Let's be frank: Was this a victory for us, another step further in the overton window being in our favor...

Let's be frank: Was this a victory for us, another step further in the overton window being in our favor, or simply something else that the general public will mostly overlook?

I was laughing pretty hard at this desu. Do you think it was blackmail, extortion, or is it what I think: And just a massive publicity stunt to get JQ into public discourse?

Attached: pewdiepie-adl-donation.jpg (1140x700, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you be Frank, imma be Sal.

He had blond hair and blue(?) eyes, his existence is anathema to them anyway, He stays famous it is a win

Yes it's a win.
He either submitted to jews or to Nazis. He made a good choice

I don’t even know anymore

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He also from one of them degenerate white countries. They definitely gonna try to take him down.

They sideburns r quivering with anticipation.

>Do you think it was blackmail, extortion
No, I legit think he was fucking with the ADL.
Not 4D chess or anything. Just "i can't just straight call out the adl... but.. .what if... in my 100m video i say ill donate 50k to them. everyone would go "who?" and look into it... they'd see how they tried to fuck me 2 years ago"...
etc etc. It's a stoner tier tactic and it works because it's believable that he's just stupid.

There was a guy who posted a link to a twitter page where a guy posted clips of Pewdiepie doing edgy stuff. Does anyone have the link? I didn’t save it

Ask him yourself. He supposedly browses the chans here.

Oh god who cares, my mother goes on here and she is in her 70s. It's just facebook for non-normies

Hi Grandma


4d chess move by him. He woke up millions

>Ask him yourself. He supposedly browses the chans here.

How do you know that? Are you sure somebody isn't just fucking with you?

I think you replied to the wrong person

Is she a white supremacisterrorist yet, mayne?

How do you know that? Sorry drunk as fuck. Needed a conversation that would make me laugh, and pewdiepie being the person who wakes up the western world to our cause makes me almost feel like I was born in the right timeline. Almost.

Thanks desu

it's in some of his vids where he was reacting to clips. Not necessarily Jow Forums though, I don't remember which boards.

She doesn't believe anything, not the moon or nasa and says off the wall shit to normies all the time. It's honestly hilarious she gives no fucks and if another boomer fucks with her in the store she'll start tearing into them.

Did you just imply Alex Jones' age and gender?

Also, is she like my grandma where she watches people like Stefan Molynew or whatever TF his name is and went full race realist? Who would have thought Youtube had it in him lol

I found the link in my search history :)

>Stefan Molynew

No she only likes Owen Benjamin, she doesn't trust anyone maybe Styx but only for his gardening series. It's too obvious he is just a dork

Thank you, mate

Surprised there hasn't been a spate of random announcements of internet famous shitposters saying they are going to make big donations to ADL, then simply not making them.
Could someone like Notch announce he's going to donate $1,000,000 because he feels terrible about "how bad things are and we need to publically acknowledge it, and hopefully this donation shows the way" or something?
Then actually donate $1.69 to them, or better nothing because they are assholes, just to take the piss.

He should just say he'll donate one dollar for every Jew that died in the holocaust.

>thinking this faggot is relevant in any way
fuck off you stinking faggot benis

Who knows, maybe Pewd will make it a thing? Has he ever done something this awesome before? I'd only ever heard about the dude's death to jews sign, the talking dog, and like one other thing that was meh that people made a big deal about.

Can she give me a gum job?

My guess is she probably has more teeth than you're whole family you walking sebaceous gland. Why don't you go back to dieing at 37

Why is he cucking so hard about the Christchurch shooting? Muslims don’t fucking feel bad or donate to the victims of Islamic terrorism in Europe. Instead they call Europeans racist and Islamaphobes if they even say anything bad about the attack’s

> A self-declared 'anti-hate' group is caught doing shakedowns and extorting protection money like a run-of-the-mill mafia organization right before the eyes of a several-million wide audience of literal redditors.
I count that as a victory.

Because he knows muslims hate jews and brenton tarrant is mossad.

Pew if you're reading, talk about christchurch in a way that exposes mossad

Does Pew ACTUALLY browse Jow Forums or are you just being idealistic?

How many ADL offices blew up? None? "Victory" then.

No shit? How do you know it was extortion?

> it-it's not extortion!
> my masters would never do such a thing

Attached: 1560176559515.png (189x267, 120K)

I'm not cool enough to be one of the Zi-guys. The cuckservatives certainly are apparently though, they love Israel more than the USA ffs.

Stop talking like a nigger. No one wants to read that baboon dialect.

> making it all about conservatism is surely going to be a good defense
You're not doing much to prove me wrong on what kind of poster I'm dealing with here. You either have no idea how protection money works, or you have an emotional investment in kikes being honest, model citizens. Even the most Israel-loyal cuckservatives can accept that a kike did something bad, while leaving their ego intact. You on the other hand, cannot. I wonder why.

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Lol you guys are right behind us in obesity.

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Om du ser detta meddelande pewds, vi stöttar dig. Du har gjort mer än någon annan för att rödpilla ungdomarna. En hel generation som hatar median när dom attackerade deras bästa vän och rolemodel, tack pewdipie för det du gör
PS:Tyvärr kommer aldrig judefittorna bli placerade, dom kommer aldrig sluta att attackera dig, oavset vad du gör. Denna strid är till dödsen. Judarna hatar Jesus, dom döda honom, när dom korsfäste honom så korsfäste dom sanningen.

Fortsätt stå vid sanningen, fortsätt kämpa, du RÄDDAR LIV när du pratar. Jag vet att det är svårt min broder, men om inte du tar upp manteln, eller svärdet, vem ska göra det? Vet att du blir hotad av massa farliga människor, muslimfittor, m5 england (varför bo i horengland? kom till polen förfan), och andra judefittor.

Tack för allt du gör, du är den mest modiga mannen jag känner och det du gör ändrar liv

Was a huge win. Read Siege you fucking onlooker.


Attached: DACC13D9-CDC6-4E0C-B889-1118078AFD55.jpg (593x645, 61K)

Siege is tied to satanism and occultism. Go kill yourself you cocksucker.

He's a genius. I bet he's a good chess player.

Attached: pewdiepie-cross-1b83.jpg (540x601, 46K)

Pewdiepie is assumed to be a retarded memer. Reality, pewdiepie is around 120IQ level, his manuvers against media proves this. 4D chess indeed. Thank you pewds, keep fighting the Good fight!

Havent seen the retraction or response regarding ADL shit, holy fuck lol

The problem with that is it’s fucking nuclear-tier. Only pewds or notch could really get away with it. Piss the ADL off and they will have you, your boss, and your boss’ boss fired in a week

He's shown Jow Forums in multiple videos. Some of his YLYL videos were taken pretty much clip for clip from /wsg/ threads. So at the very least we know he browses Jow Forums. It's believed he browses Jow Forums when on multiple occasions he has done things in his videos that were requested here. He also promoted Mishima on his book reviews.

Felix just has his finger on the pulse of the youth of today.
>Wind blows, fire burns, tide turns.

Because it's the ADL?

He trolled the controlled opposition alt-right and the Jews at the same time. That's the beauty of it. Most certainly, though, the majority of the stint was directed right at the ADL. at 1:35 on, in that video, he explains that "once all that stuff came out about the non-profit, he's decided to retract his donation"; likely hinting directly at the redpills on the ADL's twitter feed, and the subplebbit/youtube comments on his pages.

> alt-right is controlled op
> not the good goy cuckservative christians, no way
I've got bad news for you user.

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>Bajsar rakt upp i ditt anus

He acidentally said shekels on livestream, he meant to say shackels, then he realised that's not a normie thing to says and starts laughing and shouts omg, (((they're))) hacking my brain to make me say bad things!!
Pewds is more redpilled than he let on, that said he's probably not hate filled and a mass shooter yelling out his name probably pissed him off.

Hahaha bjud oss alla på lite fler öppna kärleksförklaringar på bruten svenska. Jävla tomte.

It's obvious he's on pol. Who do you think makes all the pewdiepie threads?

Dude. Pewds just dealt a death blow to the ADL, and you find it hard to believe he's on pol? OK. What ever.

Satan is a Jewish invention and "occult" literally means hidden, which your ancestral gods(if you are white) are "occult" and hidden, due to jews forcing their gods down everyone's throat.

But that's what I would tell a thinking person.

To a coward like you, I'd just say that satan doesn't need pussies and tell your mom she missed a spot on my dick.

It was probably what he said, a recommendation from his e-kike acquaintances and a fuckup since he didn’t read up on them and notice they’re part of the youtube censorfaggots that his whole fanbase despises.


Username checks out, get in the oven kike

I actually think both a little bit of chess or just a bit of laziness on his wedding week both fit the data pretty well. The more important part though is that Pewd's fanbase got energized as fuck about it, shared a bunch decent strength purple pills during the hullabaloo, and he proved that he's still willing to go to bat on controversial subjects. So whether it was undewater backgammon or serendipity doesn't really matter to me.

Glowniggers get the rope too, Mahmouud al LaVey.

Come on this whole thing is hilarious
>Hey guiz I'm going to donate to the ADL who fucked me over
>Whoops look at those comments on the video I totally didn't expect that lmao
>Sorry ADL you don't get the money after all bad luck
>BTW I'm wearing something which looks similar to the iron cross by have enough plausible deniability to get away with it
If nothing else it makes for great entertainment that is Jow Forums approved.

>retards in this thread think pewds doesn't browse Jow Forums

He has omni chan installed on his phone. If anything he browses infinitechan more than Jow Forums(or used to) because the discussion on this board is so shit nowadays.


Attached: screenshot-www.youtube.com-2019.09.16-16_30_16.png (1160x653, 703K)


It works because kikes are arrogant.
You should know all about that, your covetousness gives you away.