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Rate my tattoo
Blake Jenkins
Other urls found in this thread:
Adam Brown
From the back
Isaac Foster
14 out of 88
Parker Long
Clearly two different people, but made me giggle.
Cooper Edwards
bazed nazbolgang
Angel Perez
bruh just fuck my hormones up
Jeremiah Bennett
free helicopter ride/10
Evan Moore
I don't like tattoos but the winged hussars are super epic looking and whoever did Romanov and Stalin is very skilled. Only very good artists can do faces well.
Alexander James
>Muffin top
Jace Baker
Xavier Bell
David Turner
oчeнь бeйcд
Joshua Mitchell
Why Stalin?
Owen Hall
Wanna act edgy glorifying mass murderer? You wouldnt dare put stars on knees and shoulders pussy
... fuck you
John Nguyen
What the fuck went wrong with this lad.
You'd think the fucking Tatooist with have some duty of care, like "do no harm".
Cooper Kelly
Isaiah Brooks
Guys r8 mine too
Leo Stewart
Pretty based desu, but Im confused about Stalin.
Do you admire him for his talent to mass murder communists?
Grayson Jenkins
I bet the tattoo artist would turn down a request for a swastika though
Jose Butler
The Red Tsar.
There is a tier of Russian nationalism which thinks Stalin was a mystic religious figure.
The main reasons behind this is that:
a)He was a monk in Earlier life
b)During the Great Patrioc War, when the shit his the wall, he didn't flee Moscow, and ordered the Religious icons to be brought out of storage, and the most important one to be flown around the capital , just when the Germans could see Moscow
3) He got rid of all the Non Russian Elements in the Kremlin before going (i.e. Jews).
Stalin also fits with their Peter the Great narrative. Killed untold numbers to build St.Petersburg, which made Russia a European power. Stalin sacrificed millions, but made the Soviet Union (read Russia) a world power.
Camden Collins
>I bet the tattoo artist would turn down a request for a swastika though
And then fucking blog about it.
Kevin Butler
Why would you tattoo Putin on your back when he is already in your heart?
Brayden Nguyen
R8 out of 8
Jonathan White
>Soviet Union (read Russia)
Jayden Collins
Check out my cool and totally conscious and woke tattoo
Aiden Roberts
>Putting a Turk on your chest
Colton Jenkins
He looks like that "my ancestor" meme
Jaxson Nelson
M8, I'm just parroting what I've read, been told.
After Stalin, Soviet Union was simply Russian empire 2.0.
That's why you cunts can't take the loss of Ukraine.
Camden Hall
>Why would you tattoo Putin on your back when he is already in your heart?
because he wants him in his ass not his heart
Benjamin Watson
How dare you put the Tsar next to that commie scum. Fuck you, you pathetic faggot.
Jackson Turner
>fucking Hillary's beefcurtains
Absolutely not hallal
Jack Roberts
i like this one, based polish husars
Henry Phillips
Evan Allen
is it still illegal to shoot a picture of stalin?
Dylan Cook
You forgot Hitler and Malcolm X
Kevin Peterson
know a guy that did swastikas for free, one guy came in wanted a huge swastika, the artist spent like 50$ of ink on it and didn't get paid so he stopped doing that
Caleb Ward
Finally a based tattoo.
Jason Carter
Back is nice front is gay tho because of Stalin
Andrew Sanchez
Best Russian Ink ever on pol this morning, but sorry to say it has an SVR type of emanation;
ou not object that you are property/chattel ?
Also please - is Boyars gnouting you daily?
Jaxson Jenkins
Eye not excellent
Kevin Ramirez
ehm, yeh that is what at school we called eclectic, and todays youth calls fusion.
Charles Bennett
Fake and gay
Elijah Perry
Leo Edwards
I'm sure he's already broken your anus considering how butthurt you are
Lincoln Rogers
based and monbol gang
Samuel Mitchell
>You wouldnt dare put stars on knees and shoulders pussy
I know memeflag but what the fuck does this sentence mean
Jackson White
>rate my tattoo
All tattoos are degenerate.
Joshua Cruz
>the homosexual gulagnator is gay
Parker Anderson
>butters twice
Ryan Thomas
You are retarded as fuck.
Nathan Watson
Ian Rogers
He also "Russified" a lot of regions within the Soviet Union.
I would assume a Russian nationalist would probably appreciate that too.
Henry Clark
he means you would probably not have a Russian prison tattoo's on you.
They are also Russian mobster tattoos.
It's in the same way you would not have Aryan Brotherhood tattoos on you or skinhead gang tattoos.
William Cooper
mine :)
Nicholas Peterson
Um...a little ideologically mottled, I’d say.
Jackson Rogers
But that's a Sea Dragon there
Jose Johnson
nice, who's that?
Grayson Morgan
very cool user
Lincoln Richardson
My late grandpa
Chase Nelson
Sebastian Gomez
I thought mine were bad. This whole thread. Oof
Landon Collins
Then why are you a gypsy and not a argie user. Why isn't it full color
James Evans
Doesn't really make sense to have a tattoo of Stalin and Gavin McGuinness together. To each his own.
Nathaniel Bell
if this is real brother, thats fucking absolutely bad ass
Joshua Ross
Please tell me this is yours mr.frog
Grayson Powell
suck my black cock chink faggot
Andrew Scott
t. Léon Degrelle
Angel Mitchell
rate my tattoos
Parker Parker
Cyka blyad/Kurwa mac/10
Michael Butler
Actually badass , Doubt that's actually you
Ryder Walker
A welcome addition to the cringe collection
Oliver Brooks
I often wonder the same thing. They DO say no sometimes. Friend of mine who used to be a tattoo artist refused it seemed at least one tattoo a month. It was almost always women wanting to scrawl "cumslut" or something like this above their crotch.
Ian Gomez
either be original or you're an npc fag
Brandon Carter
Kayden Gray
what the fuck
Hudson Brooks
Maybe she has a blow hole in her back and he's fucking that?
Nolan Morgan
Rate my tattoo hehe
Gabriel Ramirez
Xavier James
retarded af
Hunter Edwards
Who else here mains mr burns
Liam Thompson
u look like arab
Noah Robinson
I rate it 10/10
Landon Cruz
the ab is a joke
Bentley Hernandez
Show flag and eyes, faggot
Jaxon Bailey
unironically play Mr. Burns Mii sword fighter
Aaron Green
It's better than the syrian bortherhood currently residing in germany
Btw , listen to this and bop mr.kraut
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Charlie Chaplin
Jordan Hill
they would be less of a joke when they wouldn't ally up with non whites.
Nicholas Foster
Pic related.
Caleb Cooper
Did they somehow forget the guy was a Jewish Satanist Communist?
Jewish? Yes, but you need some knowledge of Georgian names. His mother's name was Geladse, which is Georgian for "Wolf" or "of the Wolf tribe". This ties into the name "Benjamin", because in old Jewish tradition, both names are connected.
But that's not enough yet. His fathers name was Dshugashvili, "Son of a Jew", which sounds funny until you know about Georgian names. -shvili describes which country, tribe, clan or area you come from usually. So it means "of the Jews" in English. Or if you want to meme, Dshugashvili means "is a Jew".
Not enough for you? Okay.
David Papismedow, the Jewish merchant (lol) whom his mother worked for, supported young Stalin for no reason at all. Money and books were no problem.
Also, Stalin was never a priest, but he visited a priest school in Tiflis, which at this time was an orthodox hotbed for anti-Tsarist movement. He quickly joined Marxist secret societies and read forbidden books, which got him incarcerated before he was 18.
All this, together with the fact that he preferred secret meetings and revolutionary groups to school, got him finally kicked out of priest school. He later on got exiled 8 (!) times for murder, rebellion etc.
Josiah Clark
The Earth is not shaped like a cow.
Joshua Sanchez
bitch tits/10
Tyler Scott
At the end of the day - they dont stand for anything political really. They honestly are just a drug dealing/trafficking organization masked by the allure of Nazism etc.
That being said still makes me lowkey want to join if i were to ever get into prison.
Did you listen to my song ? it was good wasnt it bother?
Easton Reed
Gabriel Long
Bentley Anderson
Thomas Nguyen
Nathaniel Perry
That takes care of the Jew stuff, what about the Satanism?
Well, Stalin's first pseudonyms, under which he wrote revolutionary stuff, were "Demonoschwili“ (The Demonic) and „Besoschwili“ (The Devilish).
(Source: Abdurachman Autorchanov, "Proischozdenie Partokratie", Possev‑Verlag, Frankfurt/M. 1973)
Also, remember Bucharin fearfully called Stalin "Not a man, but a devil" (G. Kafkov, „The Trial of Bukharin“, Stein & Day, New York
1969) - which are big words from a man who wanted to "become the Anti-Christ" after reading The Revelations.
There are, of course, all the "hidden hand" images form Stalin, too. The guy was a bonafide Satanist and Freemason.
And also, have some quote by Stalin:
>The devil is not as terrible as he is painted.
>God is on your side? Is He a Conservative? The Devil's on my side, he's a good Communist.