Is this true user?

Had a debate with someone today. Here's the quick version of their argument:

Karl Marx argued everything was a class-based struggle.
He said Marx was Wrong... Stated: Are there "good" poor people? Yes. "Bad" poor people? Yes. Same with the rich. "Good" and '"bad" on all sides precludes Marx from having a viable philosophy due to the inherent moral inconsistencies of "good" and "bad" being on all sides.

Adolf Hitler argued everything was a race-based struggle.
He said Adolf was Wrong... Stated: Are there "good" white people? Yes. "Bad" white people? Yes. Same with black people and so on. "Good" and "bad" on all sides precludes Hitler from having a viable philosophy due to the inherent moral inconsistencies of "good" and "bad" being on all sides.

He said Class and Race are both red-herrings and that they always have been. He said since the dawn of time, a war between Liberty and Oppression has been raging and is the only true struggle.

Is he right?

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Dumb cunt

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I saw this thread yesterday.
Fuck off.
And to answer your question, no, he's wrong. Niggers don't create. Europeans do.

Why would you talk to someone that has the historical/socio-political insight of an 8th grade honor student? This is so cringy... it reminds me of trying to fight the Axis and Allies into the Harry Potter universe. I can't believe you honestly thought this was a worthy
Jow Forums thread.

Actually, both marx and hitler were right.

Different classes have a different culture and lived experience that can change how they act and think, this much is true in england, where families have lived in their class for centuries now.

Different races have different dispositions, goals, aims, vote differently, culture, values, religion (maybe), iq differences, and that people on average would rather be with their own people and back their own kind in politics, just look at obama, 97% of blacks voted for obama, sadik khan got elected because muslims voted him in.

They are both right, a happy medium needs to be sought with the two ideologies.

The only red herring in your post is the question on morality, there are good and bad people within every dimension of society, this makes the question of morality redundant, therefore a red herring.

Stop people when they add morality to any ideology, it's a trick to win an argument or to make a ghost of a point.

I can’t tell if shills are actually such fucking blockheads that they think they DONT stick out like they are spray painted pink, or it’s just a meme to start making dumb shill tier arguments.

>They are both right, a happy medium needs to be sought with the two ideologies.
The issue that arises from trying to find a happy medium with extremists is that no medium exists for them; it's their way or they kill everyone who dissents.

Damn you just put into words what I've believed deep in my heart for my whole life but could never truly realize

Very true, the path to hell is paved with good intentions, i've never know either ideology to concede any point at any time.

In a perfect fluffy cloud and lovely rainbows world this would be a good solution but obviously the real world isn't that easy and people will joi whatever tribe they want.

Look at Africa than Europe and the US niggers ruin and caused destruction. Whites build beautiful cities and empires

So apparently the amount of good vs amount of evil within each group matters not?

It doesn't matter that whites are mostly good with a minority of bad? It doesn't matter blacks are mostly bad with a minority of good? It doesn't matter how much of each every group has? They're the same because they have both? Disgusting.

That's what homogenous high-trust societies gets you, oh and a good solid religion, oh and high iq, and culture, ethics, philosophy etc

Marx never met a nigger

This is irrelevant. The problem boils down to one thing. Are you willing to sacrifice thousands so billions can live? Or are you willing to waste precious time watching billions suffer and die while you wait for a way to save everyone?

The happy medium only exists when acted upon. It is always better to kill a minority to save a majority. You are discussing the trolley problem. Do you pull the switch and move the track so one person is saved, but doom 3 people instead? Or do you leave it and let the 1 person die so 3 may live? It is simple. Rip off the bandaid and a temporary flash of pain is there, but is over and done with. Slowly peel off the bandaid and every second is filled with suffering and turmoil for all.

Those of you who wish to wait for a "better" way are simply standing upon mountains of corpses surrounded by oceans of blood while telling you to think of the molehill of corpses and puddle of blood you might cause with your actions. Complete evil. You play into the hands of devilry with your procrastination.

Imagine being this obsessed with dualism. Go cry into your annotated copy of the Gathas.

Good point, i think in terms of ideology the good vs bad is pointless, because the ideologies already have their 'bad guys' set up ready to be sent to gulags or genocided. You are right however, which is what i alluded to in my earlier post.

Yeah i understand utilitarianism, and i agree with you, not sure why you brought it up though. You've thrown in a few hypotheticals that i'm supposed to ponder and come up with a solution? Yeah, nah.

Your fash is showing, brother. Seems like you're trying to make the case for genocide hahaha.

arguing about some jew who decided he could predict the future .....
>oh brother

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And also, calm the fuck down brother, don't talk to me about evil and devilry when you implcate to such evil and develish things, you more than likely masturbate to women who are abused and exploited and have at some point bought cocaine and helped fund the butcher of south americans by th hands of the cartel.

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Every society is forced to deal with class struggle. Race struggle is optional when ethnostates can be created.

This is actually your argument, and you're presenting it that way to avoid criticism.

There's a little bit of truth in it. It's not the complete answer you present it as. Many struggled occurring simultaneously, down to the individual level.

South africa ey? You must be trying to meme, because i can't look at that flag and thnk you believe that race struggle is 'optional' only when ethnostates 'can' be created.

Race struggle is a natural law, it can't be changed, you of all people should know this, which is why i don't think you're south african at all, most likely some edgy teen who's just jumped off of pornhub.

Marx didn't think rich people are all bad and all poor people good. So, you're strawmaning Marxism. I'm not a adherent or fan of Marx, but intellectually honest enough to acknowledge that.

Since when is destroying evil by giving it a taste of its own medicine also implicating evil and devilry? Disgusting. Mocking those who use the enemy's tools against them as "stooping to their level" is a demoralization tactic made to keep you from winning.

>caring about women and south americans
I don't masturbate to abused women, but I have done cocaine before. You're acting like a cuck. The case for genocide has been made. Casus belli on every race from every race. Will we survive or will they?

Yes this is absolutely true. All these "label" wars are psyops to keep people from thinking critically and engaging in the nuance and conceptualization necessary to solve complex and dynamic problems.

Unfortunately it works very well. Who wants to actually figure out complex issues when you can just say Muhh jews, or muhh rich or muhh men or muhh white people.
Its ironic that many of the so called edgie righties on this board fall for the same label identity politics that the lefties do.
You might even think that is by design..hmmm
there is only one political spectrum and its between liberty and tyranny and nat soc and communism are both LEFT WING

If you mean struggle between arbitrarily grouped strawmen yes. What a perfect thing for reall villains who have done real crimes to hide behind.

Is it Ironic that most jews are actually white and that most of the evil fucks that have been trying to destroy the western world and create their new world order are white? How does that fit into your race struggle...durr.
People are responsible for their own actions not the actions of other people with a similar shade of skin color or a similar range of net worth. To think otherwise is a trip to insanity,.

there are good and bad poor people, but no good rich people, because to get to the top, you must be an ass. you can't have good ideals then, because you can't have other ideals, than getting to the top. why? because not having morals/not caring is an advantage and there are enough people willing to do this, meaning they will beat you and get to the top on your back. it's hunter and prey.
do you really say a philosophy is not viable because it strives to a good ideal? a moral ideal?

also there are good and bad cultures. a culture is a set of rules how to act and think. you can evalute all actions and human goals into good and bad. so you can evalute cultures.

Hitler never said non-whites were not good. Hitler's argument was basic nationalism; "you only have one family, take care of them - you cannot expect anyone else to."

It's not saying you can never help outsiders. It is basic logic though; if you cannot help yourself, you cannot help another. Make yourself strong so you can help your family. Make your family strong so they can help the community. Make the community strong so they can help the nation. Make the nation strong and it can help the world.

You have to start with your self and then the family. You cannot just jump to helping niggers and neglect your own; or you will end up in a position where you cannot help anyone. Look at where Rhodesia and South Africa are today. Look at where America and Western Europe is headed.

Class is also not the same thing and cannot be compared. While I dislike a lot of the ideas concerning class, ultimately you need leaders and you need followers. A world full of followers will never do anything; but a world full of leaders will never able to make any impact. You need both together, so to try to separate the two would destroy the society.

Ephesians 6:12

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Warfare and division among human beings is due to spiritual warfare & sin.

Satan seeks to destroy us an divide us. God the creator is ok with variety, as evidenced by his handiwork in creation i.e. flowers. There are many kinds of flowers and within flowers (take roses or dasies for instance) there are different colors. Is there a color better or worse than another? Yellow is associated for some with cowardice, however sunflowers are also yellow - the sun and it's Ray's are often depicted is yellow. It can be associated with happiness (the smiley face for an example) or even caution (yield signs, traffic lights).

The problem doesn't lie within the melanin or the 'pigment' of the skin cells. The problem lies within the *heart*.

We need the Bible it's the only way to judge right and wrong. No other book can do it. God made the Bible, God made us, and the Universe he knows right from wrong and even made us a list of rules to follow. When we don't follow along there's wickedness madness anger pain and suffering on a large scale. Even those who proclaim the Bible are suceptable of falling pray to sin. When we disobey God, we sin and when we sin we are out of harmony with God and our fellow man. We let a little more evil and confusion into the world when we choose to sin and this become devided. This is how families are destroyed, relationships business and personal are ripped apart. And of course mankind on a larger scale , divided.

When you take your eye off the ball you miss the swing, because you weren't focused. You weren't concentrating. It is the same when we let our guard down spiritually and with regard to our virtue.

All that rambling being said, there are real disparities within cultures due to how they choose behave en masse

Yes, read Starslatecodex and Lesswrong, those are both appeals to emotion guise as appeals to logic. You know they are such because there comes a point in their development when they tell you to stop questioning their truth and that the "science is settled", so to speak , despite constant influx of new events and evidence. The truth is elusive and it can turn out you were entirely wrong about something despite all your media, tools, and even intuition saying otherwise. This is not acceptable for an authoritarian mindset which MUST insist that a central authority is correct to maintain power.

Only you, the individual, can find the real truth through constant struggle.


It's about statistics and seeing who is prone to what. Allow me to start.
>Despite making up 13%...

Well said user.

Also pic related.

SOMETIMES the truth can be formulated from multiple biased sources. But more often you must see actual evidence and data yourself from multiple sources, not spoonfed to you in an infographic or even a single paper, to be able to find the real truth. Everybody has motives, declared and actual, both of which can conflict.

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Are you sure you aren't the one that you were debating? Anyone who has lurked pol for a few hours should be able to answer that one for you.

The answer is you should lurk more, faggot.

based and God-pilled

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Statistics and averages means that exceptions do not matter in the big picture.

Good and Bad is not as relevant as "harmful" and "helpful".
Does it matter if you're a good person if your presence hurts me and my people? No, not really.

Consider the following: A guy with a deadly desease wants to live with you. He is a good person and a great guy. Does that factor in in your decision to let him in your house? Not at all.

And races have a different ways of thinking (brain differences), so no.

Yep, pretty much, though I agree with
>The issue that arises from trying to find a happy medium with extremists is that no medium exists for them; it's their way or they kill everyone who dissents.
which is why with Muslims and their ilk, sooner or later it will always come down to "kill or be killed". Look at the Buddhists in Myanmar. Peaceful people but they've had to become killers because they'll be exterminated themselves otherwise. I still don't know what we will do when we are in their shoes, and that's gonna be sooner than you think.

Also, I just want to add that a lot of what people attribute to race is actually culture. It's complicated. Like, I do not doubt (after a lifetime of living amongst black people in California) that in general they are not as intelligent, inventive or enterprising as white people, or even Latin people or Asians. They just aren't. BUT positive culture helps them considerably to lead decent lives. You might say they are the canary in the coal mine, culturally: when our culture and society began to decay in the 1960s, they were the first racial/cultural group to begin degrading, really fast.

When you choose the redpill, it is not going to stop, ever. Neo must constantly fight against the Machines in the Matrix, and even if the humans "won" at the end, they will never know if they were encased in another Matrix, meant to placate their minds.

Likewise, an entity could line out a path for you to follow, filled with struggle and real redpills, only for you to arrive at what seems like the final destination. A glorious palace filled with like minded people, who ALL reached the same conclusion. This must be the truth, you think, as you sit and take your place. You think you can look back on your struggle and think, "now, it is over, and I have won". But these are the hallmarks of a bluepill, complacency and comfort. Even if the final pill is purple, that still means there's blue mixed in, the lie meant to keep you calm while you toil for their cause.

Tell me, how many National Socialists and Marxists were backstabbed by their own bretheren once they stepped outside the party line?

nice psyop faggot

>(((class warfare))) is the real struggle
>race baiting is just Jews sowing division among poors

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Given that Hitler himself didn't like rampant capitalism, and insisted that the good of the People must be paramount to corporate interests, I'd say that NatSocs are way, WAAAY more towards the "happy medium" spectrum that most commies will ever be.

>even the class vs. race debate obfuscates the role of Jews in economic & social subversion

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Listen, you fucking ideologue, you'll drag decent white people down your shit hole of despair because you have a shit life and blame non-whites for it. Nice projection, but the only cuck here is you, you'd cuck out your own people so the wolrd hates them even more because you freak out and cannot contain your emotions because you are weak.

>Advocates genocide
>Doesn't see the hypocrisy

If you truly cared about white people you would lead by example, stooping to their level? You have already arrived at the idea that every non-white is geared and aiming for our extinction, they truly arent, they don't have the iq for that, blacks cant even stop killing eachother.

So you think non-whites want us dead, some do, most don't, and thus you've concluded this by saying, genocide for us? Nay, genocide for thee!

Such retardation, even if we rid ourselves of all non-whites you still have rampant degeneracy, talkng to ideologues such as yourself is impossible, maybe its the ideology, but i think its just autism.

I think I see why some religions were engineered. Elders ascended the trials of time, thinking they could find the truth, when in fact, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth could not be attained with their current technology or pace of work within their lifetime. They could choose to die on that hill, fighting to the end for the search of truth. Or. They could use what they found, and what they observed, to claim to know the end all and be all, and control an entire civilizaiton. I think we hit the post truth world multiple times in history, when certain people are inundated with information and decide, instead of continuing to look for the real cause, they stop and spin what they've found into a worldview that they can cast onto others, that they can use for personal gain and to carve their names or civilization into history. A sort of pseudo-rational irrationality embraced and harnessed for a goal.

We may still live in the time before full truth is attainable, like how calculus was not developed until Leibniz was able to rigorously define the idea of the infinitesimal, which itself was used by Newton and hundreds of mathematicians reaching back to Ancient Greece but never formally codified. I want to say this falls under philosophy, and may be the key to merging analytic and Continental thought. But I'm not sure. I have to do more research and thinking. Because I choose the redpill. The eternal struggle for what is correct.

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the socialism within nazi germany is the model the entire west has adopted, social programmes yet people can still have property rights and the state will not interfere with companies unless its regulation stuff like that, so it isn't exactly the same as marxism.

Marxists today are trying to evolve the socialism we have in europe into some form of communism-lite where the state owns the 'means of production' an everything is nationalised.

Nazi germany actually had a fairly capitalistic economy, but it was geared towards a more socialistic end.

Rampant capitalism = Da JooZ

Hitler was closer to reality. Passing Gene's front one generation to the next is literally what we are programmed to do. A homogeneous society is the only way to have peace. Keep America white.

I would agree, although there are no good feminists. All of them are bad.

Adolf never argued about morality and Marx didnt either.

The more white people there is, the more the world benefits. I'm not making some grand racial stand but c'mon lads, we all know this is true, so let's find a nice qt catholic gf, marry the bitch and have white kids and teach them logos and how amazing the west is and how shit everything else is.

As living breathing people, it's our right, nay, duty, to call out weak links in our society, be they black, swarthy or disabled.

Because they thought that they were the embodiment of truth, or knew that they must present their thoughts as such.
Hitler's Mein Kampf, on the surface a criticism of Jews, is an oblique handbook as well for those "in the know" on what tactics to use when they, "become the Jew" as is a favored saying on Jow Forums.

The ability to use abstract reasoning and critical thinking makes you able to understand the differences between people of all sorts and the statistical correlations that occur between these people depending on how they are grouped. But it also makes you able to not need to rely on it alone to formulate a total or even fixed understanding on the nature of these people or on how policy or force should be applied to them.
This is the classic paradox and double edged sword that is necessary to not get caught in logically fallacious traps.
I could do a study that shows that evil, or stupid, or ciminally insane people are more likely to listen to beethoven and this would be just a pertinent correllatory statistic as skin color. But could i go and then put the actual force of policy behind persecuting beethoven fans?
It is the same thing, you can point to all the statistics you want but fundamentally everyone has a choice and thus should be given the benefit of the doubt until they make that choice, be they rich, poor, black, white or beethoven fan.
This does not mean that you need to ignore statistics or think its great to invite africa into your country, it just means you have to know the limitations of your logic and the policy or force that might result from it.

We'll be 8 billions walking this earth soon.
The only good ideology is the one proclaiming that it's 7 billions too many.

Statistics are just measurements. You can take a picture of the side of a barn with no roof if that's what you want to show people, just to be able to say it's a complete barn.

I quote from chapter 10,

>All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

I do not believe the communists burned down the Reichstag. The timing was too coincidental, like actions the Nazis ascribed to Jews. That was simply a große Lüge they could use to have their ends tied up.

>They are both right, a happy medium needs to be sought with the two ideologies.
no, they are not both right. you can evalute all actions and human goals regarding to good and bad. so you can evalute cultures. i will not take one step in the muslims direction, because we were on a way in the exact opposite direction. going towards muslims is killing our own vision, because we have turn around. we don't want that, but they're trying to brainwash us to accept it and we are in a phase, were they have the upper hand (after christchurch). but they can't kill that off. it's in our deepest culture. and they will have to deal with this over and over. because for us, it will never feel right

But anyways. I wish some people would acknowledge when they drop their quest of looking for truth, when they go back to take over entire nations of people, or less.

Unfortunately, that conflicts with the idea, "Never admit you are wrong" that becomes imperative for authority. Why would someone follow a man down a road with no clear end, who knows he's only partially correct?

yes they did. marx wanted the communist revolution and hitler a revolution of the volk. a revolution is political. politics is about what we want, what we want to do and where to go. so it is about what is a good and a bad action for that

Muslims are a case of a highly successful religion. Its adherents are readily plucked from any occupation to serve for the causes needed by their leaders, who are coincidentally close to God/Allah. Allah has many rewards for followers, if you obey the rules and serve selflessly, you will get paradise, and more. Women stay at home, Men are eager to die, children are to respect authority. They could continue for hundreds if not thousands of years with only a token amount of bloodshed from commoners and a few nobles to pay the price of continued existence. Like sheep with a false sense of choice and control. I guess this is where Neoreactionaries think they've cornered the game. Control the religion, control the people, keep humanity alive, if mostly enslaved.

Personally, I don't see a point to survival without freedom. Why keep a race alive if it never is guaranteed the ability to enjoy life? Why force everyone into a cookie cutter mold and expect them to fit and enjoy it or fight it and die? The loss of freedom of the human race should coincide with its extinction. For we are as not perfect enough at adhering to logic as we are not perfect at adhering to emotion. We as a race will always desire one when we have the other fulfilled, unless we find a way to release ourselves from this struggle once and for all. Some individuals can take up either side, but they are usually to an extreme of the IQ curve, speaking for terms of intelligence.

>Adolf Hitler argued everything was a race-based struggle.

stopped reading there. no he didnt.

successful does not mean good. they are succesful, because they are extremely xenophobic, seal themselves off mentally and the only goal on earth is to spread their ideology by any means necessary. by physical war AND cultural war. they fight on every level. they are successful in spreading. that does not mean, islam makes a good life. that only means, we have to become tough, when it comes to the culture war and defining good and bad in our countries and in immigration, but not changing our ideals itself, because that would destroy our culture of course. is the solution really, to adapt muslim notions, to fight off muslims? doesn't make sense, right

But nobody here cares, very few people anywhere care. Tomorrow, the majority of humans will be like the Jewish priest in Mein Kampf. The same ideas as ever before, untouched by yesterday's discoveries and battles. Because they already know what they want. And it isn't the truth. It's their model of the world which reality must be built and bent to if it does not match, and kept forcefully in place where it currently does.

If you don't control your demographics you don't have a society, need a society to even think about freedom.

I don't think Europeans would jive well with Islam, no. But I'm saying that the creators of Islam did succeed in creating a religion that propagates and defends itself and with it the human species, even at the cost of blood and lack of logic. That's pretty much par for the course in human civilizations. Throwing logic aside to fight them, no matter how insignificant it seems in the moment, even if you think it is limited to one or a few areas, will always be fundamentally an action against logic.

Define it.

>Adolf Hitler argued everything was a race-based struggle
no, read mein kampf and you will understand.
He actually spoke in depth about the social economic issues of our current democratic political system as well as racial friction in multiculural societies and external influences.
Hitler was a very wise man and he understood not everything was a race problem, the system itself is flawed, for that he created national socialism, it's only flaw was the need for expansionism for sooner or later he would have either died or taken over the whole world.

You are correct, in one regard. People who can be swayed by emotion and who lack the faculties to appreciate logic are easy pawns and quick to become criminals in times of temptation, as that's what our bodies have evolved to prioritize, ourselves and our reproduction. If those people become the majority we will have a dystopia. There is a logical gap, however, in targeting an entire race and throwing away the upper tails of the IQ curves along with them. High IQ people have a hard time reproducing, we know this from data. They're rare. And if you think founding a colony of humans with 140 IQ individuals tested 2019 wouldn't result in a better society, you're likely wrong. That society would have an average IQ of 140 (2019), and would not regress to 100 (2019) because regression to the mean is only due to high IQ individuals mixing in the gene pool with low IQ individuals.

it will be a new culture. a western form of islamic notions. we are already there with the neo-masculine, new right, misogynist movement you can see here. BUT ALSO on the left. because for the leftists, muslims can't be bad. so they start to legitimize muslims notions about the human. so all political sides and western culture as a whole walks towards islamic ideology.
and i agree. we have to stay with our own cultural vision, which has a long and rich history. ancient greeks, christianity, rennaissance, enlightenment, french revolution, science, art, literature. western progress towards a vision of the good. freedom, equality,

they want to force us into the idea, that there is a conflict of values: anti-racism on the one side (islam is not even a race), with the goal to destroy our culture by cultural relativism and freedom and progress of society on the other hand. but tolerance of intolerance will destroy tolerance. they are fighting nazis too, so why can't we fight muslims. it's just an ideology. a set of values and respective notions. ideas what the human should be like

Complete unrestricted agency in your actions which do not encroach on the agency or lives of others involuntarily for them.

I agree with your assessment, we have been boxed into a left vs right combat with logically contradictory points in each side due to their alliances. Classical liberalism is highly logically adherent, but it has fallen out of favor because it is so hard to defend, constantly, when some other political group wants something.

I don't know if there's a logical way out of this that's quickly achievable. I will keep looking, but in the time it takes a logical man to find the lock on an unfamiliar window to climb out of during a fire, another angry man with a hammer could smash and leave with greater haste. I'm afraid we'll be in the room on fire with a bunch of angry men with hammers, soon.

without oppression of the individual especially through notions forced onto us by government and society. as much as possbile in concern to if it restricts another persons freedom

*boxed by agents playing games of manipulation above us

Thst is why I recommend reading Starslatecodex, to see a genuine attempt at the whole truth, and Lesswrong, to see how very high IQ people function and how they are able to basically play 4D chess for real when anticipating and discussing human behavior. Moldbug was excommunicated in a way from there, for being one of the people who decided to stop the pursuit of truth and use his logical skills, honed to a needle's edge, to formulate the idea of Neoreaction and get cozy with who he sees as the future elites, by making them feel like they've discovered how the universe works and using religion to control a bluepilled mass since survival of the human race is prioritized over freedom. It's very comfy for those at the top though, coincidentally.

Liberty is a poorly defined term. The ideal of non-aggression is meaningful and prescribes subjugating or exterminating those who value aggression.

there is no value conflict. muslims are conservative, dogmatic, against social progress, intolerant, misogynistic, homophobic etc. and the west as a culture was striving towards freedom of the individual and justice. we just have to stand by our notions, instead of tolerating or even accepting muslims notions and actions

No, it's class

>conservative, dogmatic, against social progress, intolerant, misogynistic, homophobic
you just described the society all of Jow Forums want

Define 'good' and 'bad'. Then try this debate again.

how would you like it if insurance companies had access to every bit of data from your life and they did a statstical analysis that showed that people who post on Jow Forums are 4 times more likely to get in a car accident or die early.

Then they used this information to charge you 4 times as much.
They already do this to some degree, but it shows how purely statistical analysis does not necessariy reflect fair judgement.

and you really want to live in a world ruled by Jow Forums?
and: Jow Forums and Jow Forums has also become a tool to form society, instrumentalizing ironic troll and incel culture since at least 5 years
as i said elsewhere, islam is a right-wing ideology. so just become a muslim already. or you could go back to beautiful western culture

Isn't it absurd to think that the forces of evolution can be summed up into such abstract words?

It's insane.

You can't come up with some words to summerize all human competition.

You can't come with some words to summerize all ant competition.

>He said Locke was Wrong... Stated: Are there "good" Liberals? Yes. "Bad" Liberals? Yes. Same with monarchists and aristocrats and so on. "Good" and "bad" on all sides precludes Locke from having a viable philosophy due to the inherent moral inconsistencies of "good" and "bad" being on all sides.

Liberalism vs Oppression is just another red herring. If all of history is a struggle (and I still doubt that it is) then it's something religious or spiritual.

Marx didn't even believed in good and evil.

The logical gap does not just exist in the targeting of a race it also exists in the defining of said race.
There is no real way to define these concepts into any reliable or actionable data sets.
People will point haplogroups but if you really tried to create policy on these concepts you would quickly run into problems and people would have justifiable appeals as to the accuracy of these concepts.
Even something like your genetics as judged by a site like 23 and me are really falacious representations of "where you come from"
Nobody has the source code on what genetic makeup truly defines a source area and given a long enough timeline you could redraw these lines arbitrarirly.
Here is an example.
Alexander the great conquered afghanistan 2300 years ago and set up a helenic empire that existed there for hundreds of years.
to this day there are thousands of people in afghanistan with green eyes and red hair.
Now are these people greek or afghani? How many years do you need to trace your lineage back to claim that you are "from" somewhere.

Ask 'your friend' why there can't be a good oppressor or a bad libertarian.

Dualism is fucking gay.

>Had a debate with someone today.
No you didn't, because this is a copy pasta from weeks ago.

bump for interesting thread

>most of the evil fucks that have been trying to destroy the western world and create their new world order are white?
They can't answer this.

There is a significant portion of Whites that are willing to betray their race in exchange for a seat at the table.
They are greedy scum.


Race and class are only factors that might help to be better or worse by giving them either a reason or excuse to act in certain ways.

Jews are mostly evil because they use their race AND class to exclude everyone else, however that's because every individual jew chooses to be evil towards non-jews.

You build families, communities and nations around race. You are essentially arguing that because black sheep exist, there should be no families. Your friend was simply an anarchist who thinks children growing up without protection or identities is a good thing, and would try to make the argument that a five year old mauled by wild dogs, without a home because he was separated from his family, deserved to die.
Class based struggle is arbitrarily defined, their is no hard causality that leads to classes, where as with race there is.
Your friend is a degenerate who wants the drugs he likes to be legal and to have no responsibilities to anyone.


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1-Start with an impressive unsubstantiated premise.
2-Continue with correct observational objective facts to try and shut down your critical thinking defenses to accept future unsubstantiated assertations.
3-Have weird comparison between this newfound unsubstantiated claim with something your arch-enemy may or may not espouses.
4-Insert point 2 about your enemy's thought but in manner preprepared to have it shot down in the next point.
5-Point out the obvious discrepancies in your enemy's thoughts that you painted yourself now because your audience is too caught up in previous points so they'll skip the critical thoughts in analyzing each and every point separately.

Rotfront und Reaktion