with it. I would much rather it be collected to build roads and fund education but whatever. You really only run into issues if the government is printing money because that is how you would get massive inflation and increase in the price of all goods. Would the price of a burger increase because more people can buy one? Maybe. But I bet the price of yatchs would also decrease proportionally because guess who’s pocket the money is coming out of.

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unironically the future
gosh just seeing all those cringy commercials trying to have a competition with each other fade away and everyone wasting time and money on dietary programs finally having the time, and extra cushion, to know how to really better themselves will be beautiful

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>lol you WANT money?
>lol, he cwied
like is this the best you shitposters could come up with?
no doubt he's becoming the next president

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White dudes would probably feel less suicidal if they couldn't make less than $12k/year.

Finally someone gets it.

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UBI is a poorfags wet dream. But really it will have much more benefit to my income. I'll jack up rent up at the end of the lease 1000$ while I still collect my 1000$. But...but... they'll go somewhere cheaper. Us landlords aren't stupid and will all raise rents obviously and the 1% who don't will have no vacancies.

supply and demand faggots

I don't know how many restaurants and movies and cars you repair everyday but maybe you should stay home and cook dinner instead you fat consuming polluting pig man.

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It's ok to cry. Crying takes the sad out of you.

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muh free moneyz
"Freedom divident" muh leftist euphemism tactic

They guy took buying votes to another level. 1000/month is nice and round number, but you know that, 0.00001 nanoseconds after implementation people will ask for more.

oh yeah showing sincere empathy is sOooo bad

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Your country wouldn't exist without our freedom dividend and troops. Time for us to get some, faggot.

The companies that provide basic needs like food and clothing wont be taxed

He was crying. Like a girl.

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when the economy boosts up to the stratosphere and the general public grows some more neurons maybe it will
and if all goes well, like anything us mericans do, it will spread to other nations

>a bloo bloo

> Implies that I think this shithole country should exist

The world would be a better place, without turncoat Romania, so that is hardly an argument that would convince me of anything.

The landlords will be getting the extra cash too, so they don't really need to do so
and there could be laws to limit how high housing taxes can get as well

I have plenty of reason to raise rents with UBI.

Jesus fuck are you guys still being paid to shill? There is no way he'll win. Not even democrats want the retarded insect.

You believe the globalist lie, that wealth is created by consumption.
Only the supply side matters in the long term, rest is just banker illusion that pops every decade

You can do that now even without UBI if you wanted to

No but even many republicans want Yang
He's literally the only one makes coherent sense
And who else? Bernie? Fucking Biden?

Don't try to change the subject. He was crying.

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I've been doing that for that for the past twenty years

If you want Gibson your a fucking nigger.

his plan doesn't work

Look at his website, even after taxing companies, stupid 20+ % VAT he still expects 100-200 BILLION saved on being healthy, staying off the streets....

>We would save $100 – 200+ billion as people would be able to take better care of themselves and avoid the emergency room, jail, and the street and would generally be more functional.

also don't forget the almost 1 trillion in new revenue from massive growth!

>he Roosevelt Institute projected that the economy will grow by approximately $2.5 trillion and create 4.6 million new jobs. This would generate approximately $800 – 900 billion in new revenue from economic growth.

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he didn't say anything that he just sprouted on his website...

just said the same shit, 100-200 billion saved on incarceration and homelessness. Yeah i'm sure $1000/m will stop drug dealers.

It's not some small fucking number he's trying to get it's hoping for 200 billion on people, then hoping for 4.5million more jobs which brings in almost 1 trillion in tax revenue and this is all from giving money away in the fucking first place

>I don't get the people pushing the Yang stuff.
Its peak daytime hours in Asia, Trump's tariffs have btfod chinks good.

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Are you expecting everything just fixes itself once the UBI gets implemented?
Because that's semi-particularly will happen

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no i'm not ,i'm mentioning the over 1 trillion shortfall in his spending. Also get $1000/m but pay 20% more for goods

why wouldn't he just extend unemployment insurance for redundant workers or something. Add to the pool of funds

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Shut the fuck up blabbering imbecile

Imagine shilling for a bugman because you can't find a job and need to shitpost on a mongolian throat singing anime forum for 0,01 shekels per post. Go dilate, you abomination you're almost worse than a nigger.

You clearly don't have a job with that level of intelligence
Or just have some nothingness worker-ant cringe that'll be automated away in another few years if even

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It’s retarded, they experimented with it in Finland and surprise surprise, turns out that giving people infinite handouts doesn’t incentivise them to work

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Feeling sad about you ameribros that you have to endure this pants on head retarded shit.
Atleast over here everything is retarded.

Works in Alaska, worked for the nazis, would've happened here half a century ago...
You just need to get informed ~

It might work if you actually scan for people with ambitions and not just random people.

interesting cope

ITT: seething MIGAniggers full of jujucum

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this is a new one

didn't Zimbabwe try giving out Yang bucks right before their money became worthless from inflation?

fuck off boomer

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>salaries will go down 1000 dollar a month.
What? How could Yang possibly control that? You think any union would sign off on changing their contract to get paid less? I fully admit I haven’t looked into the details of Yang’s UBI, but how could it not cause inflation? I live in Commiefornia and raising the minimum wage to $15 hasn’t changed anything. Prices just went up accordingly and the people making minimum wage are still poor.

isn't it already proven that if you heavy tax big companies they just move to another country and fuck over people working there?

>voting for a commie anti white chink
>he wants to give even more cash to niggers
>he thinks money growns on trees

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I don't accept bribes.