>Yet the failure of the European project, if it occurs, could be a nightmare, and not only for Europe. It will, among other things, bring back what used to be known as “the German question.”
Does anybody have a subscription? Most of it is behind a paywall. Would be really nice if someone could post a picture or a pastebin.
like what? import even more Pakis to replace leaving Poles?
Bentley Reyes
I feel bad for you guys, bad for all Europeans in general but especially for Germans. Every time things start to get good for you guys somebody comes and fucks it up.
>NOTE (importint): Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.
Even without the refugees the number of immigrants would had increased and with it the dilution of the nation.
Michael Gonzalez
Make of Brexit what you will but it won't remedy anything about the browning of England.
>we will be making a few changes yeah. If anything you'll import more brown people.
It arose in 1871 when most of the German states unified into the 2nd Reich and asks: what will Germany do and what do we (mostly England and France) have to counter it.
Europe has taken more immigrants legally from 2015 the year of the refugee crisis till now, if you bothered adding then numbers you would understand this.
Mason Rodriguez
The brexit is the direct result of mama merkel decision of opening the borders real wide
And the rescue comes from a German! Who would have thought? Thanks a lot!
You are German, right?
Oliver Hill
Come on Ahmed You can keep your taqqyia or whatever it is for yourself At least kuridsh women are fighting unlike coward syrian rapefugees being pampered
Check Netherlands number of immigrants compared with refugees the took,or how about UK,Belgium,Denmark and so on.Please stop making dumb statements if you dont know anything on the subject.
David Bailey
I'm German and I can even use Google.
I also advise you to take Robert Kagan with a pinch of salt. Although the title of the piece doesn't surprise me. Even the dissident has become quite anit-German after Trump's election.
>I can even use Google. What do you mean? I tried finding it somewhere else but to no avail.
>I also advise you to take Robert Kagan with a pinch of salt. I know (((Robert Kagan))). That's why I was interested in his newest piece. I'm not through with the article but so far I'm glad to see that his assessment is completely wrong.
>Even the dissident has become quite anit-German after Trump's election. What dissident? The dissident right (alt-right)?
Andrew Lee
>stop making dumb statements >you dont know anything on the subject. Look who's talking As I said your taqqyia ain't working here
Well, reading his diatribe made me an even bigger antisemite. I hardly thought that would be possible.
Gabriel Morales
i am beginning to understand footfags
Aaron Wood
>What do you mean? I tried finding it somewhere else but to no avail. >>>reddit
>I'm not through with the article but so far I'm glad to see that his assessment is completely wrong. I went through it too now. That was a waste of good half hour.
>What dissident? The dissident right (alt-right)? Yes. I noticed the alternative media outlets were reporting very much in favor of Trump attacking Germany for its trade position. They all had the same diagnosis that Germany runs the EU and that's why everybody should be happy Trump wants to deal with each country individually.
Of course both Trump and Germany are now deep in the shitter. According to the central governments data we've had no growth for the last three month, which means recession.
I'm really afraid about the Euro blowing it. Not because I like. I hate it. But the Germans are always the bad guys and I think when it gets worth there will already be a context to take Germany to the cleaners again.
Anyway, fuck the Kagans.
Carson Rodriguez
>>>reddit >Literally. Fuck! Maybe I should still use (((google))) sometimes. They update their database quicker it seems.
>I went through it too now. That was a waste of good half hour. Agreed. Neocon talk from an outside perspective. Mostly about history. He clearly has no real insight on what motivates people.
>Yes. I noticed the alternative media outlets were reporting very much in favor of Trump attacking Germany for its trade position. I have to confess, I don't follow these things in America not so closely anymore (waste of time. Only counter-currents publishes still useful material). But I welcome any hostility.
When they think positively about the trade war for that reason then they surely must be some magapedes or something.
>According to the central governments data we've had no growth for the last three month, which means recession. Excellent news. Most people won't change their mind until their lives become shitty. People tolerate all kind of shit when panem et circensem works out for them.
>I'm really afraid about the Euro blowing it. Not because I like. I hate it. >But the Germans are always the bad guys and I think when it gets worth there will already be a context to take Germany to the cleaners again. What a cowardly attitude. The one thing I """agree""" with Kagan in this article is that Trump is really driving the whole system into the ground and that we'll have to look out for ourselves again. That's a big fucking chance. I see the transatlanticists as the biggest problem in Germany. Not just now but for the last 70 years. I'm watching surveys about how Germans thing about America with eagle's eyes and there are only good news atm.
Joshua Rodriguez
State funded future rapists and their victims. You have to deport at least 10 million shitskins under age of 35 to solve your problem. If you don't you will be extinct before 2100. And close borders, stop non-white immigration. You can do your job with German spirit and working ethic/mentality.
Brandon Clark
>You have to deport at least 10 million shitskins under age of 35 to solve your problem. I know. But that's not yet a common talking point in Germany yet. I'm still met with the reply that that's unrealistic when I bring it up in discussions. But I've got my arguments at hand for these cases.
>stop non-white immigration. I'd stop pretty much all immigration. Only some strictly temporary visas should be granted.
Easton Campbell
Forgot: >You can do your job with German spirit and working ethic/mentality. We also need a good breeding mentality again. Good quality people need to have four or five children.
Justin Bennett
Stop posting that fake shit already.
Matthew Campbell
ah she likes getting sanded
Gavin White
The duopily of France and England no longer exists. So you mainly have to worry about the efforts of the US and Russia, who will probably find the idea of German unification to be repugnant.
Jose Turner
>Fuck! Maybe I should still use (((google))) sometimes. They update their database quicker it seems. I found the pastebin dircetly with DuckDuckGo now, but I don't know if that is because of cookies, since I googled it before. I've become so lazy I don't google much anymore.
>The one thing I """agree""" with Kagan in this article is that Trump is really driving the whole system into the ground and that we'll have to look out for ourselves again. He doesn't want to though. Mostly it's just a shakedown to get us to buy more of their military equipment. When the financial collapse comes, they'll have to call an Uber to get their GIs home anyway. Or maybe the US Dollar will float a few months longer than the Euro.
>I see the transatlanticists as the biggest problem in Germany. Not just now but for the last 70 years. I agree.
>I'm watching surveys about how Germans thing about America with eagle's eyes and there are only good news atm. The ones I enjoy weren't driven by Merkel. Insisting on dealing with Iran and Russia were all combined efforts with Macron and his predecessor. But she does seems bend on North Stream which is something at least.
Fun fact at the end: The wife of Robert Kagan is Victoria "Fuck The EU" Nuland, who was responsible for the Maidan coup in 2014.
>The duopily of France and England no longer exists. Are you sure? They are still two major players in Europe and even if it looks right now as if France tries to stick it to England as much as they can (Brexit) I'm sure they would come to much friendlier terms if Germany would become a nuclear and military power in the future.
>So you mainly have to worry about the efforts of the US and Russia, who will probably find the idea of German unification to be repugnant. The US would be, yes. But I'm very relaxed about Russia. They are very dependent on us economically and they hate the US dominance a lot. Who knows how that would look like if, say, the US retreats and Germany rearms and takes on the job of protecting the Baltics and Poland but there is much less intrinsic aversion towards Germany in Russia (and vice versa) than people seem to know. Everybody seems to thinks that Germany and Russia are archenemies or something like that. It's not true.
America on the other hand is already autistically screeching where we haven't done anything yet. They'll flail and scream like crazy at us as they go more and more brown and dysfunctional. When the brown masses take over politics in the US (don't know when that exactly will be. The US electorate is probably white for quite some time longer than their overall demography) then we have that problem off of our list. The different races will be warring each other and not give a shit about European foreign policy.
Cameron Long
>He doesn't want to though. Mostly it's just a shakedown to get us to buy more of their military equipment. I really think he doesn't think in high regard about continental Europe. His advisors and the pentagon are probably trying their best to not let him fuck up NATO and their foothold in Europe (and up to know they succeed). Anyways. I really do think that this break in the transatlantik relations is for good. Even if some other American president comes to power he can't go back in his rhethoric. Scolding Europe for not buying enough military stuff is going to be a common thing for both party's candidates. Republicans will be very hostile to Germany because of our trade surplus and the Democrats will shit on us because >muh evil Russians. And don't forget the distrust and hostility that Germans now have towards America either. The transatlanic relationship is over, no matter what.
>Or maybe the US Dollar will float a few months longer than the Euro. It's only money. We're not indebted as much and our Auslandsvermögen is gigantic. >pic related
>The ones I enjoy weren't driven by Merkel. Well, she's a real whore to the US. Since Trump she tries to be more american than the Americans.
>Insisting on dealing with Iran and Russia were all combined efforts with Macron and his predecessor. But she does seems bend on North Stream which is something at least. Yes. NS2 is a really nice foreign policy item by Germany.
>The wife of Robert Kagan is Victoria "Fuck The EU" Nuland Oh really? (((Gleich))) und (((gleich))) gesellt sich gern.
>Are you sure? They are still two major players in Europe I never said, they weren't. But on the global theater, they arent half as powerful as they used to be. > and even if it looks right now as if France tries to stick it to England as much as they can (Brexit) I'm sure they would come to much friendlier terms if Germany would become a nuclear and military power in the future. Doubtful. The UK seems to have no problem being America's vassal, where as France just desperately wants to do it's own thing, it even retains some of it's former colonies. I doubt that they would just unite against a nuclear Germany. The power dynamics of the past simply no longer apply. You could probably get an alliance going with the French and in opposition to Russia and US influence in Europe. A nuclear and un-cucked Germany would make for a great allie for France.
> They are very dependent on us economically and they hate the US dominance a lot. You are being naive. The only thing that Russia and America can agree on is that a military weak central Europe is good for business. > Who knows how that would look like if, say, the US retreats and Germany rearms and takes on the job of protecting the Baltics and Poland but there is much less intrinsic aversion towards Germany in Russia (and vice versa) than people seem to know. True, but power dynamics matter far more than feelings. Russia doesn't want a competitor in the East. It's nothing personal, just geo-politics.
> Everybody seems to thinks that Germany and Russia are archenemies or something like that. It's not true. You could try and play Russia and the US against each other while making some gains in the process. This would require a highly capable leadership though.
Oliver King
>America on the other hand is already autistically screeching where we haven't done anything yet. They'll flail and scream like crazy at us as they go more and more brown and dysfunctional. >When the brown masses take over politics in the US (don't know when that exactly will be. The US electorate is probably white for quite some time longer than their overall demography) then we have that problem off of our list. The different races will be warring each other and not give a shit about European foreign policy. Too bad America is not a Democracy. Many of the political positions it holds are non-negotiable. Jews are still terrified of the very notion of German rearmement, so America will likely never change it's position regarding your situation.