Why are North American natives so stupid? What went wrong?
>occupied a huge fertile continent with some of the best geography on Earth
>only monumental architecture is a fucking hill
>retarded religions that make Vargists look smart in comparison
>today they just suck American and Canadian wealth while getting drunk on reservations
Native Subhuman Hate Thread
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Hmmmm.. next time you're out in the wild with no tools, no familiarity with the land and no food, ask again.
bunch of niggers. should've wiped them out, now you will have to hear their whining forever.
Why do whites love BBC so much?
I'm not sure how a subhuman like you understands how technology is spread around the world.
Native Americans aren't bas-
Even niggers figured out the permanent structure, even if it is just a mud hut...
Natives had a familiarity with the land though and had neolithic stone tools, they just never advanced past that.
Shut the fuck up you dumb red nigger, your cousins in the South built cities in jungles while your ancestors were smoking peyote.
We ain't scared of Paco tho
The natives were largely isolated from the rest of humanity for 13 thousand years. They are more adapted to colonizing new lands, not competing against their neighbors.
How many innovations can be said to have come about independently in different parts of the old world and how many were just copied once demonstrated in a new culture?
The locals did fine with what they had. It is the biggest vanity of modern humans to think their urban lifestyle is any kind of pinnacle of evolution. They have mostly learned how to live on garbage and their biggest weakness is the obvious trend towards class based communities. With classes, breeding quickly seems to be the thing most evolved and the thing most disliked on threads like this.
Wish I could say the same about you cousin. The first time I ventured into a reservation, when pavement turned to gravel and the brush was higher than the roof line of my car.. I thought I was going to get ambushed and scalped by a group of Apaches.
My paranoia was unfounded, I probably looked like I belonged there. Down here they use our stock to bolster their numbers, to grow their tribe. You can tell because many of their tribal members have last names "Paco" might have
there was no evolutionary pressure for them to become high iq
We use toilet paper though
People forgetting that the Native Americans that wandered here started civilization over from scratch and in the continental United States had so many available resources that there was no need to advance technology in competition for it. I'm pretty sure those of the south east were at peak society. They literally did nothing more than farm, hunt, and fish - I'm sure our wage slavery is so much more satisfying.
Are you working for the Russians?
They were racially inferior.
Actually Native Americans made several civilizations. The Chico civilization pretdate all European civilizations. The only problem I have against them is that they are weak. And if you have a problem with them about alcohol, why don't you guys hate slavs.
They're superior because they didn't trash a pristine wilderness with useless bullshit.
I would have preferred this continent to stay a sustainable habitat for these people and not a protestant anglo breeding pit.
Although I admit that I have a romanticised picture of it. Then again there were dozons of different people with different cultures there. From what I read so far the planes people and mandan in particular were pretty based in their way of living.
I respect the old ones in a way. They lived as savages but they held to their ways against all odds and didn't cry about it. They couldn't stand up to the sicknesses that destroyed them and booze fucked them genetically. The technology gap made any fight ultimately impossible.
They still held onto their traditions as long as they could.
More race baiting or are you authentically naive? IQ is always a biased measurement. If you simply step back the evolutionary tree, all modern humans came out of African tribes who were from the Heidelbergensis lineage, not that of Neanderthals or Denisovans. The biggest difference in cranial development is the frontal lobes. Modern humans have large frontal lobes, but Neanderthals had larger brains.
The moral of the story seems to be that modern humans reached a plateau level of control over their environment where their tool building skills drove future evolution. The next logical step is to observe modern humans and predict their trends. I suggest that specialization of labor is that trend. That doesn't suggest higher IQ though, does it?
>protestant anglo breeding pit
>romanticised picture of it
Are you from der Ost. I've heard of the Western Kino they had in the East.
Imagine removing mutts and kikes from america and giving it to natives, just imagine how nice and peacefully place it could be
You got problems is what you have, maybe some mesoamerican admixture might stoke the fire in your sweat lodge.. cause at the pace you're going you'll be left in the dust
They use toilet paper but they put it in the trash can.
FUCKING SPIC SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read a history book you drunkard.
Metallurgy alone has been discovered and rediscovered independently several times in the Old World
-Vinka Culture in Europe
-Yellow River civilization China
-Indus Valley Mesopotamia
-Olmec Civilization, South America
Yes, I'm sure being what amounts to a careless animal is amazing.
Chico was South American, and did not predate Vinka.
You've obviously never met a native. Their almost worse than niggers.
wtf is race baiting?
Yes, because just look at how much of a utopia modern reservations are you fucking idiot.
bullshit in school I was taught that natives were peaceful loving people that had a much deeper understanding of agriculture than europeans at the time
There is certainly a large indian influence in germany due to Winnetou from Karl May, but what really did it to me was the travelouge Maximilian Prince of Wied’s Travels in the Interior of North America.
they're not natives, they come from mongolia and
should be made to go back, like reddit.
They have nice music I guess
my wife is an iinjun
savage yes
Still not as useless as a white roastie
Fucking savages they were slaughtering each other before we came here if it wasnt for the generosity of the white man they wouldnt even exist
What's your point? Some things were developed independently and in the new world too. Who gets a trophy now?
I'll take that as authentic naivete.
i love my wife very much
and yes the white roastie is an abomination
im reussian so its a good mix lol
The point is that North American Injuns are niggers.
human origin is settled science.
nope rabbi nope
>Jow Forums: "Africans are dumb because they didn't have cold weather so they never needed to build shelters!"
>Inuits, who lived in one of the coldest climates on earth, never made anything beyond an igloo or wooden longhouse
makes you think
>no domesticable animals except for fucking llamas in the mountainous parts of the southern hemisphere
>hurr durr why can't they into civilization
I guess India is the best example for modern evolution then. Very class based, high breeding. Someone really screwed up things with that industrial revolution.
Oh not this bullshit. Inca didn't even have fucking wheels or a currency and they still ran an empire, and there definitely were domesticable animals in the Americas, unfortunately many were hunted to extinction by native populations, which is what happened the North American horse. This is also completely ignoring that the Americas still had Bison and buffalo, species comparable to the ancestors of modern ox.
Who would want to stick around with dumb white niggers fucking everything up
Is there a point here?
last october i get this this phone call...
Hey friend how sharp is your knife???
I say you know its sharp lol
man says to me meet me at sandy lake store i got us 2 moose
I say im on my way
we go out into the field and the old man tells me there in the slew bottom
I say thats 500 yards
He said thats right you sighted my gun good for a white man lol
we get the moose take them to the school where the grad 5 class helped us dress and quarter the critters and then we ate.
say what you will about the red man but ill say this
I met an old man some met a NHL hero
this man taught me about forgiveness and love
we are friends we hang out at my shop smoke and eat pie
fredie likes pie
he wont be here long so
my point is an asshole is an asshole no matter what color you paint it
You have to be 18 to post here.
>What are you reading?
>Das Kapital, from Karl May.
>What the fuck, Das Kapital was written by Karl Marx, not Karl May.
>It was suspicious, I admit. I read about 50 pages so far and there is not a single Native American...
Before the white man arrived we lived off the land and were one with nature. Before the white man we could drink out of any river or stream.
They are destroying the earth and the trees which give us life. We all have a common destiny with the tree.
I want to bump this thread. Maybe it evolves into something more then mindless shitposting