What year did society get all fucked up?

I know 9/11 caused a big shift in the worlds timeline but is there a specific year you feel every thing went to shit? I also think 2009 and the invention of the iPhone played a part too.. but more than anything the end of the Mayan calander is when I feel shit got really wonky. What do you think pol, where did it all go so wrong?

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whenever it was mankind started counting the date from the birth of a jew

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When man learned to socialize and form communities. Ever notice how theres no country of cavemen? Yeah. Thats because every society sucks the big one.

>we live in a tribe

2010. Even as a retarded lefty, I knew something was off. Then after that, homos were allowed to marry....


Edict of Thessalonica, 380 AD. Rome becomes Christian. We have been spiritually and economically goyim ever since.


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Year woman could vote and abort the infant in the womb.

Direct correlation to degenerated formation

Dates and time correlate

The wars causing mass immigration and fragmentation fragility of society

Terror on home soil



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1912 ;)

Who cares faggot
>inb4 some faggy slippery slope argument

The enlightenment. Then got even worse around 1965.


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...the first women's studies program in the United States was established in 1970 at San Diego State College...

Born in 93. Honestly I remember at the end of elementary school becoming hyper self-aware around 2002. I can recall the moment I knew something was up with my brain and I became very analytical about everything (ended up being the onset of obsessive compulsive disorder). August 2012 I depersonalized and have not been the same since. Basically I'm a classic case of my life just getting worse as time goes on. The only exception was 2013, there was a brief window there where I thought things would work out but it didn't last.

But speaking to American culture 9/11 was the biggest cultural shift and it's not even close.

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the link between these are just cohencidences, goy

I’ll be honest
Immigration has proven to cause problems and trouble as obviously as it would
Now you can call it racism or not but I know that’s a lie

Immigration and refugee status was always the joker in the mix as it allows entry and take over

So the answer is whatever caused that to happen. You can blame the warmongering they can act like saviours at the expense of naturally born citizens it don’t matter. Ask yourself is it possible this was a strategy from the Arabs to gain entry legally after 911? Who is at fault? They will say no problem it’s ok but it’s not. When you don’t have military might you use the Internet to plant seeds and other methods to disturb the enemy.

Think about it and it makes perfect sense.

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multiple points
1789, separation of church and state and
1914, end of the monarchies
1945, the final nail in the coffin for any form of sanity and a complete take over of all countries by the Jews.
Anything after that is just pissing on the corpse.

War by allowed entry causing destabilising factors. A win win strategy sacrificing a few souls in the process.

Planting seeds of guilt and emotional rescue is a tactic for the weak without full sacrifice.

911 war war and war. But it’s part in parcel to get to the end game. It’s been reached too.


for the USA, it was somewhere between the 1950s and the 1970s.

All my sunflowers are in bloom

good luck guys

It started with the hippies. I fucking swear. the 50's were oh so peachy.

...and accorrding to google, hippies appeared 1960's.


this, GFC was peak

hippies came from beat culture, you can argue that this shit started after WW1. They had the roaring 20's and the Lost Generation of artists who would fit right in 2019

The 90s, the end of the cold war meant the end of armys and real man, tranny takeover was inevitable

Whenever niggers started using the internet en masse, i assume when Obama gave them free phones
Whenever that was, shit went downhill very quick.

>2007-8 started seeing signs of it
>2014-15 things getting exponentially worse
>2019 hope is lost

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9/11, it was the one event which initiated an entire suite of policy mistakes from successive US President’s and Congress was fine with it all. From the Patriot Act, to the illegal invasion of Iraq which was justified with fabricated evidence and the murderous occupation which came afterwards. At the same time you had the contrived patriotism of the mid-2000’s which led to George W. Bush implore American’s to spend and consume so as to demonstrate their patriotism which in turn led to the GFC, the entire moral fabric of the US was destroyed that morning.

This was the last good year in America

Second. 2008 was doomer heaven. This place was like any port in a storm then.

Around 2008 with the ressecion. Obama and the start of social media. The years before were quite degenerate too with all the easy lending and many living above their means.

I think you pretty much nailed it.
Which I believe was created with benevolent intentions by steve jobs and is to this date the last invention of man, because
is when the hands of time came to a stop.
Man us not (able) to create mind to matter anymore since he is glued to the smartphone screen and therefore is locked into low tier quality vibrations.
Noticed that all mystery and wonder and fantasy has vanished from the world over the course of a decade? Man does not receive that anymore for he is locked into low tier consciousnesses.
Also, the universe and creation itself has to be the most energy efficient mechanism possible which is why low tier energy and consciousness man evoked the universe to stop the hands of time since there is no flow, no creational force being sent out by man to be received by the universe anymore.
I suspect that if man can not get the hands of time moving again, the energy efficient mechanism of creation will at one point simply shut down this quadrant of itself since it's not used for creational expansion anymore.
Now take s look around you and guess if we're gonna make it...

Also OPs picture is literally me.
t. 34yo Wojak

It wasn't overnight dumbass.
This has been in motion long before you or I came screaming into this shithole.
We're lucky enough to get to see the crescendo

everything started going pear shaped around 2008, the mass roll out of smart phones and social media entering into the domain.

minority views get overexposure by the media.

1913 (federal reserve), 1930 (fiat switch + great depression + last true Republicans & republican senate supermajority), 1947 (OSS becomes CIA; Roswell crash was beginning of America accepting blatant/obvious government lies), 1963 (Kennedy died, NWO/CIA/bankers/communism went unchecked and LBJ established his 200 years of blacks voting for the KKK party), and 2001 (the end of America proper) are each pivotal to our collapse. Also whichever years we added suffrage for women and non-whites.

The civil war was also a huge fuckup because it solidified the fed as a tyrant over the state, and thus the individual. Removing slavery was fine, because it's wrong and mainly benefits the jew, but really one might say the downward spiral began the moment we imported Africans to begin with. Such a shameless, idiotic move. I would gladly kill every slave owner, even Jefferson, if it meant sending them all back. While there are many exceptional blacks, the trade-off was not worth it.

I would be fine with suffrage for non-whites such as Asians and the other brain-drain immigrants we snagged. I just don't think Africans belong outside Africa. At the very least we should have insured a 100+ IQ to stay here. Women probably shouldn't vote unless they are the head of their household. Also, one vote per family.

Final point: really every year of American history includes some bullshit long-term strategy move that made us weaker as time went on.

I'm a classical liberal and I can tolerate the fact we have to compromise to function, but from a purely strategic and logistic standpoint, all of those little things have destroyed us.

years should unironically be counted from the foundation of rome. rome is the foundation of western civilization



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When Bill Clinton took office.

1776 or 1789

>2016 - The Boiling frog jumps out of the pot

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Idea: voting eligibility requires the following
>100+ IQ
>10 year residence in place of voting
>Must be established nuclear family (husband, wife, one or more children)
>Only the head of the house may vote, husband by default; oldest adult son as backup; widow as final backup if no adult son living at home;
>Must be deemed competent by at least 1/3 of community
>2 years civil or military service
>Any single adult who meets at least 2 of the above but not all may have a fractional vote; ie a 1/3 vote, that way families hold most of the power but non-traditionals aren't completely locked out of system
>Voting power cut in half if on welfare, excluding retirement social security

Immigrants have to compete for limited number of citizenship quotas per year; those who make the best assets are pushed to top of list, however sending money back "home" will be taxed 50% after a reasonable set amount (to insulate wealth)

Just spitballing here. Thank God I don't dictate our country, because I have no idea how I would fuck it up.

Last idea:
>non-fiat multi-resource based currency; the dollar is measured against natural resources and precious metals
>maximize tarriff efficiency so that wealth is always insulated, but balanced so that growth isn't too heavily stifled

1917 in Russia
the communist revolution gave women the rights
1920 in US
thats when all the womens suffrage happened
about the same time all around the world

then there were two wars, and all the "excess" men were offered to the altar of death, so that we wouldn't rebel, as you can't rebel from the grave. The men that died also happened to be the best and strongest men
then there were too few men, and most men were too weak, so we couldn't fight against feminism

at that moment men ceased to be men, women ceased to be women, family unit was destroyed and love perished from this earth
from then on we've only been existing, not living, and yet, with all the shitskins coming and taking over, our very existance is coming to an end

such is the sad story of a white man

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1700. you guys need to realize that today's problems are the result of selfish individualism that was birthed in the enlightenment. liberalism is the death of humanity, we need to go back.

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Also? Fuck. I forgot this one
>make well regulated local militias a thing. Design them so that they are basically a reserve army on par with the federal army; just in case we have to deal with some bullshit, be it our own military, fed, or foreign Intruders, or otherwise if we have to send majority of federal army across borders


>100+ IQ
I would be up for this
>10 Year Residence
90% of this board can no longer vote
>Must be established Nuclear Family
An extra 5% has been snuffed out
>2 Years Civil or Military Services
That's pretty fucked, I don't want to live or fight for a country that doesn't let me have equal say in the government because I didn't fight for the government first
>Fractional Vote
Maybe for those who are below 100 IQ
>Well Regulated Militias
Those are supposed to be rebelling populations in case the government gets too fucked, if you want a reserve just make a reserve.

I fucked up on the 10 Year Residence one
I thought you meant 10+ Year Homeowner

>then there were two wars, and all the "excess" men were offered to the altar of death, so that we wouldn't rebel, as you can't rebel from the grave. The men that died also happened to be the best and strongest men
>then there were too few men, and most men were too weak, so we couldn't fight against feminism
I've thought about this too, it's too fucking real. Dear sweet Jesus why didn't they know about the bankers sooner? Did Americans not heed President Jackson or what?

I kind of wish we would have helped you guys kill all the commies before it was too late. Whatever bad optics it would have caused would have been well worth it.

Fractional voting is so that you and I still get a say even if we don't have our own homes/families, but home+family men would get stronger votes.

As for mandatory service, it wouldn't be too bad if we weren't kike'd. In my system the kikes are ded lol. Or at least I'd work a fix in for that. Also, service doesn't have to be fighting... Just, something useful that gives skills+discipline.

this is the correct answer


rent free

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Nearly this
>2012 slowly seeing the signs
>2015 wave of "poor fugies" flood into Europe. Full redpill.
>2019 full prepper mode, for shtf

I knew what you meant by it, I just disagree with it entirely.

Wealth distribution is unfair this who communism gained a lot of support.

No, he didn't.

The bad Jews took over the USA around 2001. Or at least in 2001 is when the Jews started flexing on the west. It’s been bad ever since.

This may be true. On the other hand, we need liberty because men don't always know what's right for other men. I wouldn't want to be old by some fundie faggot that I can't build computers or invent new styles of art/music. Hypothetical cases, I'm just saying, if society ends up corrupt and shitty anyway, I don't want to be forced to comply. Balance is good...

2007. The recession fucked everything.
Nothing had been the same since.

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Well, I think families would vote for better family interests. Single losers vote for dumb shit that destroys families.

Really I just want a way for each vote to count more. If that means compressing it based on household and merits, that seems to work for me. Problem is deciding who decides what merit is.

there is a direct line from the enlightenment to marxism, we needed to advance, but this was the step that doomed us

Heyyyy it's this Shareblue thread again. Be sure to stick around for the 'what we're you doing during the 9/11 attacks thread'.... It's gonna be epic bros.


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1913 and 1930 were the gunshots that bled the country out. Every year after was just chasing the animal to exhaustion.

Imblying it was all ogre after Fen 2nd 1943

Empty suit elected politicians. The one constant throughout history are shills; quid pro quo, tit for tat.

Kind of impressed the image they put together in a day. I mean it's wrong, Titanic wouldn't have sunk if they plowed right in, but it's a decent piece of work on short notice.

Long term shift started late 90’s

Effects were not fully felt though until early 10’s

1950’s were America’s greatest decade. So very far from that now

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I remember shortly after 9/11, I was part of a proboards forum with a CYOA thread called "plot to kill B00sh". It wasn't evil liberal shit. Just fuck that guy.

It's been happening since WW1, just that the progress was too slow for people to see. All our problems (low birth rate, national defeatism, 'equality', debt slavery etc.) came from the war. Face it, the height of civilisation was in the early 20th century and things have just been getting worse since.

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The Titanic wasn't the Titanic but a dressed up The Olympic, whose destruction was pre-planned as an insurance fraud as well as assassination attempt on the lives of key opponents to the establishment of the Federal Reserve / Federal Income Tax.

>I kind of wish we would have helped you guys kill all the commies
You tried to kill some and sent a few soldiers to Archengelsk
most of the major powers tried to support the White Movement, but it only delayed the inevitable. Commies were too numerous
you should have used a different approach and try buying commies (like you did in 1993) instead of fighting them

Indeed. On the other hand, it created a strong outline for what NOT to do. Some satanic asshole would have tried Marxism eventually. It's not like we even needed communism, it was literally just a plan to help bankers topple the individual nations.

Buying the commies... Good God somehow that feels just as bad as letting them take over. The USSR may have fallen in name, but the KGB set off a cultural nuke in the US that is still rippling to this day. Even when they stop being commies, they're still commies.


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>9/11 caused a big shift in the worlds timeline
>big shift
Yeah, the rest of the world said "Welcome to the club" and went on about its business.

Interesting. The Astor family is considered one of the "Illuminati" bloodlines according to Springmeier's book. But then so are the Kennedys. It seems the Rothschilds have no problem murdering their own alliance members, to keep their descendents in line.

2007 was a great year in my life, I sucked dick for the first time and became a big boy

It was all a facade. The government lies and total public ignorance were already in full swing; though not perfected until the 70s.

Britiain was easily able to supply the whites with more equipment than the reds could produce, it's just that we didn't have the foresight to know what the commies would be like, and (((certain))) powerful individuals who we were in massive debt to supported the reds

Was this before or after you got hooked on heroin?



1945 or 1968. 9/11 and the iphone were insignificant compared to those.

Shit, considering MacArthur told Truman he could capture Moscow within DAYS of WWII closing, and Truman turned him down so that the bankers could have their next feast (the cold war), I'd say both of our top brass were in on it from the start.

They became our enemies over night, so I don't believe for a second that Truman didn't foresee it.

9/11 was the catalyst for the collapse of the west. everything that has happened since then can literally be traced back to that exact day.

It was a blood sacrifice on a massive scale, the biggest, most elaborate one in human history, and it was successful.

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If you weren't a meme flaggot I'd call you b&r
We're indeed stuck in a cycle unable to imagine things
It has been 2008 for a long time

Only correct answer.