reminder that Christianity is just globalism in it's purest form
Reminder that Christianity is just globalism in it's purest form
>globalism in it's purest form
= the internet. christianity isnt a military device.
you though, you're a weapon of ignorance.
globalism ; the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.
We listen to the radio at work because some autist I work with will throw a pants-shitting fit if he's not constantly consuming nigger-ball.
During the commercial break, there was an ad for some local plumber.
He was working with a local church.
The christ-cuck pastor proudly stated that he loved helping out his local Montana community by shipping all of their donations to Africa.
But it's not enough!
He needs even more money to help out his local Montanans... in Africa
It's no wonder the church is dying.
reminder that guts is a nigger by Jow Forums standards and griffith dindu nuffin
Guts is MED
Having universal morality is not globalism you retard.
>it's not immoral for niggers to practice cannibalism because it's just their culture bro
Your mind on atheism
>global morality isnt globalism
He's also a fucking cuck.
Yeah retard.
Do you believe things are objectively right and wrong?
The Tower of Babel: God divided the earth's population into different cultures, different languages, different races and with boundaries to OUR lands.
Christianity is the greatest reason for nationalism a man can have.
Christianity and globalism are both jew memes. And they are pushing those memes like crazy.
Found the shill. The Jews have been trying to eradicate Christianity for the last two thousand years. The Jew meme is that Christianity has anything to do with them. The "judeo-christianity values" is the meme.
kike worshippers
>be against everything modern day likes are for
>this makes you a kike
elaborate you colossal faggot
how is christianity globalism
Guts is just as white as you are spaghetti nigger
Latest chapter proves that Griffith is no more than a refugees welcome retard.
lol. Heathens get the pyres.
But recognizing no difference between the people, and seeing them all "equivalent" is globalism.
Race, nature, and truth has no place in the christian institutional doctrine. And that is what makes it a globalist merchant religion. Doesn't matter if some individuals hold different believes personally - they're supporting the globalist cause by supporting the rotten head of their favourite book/institution/name. They just assume the blank name has something to do with their insight. But some of them are actually more Heathen (Aryan) than they think, they're just blinded with words, they can't match the spiritual with the right cause.
Caring for your race, your tribe, your nation, is tribalism. Caring for what is real, for what you know and experience, that is god-like, and not just an assumption based on dull intellectual threats, "faith", and falsified ideas in a book.
Heathen teachings, astrology, and everything that surrounds it in all the ancient cultures in the four directions of the compass, is the very basis of every religion or culture on earth, it's the ultimate religion, the Aryan religion.
Modern Christians are not spiritual anymore, they forgot whos teachings built their religion in the first place. It's not a religion anymore, rather it's a merchant institution that tries to control the minds of people through fear and guilt.
"Christians" will only have a connection to the true god-view when they realize the parables within all ancient lore. God is spirit, and only those who give the letter the power of being spirit are true god-men.
is globalism bad tho?
Reminder that Jews hate Christianity and all anti Christianity threads are started by Jews.
Globalism,Global Capitalism, is the one event that is needed,in Soros and Rockefeller words, to bring about a one world Government.
Globalism will create a massive class of brown slaves that will live to serve a tiny godlike elite übermensch minority that they will never hope to surpass due to IQ differences.
And since the word is GLOBAL- the whole world will belong to the tiny elite, which means you won't be able to hide anywhere from them and their laws.
Nothing wrong with planning economic and foreign policy on a global basis if you think thats what the evil nazis are arguing against then you have no idea what youre arguing against
Christianity was the first form of judeo-bolshevism
90% of Christianity is non European