The Holocaust™ storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

New Holohoax flyer -- print and disseminate

PDF: drive.google.com/open?id=1ipWainshExGJPUfTmBwjLy9WVCWyZfAq

PDF (Grayscale): drive.google.com/open?id=1DyijBzaw9Tf9QXbyDFFvQX5c7HmUhXi_

Large, text-heavy front-back flyer: holocausthandbooks.com/dl/FlyerLetterSize.pdf

$100,000 REWARD: drive.google.com/file/d/1gSTrvC4r603hYiWAFbbpaorQzD0BhNrU/view?usp=sharing

(note: also search for Eric Hunt's documentaries on the Holocaust)

>Intro to Holocaust revisionism:

>Dissecting the Holocaust

>Holocaust Handbook series

>Holocaust debate forum

>"Ninety-nine per cent of what we know [about the Holocaust in Auschwitz-Birkenau] we do not actually have the physical evidence to prove... it has become part of our inherited knowledge." (A Case for Letting Nature Take Back Auschwitz, The Toronto Star, December 27, 2009)

>"The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eye witness and circumstantial evidence." (Judge Gray, Irving-Lipstadt trial, 2000)

Attached: auschwitz-chem-tiny.png (806x4054, 670K)

Other urls found in this thread:


- Dr. Horst Pelckmann, defense counsel for the SS at Nuremberg, exposed the fact that over 97% of the SS men who mentioned "The Jewish Problem" denied that it was to be solved by extermination. On 21 August 1946: "1,593 out of 1,637 affidavits which mention this problem state that the Jewish problem was not to be solved by killing" (IMT Proceedings, vol. 21, p. 368)

- On 27 July 1945, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that: "A report from the place where major German war criminals are now confined discloses that all of them have denied that the Nazis had any plans to exterminate the Jews of Europe."

- According to Auschwitz survivor & Yad Vashem archives director Shmuel Krakowski: "Over half of the 20,000 testimonies from Holocaust survivors on record at Yad Vashem are “unreliable” and have never been used as evidence in Nazi war crimes trials" (B. Amouyal, "Doubts over evidence of camp survivors," Jerusalem Post (Israel), August 17, 1986)

- "Survivor accounts of critical events are typical of all testimony, that is, they are full of discrepancies. About all matters both trivial and significant, the evidence is nearly always in dispute. In part the unreliability of these accounts derives from imperfect observation and flawed memory, but in larger part from the circumstance that they are not constructed exclusively on the basis of firsthand experience. In order to present a coherent narrative, the author has likely included a large measure of hearsay, gossip, rumor, assumption, speculation, and hypothesis." (Jewish holocaust historian Lucy Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader, 1976)

- "There does not exist then, anything like a written order signed by [Hitler] for the extermination of the Jews in Europe." (Colin Cross, Adolf Hitler, (Milan, 1977), p. 313.)

Attached: gas-chamber-traffic-jam (1).jpg (1000x483, 191K)

The "Holocaust" is a racist, anti-White conspiracy theory

Indeed, it's interesting to see that those who accuse Revisionists of promoting a 'conspiracy theory' often promote truly bizarre conspiracy theories themselves, such as:

>"The Germans executed a secret plan to exterminate every Jew they could get their hands on, the results were such that 6M Jews and huge numbers of gypsies and homosexuals were murdered by gassing and by being shot into enormous pits."

Yet in short, there are no orders from Hitler, no authentic German documents, no records of funding, no massive graves of human remains as alleged which would necessarily be available, and a gassing method which defies science.

At the Nuremberg Military Tribunals (NMT) it was alleged that the Holocaust had been perpetrated with the greatest level of secrecy, and very few know it was even happening. According to US Judge Leon Powers "not over 100 people in all were informed" about the attempted extermination. As with many other conspiracy theories, the lack of physical evidence and the scarcity of alleged eyewitness testimonies were seen as convincing proof that the Nazis had something to hide and that they had successfully managed to do it.

U.S. Senator Robert A. Taft: "About this whole judgment there is the spirit of vengeance, and vengeance is seldom justice. The hanging of the eleven men convicted will be a blot on the American record which we will long regret. In these trials we have accepted the Russian idea of the purpose of trials -- government policy and not justice -- with little relation to Anglo-Saxon heritage. By clothing policy in the forms of legal procedure, we may discredit the whole idea of justice in Europe for years to come."

Attached: Holocaust-Nuremberg-trials-April-1949-Judge-Leon-W-Powers.jpg (1374x1110, 762K)

While researching history, our highest goal must be at all times to discover how it actually was. Historians should not place research in the service of making criminal accusations against, for example, Genghis Khan & the Mongol hordes, nor to whitewash any of their wrong-doings. Anybody insisting that research be barred from exonerating Genghis Khan of criminal accusations would be the object of ridicule and would be subject to the suspicion that he was, in fact, acting out of political motives. If this were not so, why would anyone insist that our historical view of Genghis Khan forever be defined solely by Khan's victims and enemies?

The same reasoning applies to Hitler and Nazis. Both revisionists and their adversaries are entitled to their political views. The accusation that revisionists are only interested in exonerating Nazis and that such an effort is reprehensible or even criminal, is a boomerang: This accusation has as a prerequisite that it is deemed unacceptable to partially exonerate Nazis historically, and by so doing, always also morally.

But by declaring any hypothetical exoneration based on possible facts as unacceptable, one admits openly not to be interested in the quest for the truth, but in incriminating Nazis historically and morally under any circumstances and at all costs. And the motivation behind this can only be political. Hence, those accusing revisionists to misuse their research for political ends have themselves been proven guilty of exactly this offense. It is therefore not necessarily the revisionists who are guided by political motives--though quite a few of them certainly are--but with absolute certainty all those who accuse others of attempting to somehow historically exonerate a political system which has long since disappeared.

Attached: debating-holocaust-info.png (2402x1300, 152K)

The typical canard used by Jews is to claim that Revisionists "deny" the existence of everything about the Jews' experience in WWII, the camps etc. But no one says what the Jews claim, it's a classic false, strawman argument.

Revisionists do not "deny" that Jews were deported to labor camps and encouraged to leave Europe. There is no question that the National Socialists wanted the Jews out of Europe. The Zionists also wanted the Jews out of Europe.

What Revisionists do deny is:

- the unfounded and frankly, laughable '6,000,000'
- the ridiculous & irrational allegations of homicidal 'gas chambers'
- the unsubstantiated claim of a state planned genocide of Jews

The response to anyone who asks if you "deny" the so-called holocaust is to ask them to define what they mean by the 'holocaust'. If any of those 3 items are part of that definition, then say: 'yes, then I am a denier and you can't prove that any of those points are fact...next'.

Recommended reading:

>"Why didn't any Nazi deny?" and the scope of the conspiracy

>Nuremberg - Fair Trial or Show Trial?

>Cyanide Chemistry at Auschwitz

>War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Attached: holocaust-debate-points.jpg (576x720, 299K)

Prussian blue only forms under certain condions, which are rare. indeed the use of Zyklon B to disinfest buildings, trains, trucks, and other places, thousands of them each year for amny decades, depened on them not all turing bright blue with hard to remove stains. the delousing chambers were in constant use, for years on end, with high concentrations of the gas - a delousing cycle took up to 20 hours, witht he gas at 5000 parts per million concentration, and the chambers were used every day. they were also not washed down after use, so the gas residue could build up on the walls.

gassing people takes a few minutes, at low gas concentration - 300PPm will kill humans in five minutes. Moreover once the room was emptied of dead bodies, they would clean it with water to remove the piss and shit and blood, so the next set of unsuspecting victims would not immediatly suspect something on walking onto it. hosing down with water removes the gas residue - hydrogen cyanide had the interesting property of being infinitely soluble in water - it readily dissolves. So there is very little chance of prussian blue forming in the gas chamebrs.

deniers lie about this. because they have to lie, because their story is bullshit.

similarly, their would be very low traces of cyanide in t he gas chambers., but the fact that there is any strongly suggests they were used.

of course Leuchter and Rudolf both stole samples, took them from the wrong places, and analysed them in inappropriate ways. the lab that did the Leuchter analysis was only told what they were testing after the fact, and said that they had used a method that would not show any results, and effectively destroyed the sample with no significant result to be drawn from it, because they were testing for gas penetration, not for surface traces. The Ball results - are new to me. the text here does not give any clue as to sources, methods or any way of knowing how good they are. sounds like bullshit to me. the IFFR results are the only ones to be properly conducted and analysed.

the Rudolf Report has been entirely debunked. lying about it does you no favours.

the only people to make claims about the IFFR report are of course the fraudster Rudolf and his denier cohort. But the IFFR report is clear in its method adn results - unlike Rudolf who among other things tries to pass off still air chamber distribution rates of gas concentrations at low temperatures, as if they are applicable to rooms full of moving, breathing, warm people... the fraud is clearly on his side.

the final paragraph is particularly deceptive. the major gassinga happened at Auschwitz, Sobibor adn Treblinka. the bodoes were burned. Photography was banned. So why woudl there be photos? why woudl there be bodies to autopsy? It is also wrong in that Larsen did say he had autopsied bodoes of gassed people.

also the testimonies do not vary that much. Ok some say a few minutes, some specify five or twenty - but that is usual for witnesses who have no watch, and are talking about a subjective issue - tiem seems longer for some than others in various situations. they vary about the numbers in each chamber - did they ever count them exactly? how good are youa t estimating crowd sizes? they vary about the method of introducing the gas - but none actually saw it being done... so the variations are within the usual run for witnesses. they do not vary about the major points - the use of the lie about the showers, the use of changing rooms and telling the people to remember where their stuff is, the occaisonal riot adn revolt, the use of whips and pistols to drive them into the room if necessary. the way the ovens were used, the way they used pyres, the way the belongings of the dead were stolen, tken to be sorted, adn the valuables pilfered.
Hess was not tortured. he was beaten badly on capture, but he was not tortured. his memoirs expand on his confession and give many details and correct some errors. but there is nothing very difficult in them. Deniers make a big deal about him getting a date wrong, adn calling Sobibor "wolzeck" which was the village next to Sobibor. in earlier interrogation he says he cannot remember the name of the fourth OR camp, but gives directions to get to Sobibor. I suspect he was shown a map, and picked the wrong village,.

of course the really funny thin about this whole graphic is its constant reference to CODOH - which is basically Reddit for liars.

this $100,00 dollar reward is bullshit.
It requires someone to do expensive archaeological digging on ten sites, which would cost far more than the reward. He also requires expensive dna testing, and the claimant to provide proof of the method of death fo the individual that is mre than circumstantial - he wants phots of those peopel being gassed. it is unreasonable, and deliberately so. And the sole arbbiter of the award of this prixe of a denier who is a known liar and utterly unreasonable in his often fallacious arguments...

I tell you what, I will offer a million dollars to the first holocaust denier who can prove it was a hoax to me. Does that prove it isnt a hoaX?

>(note: also search for Eric Hunt's documentaries on the Holocaust

especially his latest work were he says he was wrong earlier and it isnt a hoax...

I love how yu frame the proper use of eyewitness material by historians who are well aware of its flaws, as if this is some fatal flaw in their work.

the fact that the vast amjority of hearsay and rubbish is discarded by courts and historians (and this is true of any even) shows that theya re being cautious and that they are backing up their research with other sources. it shows tha tthey are making a strong case. it is not reason to dismiss abolutley everything.

if that were so then we have to dismiss all the nazis who said it was not a plan to kill jews. sorry but that is hearsay, and we have to throw it out. why are you citing this hearsay?

>"The Germans executed a secret plan to exterminate every Jew they could get their hands on, the results were such that 6M Jews and huge numbers of gypsies and homosexuals were murdered by gassing and by being shot into enormous pits."

you know this is a straw man, so why are you using it?

> no authentic German documents,

utter rubbish. how can you possibly justify saying this? the train manifests, the train schedules, the bills fo rthe trains, the millions of authentic german documents retrieved - - your lie is so huge that it is worthy of Goebbels.

fuck off you lying bastard.

>you know this is a straw man, so why are you using it?
What % of the 6m was gassed or shot and buried in pits?
>utter rubbish. how can you possibly justify saying this? the train manifests, the train schedules, the bills fo rthe trains
Wrong. Jews werent murdered by train rides except when they were shot by allied planes

We have inbound records to the AR "extermination camps" but no outbound records even though they would still exist if the trains were empty. Why?
>the millions of authentic german documents retrieved
You're confused. Nobody said the germans didn't round up jews or persecute them

All of the documents mentioning a "Final solution" define it as resettlement or deportation

Those documents don't prove any extermination plan except the handful of obvious forgeries

>it is not reason to dismiss abolutley everything.
Why so disingenuous?

Nobody is dismissing everything. That's a ridiculous strawman argument already debunked in this thread. Most nazis denied the exterminations or gassings. Fewer than 5% of jews at Auschwitz mentioned gassings at all
There are gassing testimonies at camps like Buchenwald and Bergen Belsen and Dachau where nobody was allegedly gassed

So it isn't dismissing everything, just a handful of cherry picked testimonies you cling to while ignoring all of the contradictions and absurdities

>especially his latest work were he says he was wrong earlier and it isnt a hoax...
There is no documentary where Hunt says that, it's just a couple articles, but some "deniers" do have a tendency of flip-flopping after imprisonment and other threats. Another example is Irving although he wasn't really a revisionist, and found the subject of the Holocaust boring. He never wrote a book on it

Of course Hunt's documentaries have not been refuted, which is why you desperately cling to "but he changed his mind after his prison sentence lol"

Attached: 1566930075261.png (826x569, 702K)

>this $100,00 dollar reward is bullshit.
>It requires someone to do expensive archaeological digging on ten sites, which would cost far more than the reward. He also requires expensive dna testing, and the claimant to provide proof of the method of death fo the individual that is mre than circumstantial - he wants phots of those peopel being gassed.

This is wrong. Where did he ask for evidence of them being gassed?
Btw he offered to let it be taken to court

And the diggings have been done. Caroline Sturdy Colls did a dig and it was a massive failure LOL

Eric Hunt demolished it in his "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" video (check bitchute) and many other revisionists have shown it to be bogus. Her LIDAR scan failed to find any huge graves supposedly in exactly known locations

>I tell you what, I will offer a million dollars to the first holocaust denier who can prove it was a hoax to me. Does that prove it isnt a hoaX?
Go ahead buddy. Make the bet and we can take it to court

At least people are exposing it as a hoax. For free, and often resulting in great costs (imprisonment, social ostracism).
Yet nobody proves Treblinka has even 1% of the mass graves allegedly there. Just some amateur splotches drawn on a map LOL

>the final paragraph is particularly deceptive. the major gassinga happened at Auschwitz, Sobibor adn Treblinka. the bodoes were burned. Photography was banned. So why woudl there be photos? why woudl there be bodies to autopsy? It is also wrong in that Larsen did say he had autopsied bodoes of gassed people.
No he never said that. It's not deceptive at all. Larson said there were infrequent findings based entirely on testimony. He said he didn't uncover a case of poisoning

And there wouldn't be and arent photos, hence the answer

If you doubt any word of this story you will be thrown in prison in 23 countries.

Attached: shotgun.png (729x864, 1.03M)

>they do not vary about the major points -
Yes they do

Laughable kula columns vs dropping the zyklon b pellets directly vs gas coming from shower heads vs gas coming from the floor. Corpse color. all sorts of goofiness

And yet the claim is that Himmler ordered them to stop gassing in Oct/nov 1944 (this is debunked) but they let all these "eyewitnesses" live despite supposedly a plan to kill every single jew. It's absurd


>Hess was not tortured. he was beaten badly on capture, but he was not tortured.
Wrong. He had the shit beaten out of him and was deliberately sleep deprived

That's "torture" under US law but maybe not in your home country, israel


Always be suspicious of someone who "recants" after a prison sentence

>The Holocaust™ storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived
>every historian knows it happened
>one of the most well-documented events in history
>The french user who took holocaustograpghy or whatever has still not changed his mind

>similarly, their would be very low traces of cyanide in t he gas chambers., but the fact that there is any strongly suggests they were used.

Wrong. as proven in the image

>of course Leuchter and Rudolf both stole samples, took them from the wrong places, and analysed them in inappropriate ways.

Nope. Only correct thing you said was that they took them illegally. Because it's illegal to actually forensically examine this alleged crime scene

Claim has been debunked by rudolf

>The Ball results - are new to me. the text here does not give any clue as to sources, methods or any way of knowing how good they are. sounds like bullshit to me.
You can find the ball report but it's just an additional part of his report. Of course it "sounds like bullshit" because you believe a ridiculous conspiracy theory and must deny any facts that prove it wrong to stave off the cognitive dissonance

>the IFFR results are the only ones to be properly conducted and analysed.

Wrong, they basically found no traces (so close to detection limit) because they ignored the iron cyanide. As discussed

The fact that they did it legally under order by Polish government is utterly irrelevant to the point. You're poisoning the well

>>every historian knows it happened
this is bogus. In many countries it's illegal to question and elsewhere you will have your life ruined. also you're just wrong

>one of the most well-documented events in history

Incorrect. there are thousands of documents. There are incriminating documents. There is document after document proving the Nazis rounded up jews and persecuted them and put them in camps where many died. Nobody questions this.

What the documents refute is claims that the "final solution" was an extermination policy. they all agree that it was a deportation or resettlement plan

Please read the links in the posts in this thread which prove this fact

>uses zyklon b a Insecticide to delouse prisoners

Jews- they gassed us.

In Zionist America, the jews put you into a concentration camp.

>>The french user who took holocaustograpghy or whatever has still not changed his mind

So every religion is correct because people indoctrinated into it usually don't change their minds?

He's obviously a paid shill. Look up "israel government paid internet trolls" on google
This is why he scours Jow Forums every day to shill for this stupid racist conspiracy theory, it's his full time job

>Prussian blue only forms under certain condions, which are rare.
And yet formed in the alleged majdanek homicidal gas chambers where fewer jews were allegedly gassed

>hosing down

Would have made the HCN soak into the walls better

>deniers lie about this
Nope, you're the liar. Hence why you resort to ridiculous debunked arguments that are refuted in the graphic LOL

>Outside brick oven to feed the masses

Jews- they put us in ovens

>gassing people takes a few minutes, at low gas concentration - 300PPm will kill humans in five minutes.
Bogus debunked in the links provided in the infographic.
The zyklon b would still be outgassing. there was a special device used in skme delousing chambers to blow hot air on the granules to make them outgas quicker

Also your argument is incredibly deceptive by comparing the amount of HCN needed to kill 1 person (out of alleged thousands) vs the amount needed to kill 100% of the lice in a room.

>if that were so then we have to dismiss all the nazis who said it was not a plan to kill jews. sorry but that is hearsay, and we have to throw it out. why are you citing this hearsay?
It's corroborated by physical and documentary evidence

>Mass influx of illegal immigrants entering Germany cause of great economy.

>Germany evicts illegal immigrants , creates resettlement camps.

>Germany for germans

Jews - its genocide

>hydrogen cyanide had the interesting property of being infinitely soluble in water - it readily dissolves

Reminder that this would cause it to soak up into the porous wall so much better and increase the blue staining

> Scraping of the air raid shelter walls at Auschwitz found zero cynade particles

Jews- the walls are to old and weathered for forensic test

Not exactly what happened. they found over 1000x lower cyanide residue in the alleged gas chambers compared to the delousing chambers. But the traces were on the same order of magnitude as random bricks from the barracks

>What % of the 6m was gassed or shot and buried in pits?
well historians have been saying since the 1950s that it is not 6 million, so obvious straw man. also historians have been saying since the 1960s that there was no secret plan to extreminate every jew, or at least no plan to immediately kill all jews on sight, and no plan to have all jews killed by a predetermined date, say 1945. so it is again wrong to imply any of those things.

about 1.4 million were shot on the eastern front, often not in pits, of any size, so again, suggesting this was the sole method (or one of only two methods) is false. Millions died of hunger, deliberate starvation, overwork and brutal labour, disease adn forced marches, and neglect generally. all those deaths were deliberate, or at very best, negligence so gross that it is equivalent to deliberate murder.

so again, your mis-characterization of the facts is deceptive. you have put up a straw man - a deliberate simplification which is false.

>Jews werent murdered by train rides except when they were shot by allied planes

well actually many did die on trains, from hunger and thirst... but that was not what i was saying. you claimed there were no original german documents that support the holocaust narrative. that is a plain lie. there are millions of such documents.

there is no copy of an order directly from hitler saying 2kill all the joos" but firstly, that would be unlikely to have survived the cover up by the nazis when they tried to destroy the documents about the holocaust, adn secondly, it is unlikely that such a document ever existed or would have needed to exist. that isnt how the nazis did things.

>We have inbound records to the AR "extermination camps" but no outbound records even though they would still exist if the trains were empty. Why?

not true. we have the records for the relocation fo the rolling stock, from the camops (some records, not full records - we have no full records of anything) which are among the many millions of original german documents you deny exist.

>All of the documents mentioning a "Final solution" define it as resettlement or deportation
no they don't,

nor specifically do Goebbels diaries that speak freely of the need to kill the useless eaters adn only keep the fit to be slaves, but that they too will be only kept as long as useful. it is quite clear from Hitler's talk to Horthy that proudly talks about the necessary shooting of the useless Polish jews, that he knew about the plan as well.

How do you go from 70% unemployment to nearly 0% in a couple of years? Work camps! Help your German brethren, and the progress of the Fatherland today! If you need help providing for your family, sign up for our work camps now! You'll be provided clothing, food, entertainment, recreation, and your family will be taken care of by the state. If you cannot bear to be separated from your family, bring them with you! We have facilities needed to provide for the entire family, as well as a path to employment post graduation for your youngsters!

>well historians have been saying since the 1950s that it is not 6 million
So the 6 million is a hoax? got it

>so obvious straw man.
"6 million Jews died in the holocaust" is a strawman now LOL

>also historians have been saying since the 1960s that there was no secret plan to extreminate every jew, or at least no plan to immediately kill all jews on sight, and no plan to have all jews killed by a predetermined date, say 1945.

Prove it. Define "holocaust"

>so it is again wrong to imply any of those things.

Not really since people, including some historians, allege exactly that

>about 1.4 million were shot on the eastern front, often not in pits, of any size, so again, suggesting this was the sole method (or one of only two methods) is false.

So they weren't buried in pits? Ok i guess they cremated them, crushed the bones, and evenly distributed the remains in a very long and wide 1 atom thick sheet LOL

>Millions died of hunger, deliberate starvation, overwork and brutal labour, disease adn forced marches, and neglect generally.
Baseless numbers

>all those deaths were deliberate, or at very best, negligence so gross that it is equivalent to deliberate murder.

Incorrect. Civilians dying as a result of war time conditions isn't "equivalent to deliberate murder"

>so again, your mis-characterization of the facts is deceptive. you have put up a straw man - a deliberate simplification which is false.
Not at all. you're the one being deceptive here. Pulling numbers straight out of your ass and calling 6 million a strawman when that's the basis of the holocaust story

>no its 5.1 million REEE ur lying on purpose
>no only 3 million were gassed and 1 million shot its not 6 million it's 4 that changes everything REEEEEE

how much do you get paid to make these retarded shitposts?

Oh look. It's the holocaust believing Jew that dismisses all the evidence that the holocaust didn't happen out of hand.

Pic related is what the Jew wants us to believe happened.

Attached: Nuremberg Trial Transcript Atomic Bombs.jpg (480x905, 211K)

>no they don't,
Yeah they do as proven in the links posted

>Goebbels diaries

This guy was a goofball and probably wanted the jews exterminated. he definitely hated them. there's a dif difference between what Goebbels thought was a good idea and what happened

His diaries confirm the fact that final solution was resettlement

oy vey goyim. whatever you do, don't deny this.

Attached: Musically Attuned Nazi Canines.png (547x729, 84K)

The holocaust totally happen as the Jews said it did.

Attached: Electrified Conveyor Belt.jpg (713x757, 281K)

Never forget the Nazi bears and eagles.

Attached: Time Too Painful to Remember.png (1101x1917, 1.25M)

>>Goebbels diaries
Notice how we're supposed to believe the holocaust because some Jew translated some NatSoc's diary when there's no physical evidence to back up the claims made about the diary?

True holocaust denial is to deny its importance.

I deny the importance of 6 million jews over 60million Europeans.

Don't you?

If not : Why not?

oy vey! hitler was so evil!

Attached: Hitler Personally Holocausted Her Father.png (470x720, 515K)

The ersatz-religious epithet "X denier" is a reliable marker that whatever the "denier" is denying is bullshit. If someone one "denies" that part of Irish history, you don't call him a "Potato Famine denier", you call him a crackpot or an idiot.

>The Jews are allowed to do whatever they want to the goyim and if you oppose them, either by words or action, you're an evil antisemite and should be either executed or thrown in prison for the rest of your life!
Gosh. Why on earth would anyone not trust the Jews on their word, right?

>The ersatz-religious epithet "X denier" is a reliable marker that whatever the "denier" is denying is bullshit. If someone one "denies" that part of Irish history, you don't call him a "Potato Famine denier", you call him a crackpot or an idiot.
Indeed...one can deny any other event in history and it's fine. But deny the holocaust and all of a sudden you should be silenced and thrown in prison.

Odd how that works out.

I guess those nazis were trying to wash their hands of the Jewish problem. Eh?

Attached: Jew Soap.jpg (263x477, 73K)

sorry it has been some months since i loked at the silly site you linke dto. you are right, he doesnt ask for proof of gassing

but he does ask for prook of 100 sites, offering only $1,000 per site. which is a little deceptive really... it would cost you more than that just to travel there and back....

and of course is entirely ignoring the fact that the archaeologists have proven these things already, he is just lying about it...

but my offer stands. Prove to me that the inhabitants of Bialystock in 1939 survivd the war, and none were killed in any nazi camp, and i will give you a million dollars. That is only a tiny bit of the holocaust - a tiny proportion of the so called hoax. you prove that a hoax and you can get the cash.

Did any of your ancestors ride the holocoaster?

Attached: Holocoaster.jpg (1278x1012, 364K)

>Make the bet and we can take it to court
bet made. publish your proof...

>publish your proof...
Meanwhile you claim documents like pic related are proof for the holocaust.

Attached: Nazi New Order in Poland, The - Jon Evans.jpg (1021x729, 284K)

I made a meme for french user.

Attached: french anon.jpg (562x601, 106K)

>your lie is so huge that it is worthy of Goebbels.
I believe that the Holocaust happened but the "big lie" was what the Nazis accused other people of doing. You could at least get the basics down.

This new shill is not as good as the old one, much worse grammar.

Hey, since you believe the holocaust happened you can post films or pictures of the gas chambers in operation. Let's see them.

Attached: Creamation in 30 minutes or the pizza is free.jpg (2729x4023, 2.68M)

Attached: 1568556534964.jpg (704x527, 57K)

Attached: 1567060616045.png (749x1053, 645K)


He also dropped the name "not french, not Jewish"

French user will chime in and say
>she was classified as and adult that's why she wasn't killed....

Attached: 1556630213303.jpg (720x694, 53K)

Consider suicide, kike lover

It's a wonder the holocaust happened at all, what with people surviving multiple gassings and whatnot.

Attached: Surviving the Horror.jpg (799x918, 146K)

They change the number at the Camp but never changed the overall number....

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The Auschwitz number has been changing for years...

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That would be because jews are the tribe of liars

Attached: Toronto News on Jews.jpg (600x785, 203K)

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The Holocaust is currently a bunch of stories that the mainstream still don't find ridiculous yet.

The holocaust proponents want us to believe the entire holocaust happened but then ignore that for decades they've had to walk back on the more ridiculous stories such as your pic related and this pic related.

Attached: A Writer at War - Vasily Grossman (1).jpg (696x783, 114K)

"The majority died of natural diseases of one kind or the another. However, we did probe into such questions as, 'What happened to those prisoners who became psychotic at Dachau? What did the Gestapo do with them?' Well, they took those people to the crematorium. First, however, they were taken to a big windowless building next to the crematorium where the ceiling was covered with false shower heads. The victims were then ordered to strip and take a 'shower.' Outside the building, guards dropped in cyanide pellets. Then they'd blow the cyanide gas out and remove the bodies next door to the crematorium ovens. I think this is what happened to most of the truly psychotic prisoners and those they considered unruly and unmanageable and who, in the Gestapo's opinion, were incorrigibles. But, in my opinion, only relatively few of the inmates I personally examined at Dachau were murdered in this manner. Still, medical facilities were totally inadequate. When people fell hopelessly ill and death was imminent, and when they grew so weak they could no longer work or function, they were taken to the cyanide room for disposal. The Nazi called them 'mercy killings' because there was no hope of them getting well. Actually, the Germans considered them a liability, and extermination was the answer." ('Crime Doctor,' McCallum & Larson, p. 61. ISBN 0-916076-20-2; Library of Congress Catalog Number: 78-16403)

so he thinks some, if onlya few, that he examined were gassed.

of course he was nevr at Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka or Blezec or Chelmno, so he would not have had an oppotunty to examine the cremated remains there anyway.

using his testimony is deceptive, especially when you misquote him...

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>That would be because jews are the tribe of liars
They lack any foresight or self-reflection.

Their actions caused the rise of the NSDAP, then their lies caused the rise of the revisionist movement.

And their lies and actions in the future will cause the rise of some other pro-White/anti-Jew movement, but it'll totally not be their own fault.

Attached: Jewish Expulsion (4).jpg (485x4823, 776K)

I'm rather sure french user is a bot due to the copy pasta nature and how easy it is to crash it.
After my shower I will come back and crash the bot as proofs

Attached: to the ovens with you.jpg (820x550, 128K)

>Laughable kula columns vs dropping the zyklon b pellets directly vs gas coming from shower heads vs gas coming from the floor.

sorry, how would an eyewitness know how the gas pellets were introduced? to knwo that would require them to be int eh gas chamebr when the pellets were hitting the floor, or whateer means they used. and then dying. So they all agree there was some means of introduction - the detail of exactly how would not be something they would have witnessed. Also they were all talking about different chambers? you do know they had more than one? the method may have varied over time, and place. it is deceptive to suggest they were all talking about the same gas chamber, or the the same time frame.

>but he does ask for prook of 100 sites, offering only $1,000 per site. which is a little deceptive really... it would cost you more than that just to travel there and back....
>and of course is entirely ignoring the fact that the archaeologists have proven these things already, he is just lying about it...

You don't have to do it yourself. You can use someone else's excavation as proof. But if they did not actually prove it, you get no money

And no, a few splotches on a map and drawings just doesn't constitute proof

Sturdy Colls failed miserably, this is undeniable. If hundreds of thousands of jews were burned in railroad track hibachis and thrown into enormous mass graves we supposedly know the exact location of, she should have been able to show enormous quantities of burnt human remains. She barely found anything. Lots of rubbish, a shark tooth, some deer skull, etc. Ruins of a building fraudulently labelled a "gas chamber"

It's laughable. If the claims were true someone would have proven it by now, independent of the $100,000 reward

So why must we believe your Jewish sources unconditionally but you're allowed to dismiss our sources out of hand?

>because you're an evil anti-semitic nazi if you don't!
oh. right.

Attached: Elie Wiesel Quote (2).jpg (672x480, 83K)

it's amazing how many Jews were saved because they ran out of gas for the gas chambers...

Attached: They Ran Out of Gas (1).jpg (686x628, 278K)

>but it'll totally not be their own fault.

Attached: 109 countries.jpg (1439x864, 155K)

What we know is that they are full of shit and obviously lying. As proven in the OP graphic + the various links in it

I siad he was badly beaten, so I am not wrong. as for sleep deprevation, no that isnt torture in America, that is enhanced interrogation technique. If ti was torture then George Bush would be in jail, as he deserves.

but sleep deprevation does not make people make things up. and he was not sleep deprived when he wrote his memoirs. he spoke good english as well, so please dont bother with the lie about his signing something he didnt read.

frenchie is probably one of the jews that runs the holocaust controversies blog.

Too bad for frenchie Jew that blog has been discredited by the facts.

>as proven in the image

your graphic not only failed to prove anything, it contains factual mistakes and deliberate attempts to deceive, as i have pointed out

why is it lying?

>it's not really torture, because I say so, he was a nazi after all.
Meanwhile we have to believe pic related.

Attached: Babies as Footballs.jpg (611x1381, 633K)

This is based entirely on witness testimony he was just reiterating, and he found no evidence of gassings from the AUTOPSIES. Nice red herring bud

>political science professor states facts

>charged with two counts of publishing statements that are known to be false and likely to cause injury or mischief to the (((public interest))) of maintaining social and racial tolerance

This is literally the government covering up a lie, and proof of something much more sinister

>your graphic not only failed to prove anything, it contains factual mistakes and deliberate attempts to deceive, as i have pointed out
Of course you say that. you're too close minded to even consider the possibility that the holocaust is a hoax.

You don't want debate. you want to silence dissent of the holocaust.

Attached: Holocaust is Not Up to Debate Anymore.png (1482x450, 166K)

>I siad he was badly beaten, so I am not wrong. as for sleep deprevation, no that isnt torture in America, that is enhanced interrogation technique. If ti was torture then George Bush would be in jail, as he deserves.
>but sleep deprevation does not make people make things up.

Sleep deprivation is a banned form of torture in the USA actually. And beating the shit out of someone can be considered torture as well

Hoess' claims are widely discredited even Mark Roseman claims they're bullshit. Not surprising since he claimed all sorts of absurd things, probably so historians in the future could discredit his lie-filled testimony

They would be introduced like this, but problems are at minimum three fold with this
>It takes 12 hours in an air tight room to kill a person with zyclon-b.
>there machines where only found in the delousing areas of all camps.
>The shower (Gassing) chambers where not air tight in any way

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> Illegal immigrants "jews" entered Germany because of great economy . Mostly from Russia.

> Illegal immigrants refused to come back from country of origin.

> Germany expelled a illegal immigrants, places them into resettlement camps.

Jews- its genocide

> A illegal immigrants enter the United States, because of great economy

> Illegal immigrants refused to go back to country of origin

> United States houses illegal immigrants in resettlement camps

Jews - its genocide

>why is it lying?
Nope, you're the liar and there are no mistakes in it. I refuted everything you said . Why are you lying?

Because you get paid to make these shitposts LOL

There are much better ways of gassing people and not using the expensive Zyclon-B as EVERYONE fucking knows

Attached: gas power bread truck.png (625x816, 182K)

>Only correct thing you said was that they took them illegally. Because it's illegal to actually forensically examine this alleged crime scene

> because every visitor to Auschwitz should be allowed to chip bits off the gas chambers to do their own analysis, even thought they have no fucking clue what they are doing

I think you will find that it is illegal to interfere with evidence at any crime scene. Are My Rudolf or Mr Leuchter policemen? were they condcting a legal inquirey? are they forensic scientists? are they qualifeied to make any inestigation? did they ahve the usual necessary eprmission to vandalise an historic monument?

the answer is no to all those questions. it is not illegal to asses the crime scene - the IfFR did that legally, and correctly. It is illegal to break into historic monuments ans chip bits off, adn stupid to do it int he worng places (as leuchter obviously did - he photos himself doing it) and to then use the worng type of forensic analysis.

so basically, stop makeing shit up, stop pleading like a little whinging bitch that "it is all so unfair" adn start admitting your heroes are criminal idiots with no expertise who should be punished for their crimes.