I told you niggers I live here. Tranny jannies have been found out >let’s make irrelevant memes in a general thread >high five we always high five like the rest of Jow Forums hug fest >gae ass plane pics When you clock out and go home to dilate I will still be here I’ll always be here Banning me won’t work. Range bans won’t work. I’ll go buy a new device every fucking day if I must niggers We see you F O U N D > O U T
>dat pic Dabbin on the jannies They shiver in their panties They try to derail They from Israel Jannies gonna h8 Until they dilate They can’t break the /egg/ Panic holds em by the leg So grab your favorite strap on Jannies getting dabbed on
>(You) , yes (You) can trigger Qoombrainlets MKULTRA programming with this one simple word. >_____________ 3 guesses. Get them wrong and die in nuclear hellfire.
The latest happening is that there will be no happenings because Trump and his DOJ are pussies, or compromised or both. That’s all that needs to be said anymore about any of this. Stop working yourselves up. Satisfaction will never come.
That sign says please turn off cell phones not engines That's space for braille at the bottom there, aka text for pedestrians When's the last time you saw braille when driving? Never that's when. "please turn off cell phones" confirmed a common courtesy in medical areas also the walls in a dirty jail infirmaries are dirty sometimes. all info on the picture portion of this graphic is either incorrect or opinion. graphic has holes, not a good redpill
Noah Anderson
Get everybody to repeat the same word on a certain day, then check the gcpdot for changes.
Hudson Myers
Ch #6 It looks as though they're performing some sort of task with this chair. A bucket-like seat that has something in front where their hands are kept busy...idk but i keep thinking about an old fashioned sewing machine. Since they were working with scientists and whatnot, could one of those rooms with a viewing mirror be a Saw type "game" or performance? I can't get the correlation of movies/music/media out of my mind.
id politcs noted memeflag, as the name of the image says, as well as clearly pointed out at the bottom of the inquiry of Epstein's blog search site for the term Maxwell, the site is parked. Quality Posts speak meme on Jow Forums, did you know?
What happens if (((Youtube))), (((Google))), (((Facebook))) or (((Instagram))) recommends exactly the same content for a giant mass of people? Do you think (((they))) do it?
imagine larping a techo-giant in league with software companies and manufacturers of hand-held telephone devices to literally flood the market with cheap phones, no comprehension how to program them and a lock on the distribution mechanism for new software. Wow, in that larp, all they'd need to disable communications in the entire country would be to stop providing free email services! Meanwhile how many e-mails could be scanned to glean out critical information for subliminal advertising, national security info, and train artificial intelligence at the same time? That'd be one hell of a larp to pull off, how do we start it?