Back in the day, the working-class kids used to beat the shit out of rich kids, and also beat the shit out of them on the football field, hockey rink, basketball court, etc.
In fact, the "poor, rural son of a farmer/plumber/coal miner" was an American archetype for a century. Many of these men became folk heroes:
>Mickey Mantle (son of a coal miner) >Babe Ruth (orphaned son of a barkeep and drifter) >Gordie Howe (son of a farmer who could barely feed his family) >Larry Bird (son of a construction worker who committed suicide because of his poverty)
Virtually very superstar athlete from before 2000 was the son of a blue collar or poor man.
Now....EVERY white athlete is from a RICH family. Literally every single one. I was watching this year's MLB draft and they showed the draft picks at their homes and they all looked to be, on average, $1m homes these boys were raised in. It was unbelivable.
Why are all the poor kids now fat, weak, and sexually confused? What has happened to the poor, working class white children?
Poor white kids go to nigger schools, playing sports at nigger schools is not fun.
Cameron Anderson
Working class kids eat like shit and sit inside playing video game or fuck around on their phones. The rich are the only people that feed their kids right and discipline them enough to be good at sports.
Nolan Lopez
Could it be biological, rather than merely cultural? Could it be that the richer are not getting (((vaccinated))) and are eating good foods, whereas the poor trust authorities and get the 84 (((vaccines))) and eat Lunchables and Happy Meals because they say they're, "For Kids!"?
I dont believe you. You pulled some observation out of your ass without anything to base it on.
Aiden Jones
Selective breeding, proper nutrition, good parenting, better coaches, and more resources in general. In the old days, well-off kids weren't guided into athletics. Nowadays, rich parents are happy to grow their child into a pro athlete.
John Robinson
Rich kids get training and juice from a young age.
Christopher Rodriguez
Very good.
So then, is your theory that it was always rich kids who were the stars in sports?
Please state your theory clearly, and then let's find a way to put it to the test.
If college athletes predominantly come from low income families, professional athletes probably do too.
Michael Foster
They're BLACK, retard.
See OP. I was talking about the WHITE athletes.
Dylan Anderson
Nowadays and back when I was a kid youth sports are expensive AF, plus being played in widely spread apart areas, the registration costs, equipment costs, the travel and all the other costs lend themselves to upper crust/well to do families while parents like my own were shitting themselves making sure the bills got paid and we had enough groceries, which they did but there wasn't anything leftover besides Scouts which was more budget friendly as my dad and my buddy's mom were our troop leaders.
Thomas Johnson
Nope, youth sports are wicked expensive, I'd easily say it'd be about $5000 out of pocket a season for Khodie, Parrkurr, Trent, or Carsun to do little league or pee wee football or U14 soccer or whatever the hell else groups they have now
Juan Russell
Back then even pro athletes got paid more like the wages of a regular job. Up until the 1970s most MLB players needed to work a regular job outside of the baseball season. Once athlete pay shot through the roof of course well to do parents started stuffing their kids into athletics
Benjamin Barnes
Yet blacks and Mexicans figure out how to play.
Srsly, you can play in $100/month house leagues and buy equipment for pocket change at a used goods store. If they're really talented, than an AAU league or a prep school will then take them in at age 13.
So the "expense" theory is not satisfying at all.
Luke Moore
>Believing vaccines are bad Jesus fuck america is a shitfest.
Benjamin Reyes
Which Jew (((vaccine))) is your fave?
What do you want ZOG to do to Lana Lokteff and Henrik at Red Ice and their little boys? Do you want them to be kidnapped and injected, or just ZOG to break into their house to coercively inject their boys?
They must have changed things since then, I shit you not as a boy in the late 80s in my town and area it was $2000 a kid just to play in Little League for one season, that was just to be allowed to play, You still had to lay out money for the uniforms, your equipment, all the trophy engraving, driving to and fro across the map and what have you.
Thomas Scott
Perhaps you're talking about some travel or tournament league. But in the Midwest, we have "house leagues", which are almost fully subsidized by the city, county, and then business donations. They'll have a nominal $100 fee or so for play, plus a $200 security deposit for equipment if it's hockey or football. That's about it.
Blacks and Mexicans wind up in leagues since the leagues take them on as a charity case and let them join for free for feel good benevolent white people virtue signal points. Ever watched that movie The Blindside? Sandra Bullock and family takes in Deebo the functionally illiterate welfare nig simply because he was massive and played some wicked HS football. If he was a non athletically talented neglected black teen they would give 0 fucks about his problems. That shows you all you need to know about do-gooder upper crust white people
Adrian Long
'The Blind Side' was a bullshit Jew movie.
The true story of that nog was that the white family routinely housed kids from the AAU because the dad was a broadcaster for the Memphis Grizzlies and was hooked into the Southern sports circuit. They knew full well that he was going into the NFL draft before he ever set a foot inside their home. There was no "picking up a lonely nigger on a rainy street" like in the bullshit movie.
Jose Wright
Outside of sports leagues your only option in sports was really international competitions and those enforced strict amateur participation. You couldn't make a living on sports unless you played in Negro League or whatever. So of course for rich people it was only a hobby but now you can make millions, retire and enjoy life.
Xavier Martin
The rest of the USA isn't so generous. In my region all that shit was out of pocket, right down to their cleats, their gloves and their uniforms and helmets. That $2000 was just to get to play on the team, nothing else. Some families that weren't as upper crust would hit a lick or sell most of their furniture just so Skippy could pretend like he too would end up being the next Mark McGwire or some shit. Plus my state is pretty big so if some kids' LL team made like county or regionals or state finals his parents and him might be on the hook for a 3 day trip a few hundred miles away and back, again paid out of pocket.
Jose Gomez
Again, I'm not satisfied with this theory.
Yes, if you want to play on premier travel teams, you'll be spending thousands of dollars a year. But you can still play competitively in smaller leages or, if you're very talented, you'll get sponsorship (not corporate, but from a local benefactor) for the travel expenses.
Adam Cooper
Yes and no, the point being is that they took the dude in because he was good at sports, yet distressed otherwise. They only cared about him for the fact he was good at sports, even though with his intellect he'd never be allowed within 1000' of a college campus otherwise, like most NCAA players.
Jaxson Brown
You seem curiously naive to the fact that unless you put you kid into school district team sports with SD provided transportation, equipment and uniforms for seasons that last all of 6 weeks to 2 months, youth sports are expensive, something well to do families would be less apprehensive about getting into.